Semua Bab Fated Mate: Bab 51 - Bab 60
64 Bab
Unwanted Visitor
“Mi amor, you called me, otherwise you wouldn’t have known I was here.” He had his cool matter-of-fact tone. It annoyed her even more.A smile crept on her face, she hadn’t heard that phrase for a while, and it touched her more now than it ever did before. She’d missed it and that silly tone he used when he talked to her like a child. She’d missed everything about him, him annoying and wonderful.“Okay, mister smarty pants, see you in—” A loud bang startled her, she dropped the phone and it shattered when it hit the ground.She turned toward the noise, the door was on the floor and Sabrina stood on top of it. Ann and Maria were on their feet staring at her, frozen by shock. Sabrina stepped off the door and looked around the room. When she spotted Lee at the window she turned and faced her, her face lit up, her face curved in a smile. She looked happy, not happy joy, but happy wicked
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Death's Door
“That son of a bitch changed you!” she yelled, and then a loud growl followed. She crouched, mimicking Lee’s current stance. Lee felt her muscles tightened, her fingers curled at the tip.“I was fine fighting a ghost. I was irritated having been lowered to fight a human, but now I’m pissed off that I have to fight my own kind!” Sabrina leaped knocking her onto the floor.Lee hadn’t seen her coming. She cringed holding her knees to her chest as a searing pain tore through her belly. Sabrina rose leaving her on the ground breathless. She moved over her toward the girls.“Lee!” She heard Maria’s frantic shrill behind her. Lee turned on her side and looked up. Maria was holding Ann against herself, her back toward Lee. Sabrina was standing over her; she reached down to grab her hair. The rage was back, hotter than it was twenty seconds ago. Lee sprang to her feet and rushed toward them. She gra
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She's Not Sick
“Joe, we need to do something.” Maria was on the couch with Lee’s head on her lap. They immediately left for Florida after Sabrina’s attack. Ash had spent days watching Lee hoping she would wake up but scared she wouldn’t. When he couldn’t take it anymore he drowned himself in liquor and left Maria and Ann to look after her.“I don’t know what to do.” He crouched down by the couch next to Maria. He wanted to touch her but she was still jumpy. They hadn’t told them what they really were, but Maria had some idea with an image to back it up and she was scared.“Why not take her to the hospital?” Ann was down next to Joe holding Lee’s hand.“We can’t do that. We can’t risk humans knowing of our existence.” Billy stood over Ann his hands crossed over his chest.Ann stood up with a questioning look on her face. “You are worried about coming out of the closet?”“People are going to get killed if they so much as get an inkling of what we are, of what she is.”Maria moved from under Lee, placi
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Lived Long Enough
She looked around the bathroom. It was huge! It looked like a catalogue bathroom for the rich and famous. The floor and walls were cream marbled with a historic feel to it like the living room. “Are these guys’ billionaires or something?”Ann laughed then reached down to help her up. “No. They’ve just lived long enough to save up to afford it.”“What?”“You are the one who said they looked exactly the same as they did when you were five.”“Oh, right.” Lee supported herself on the crystal sink. She ran her fingers over the bronze taps which looked really expensive—according to the little history she paid attention to in class—the taps do belong in a museum.“We are waiting for Ash to explain it to us.” Maria handed her, her toothbrush. “I had it close just incase.” Then she laughed, more out of relief than amusement.“Where is Ash
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Don't Remember
Joe turned, he gave her a smile, and then he looked up at Billy, the look in his eyes lethal. Billy backed down, relaxing his stance, but still kept an eye on Lee. Joe had noticed their silent cold war. She turned to face her sisters, pretending not to have seen their quiet exchange. She placed her elbow on the table and put her chin in her palm. She wanted to look at ease but she was still ready for anything—just as Billy was.“Don’t you want to take a shower first before you eat? You’ll feel more comfortable.” Ann spoke, oblivious of the tension in the kitchen.“I don’t think my stomach will be willing to wait that long. I can do that when we get home.”Billy moved, she dropped her hand and placed it on the table. Her eyes shot at him, meeting his fidgety eyes. The tips of her fingers were already curling inwards. He stiffened then paused. They held each other’s gaze, both waiting for each other to jump.
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He's Awake
They heard a stir, and then a grumble. They all looked toward the door, waiting. The next minute they heard a glass shatter and an enraged growl. Billy sprang out of his seat and stood in front of the door, Joe flashed beside him, blocking the girls’ way.“Where is she?” Ash gave a loud roar from the living room. It made the guys stiffen. The last time she saw them so alert was at the diner. Surely Ash wasn’t going to go on a rampage?“Ash is awake,” Maria spoke above a whisper.“Is he going to turn into a wolf again because he really sounds mad scary?” Ann looped her hand with Maria’s. She sounded scared. The girl who was hitting out on the drunk wasn’t so courageous now that the drunk was awake.There was a loud break then a crash from upstairs. “Where is she?” Ash’s temper was mounting.Lee was wrong he was already on a rampage. He was taking out his frustration on the furniture. Her sisters looked more frightened.She put her fork and knife down and reluctantly pulled away from he
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First Taste
She felt a sharp pain in her inner lip, and then she could taste fresh blood on her tongue. Ash flicked his tongue on the spot, and then he sucked deeply. It hurt but she didn’t move neither did she stop him. He was hungry and for some insane reason she didn’t mind him feeding off her.She heard Billy and Joe hiss behind her. She opened the hand behind her back, cautioning them not to come near them. A deep angry growl rocked the room. It startled everyone, even Ash. That had to be Billy.Ash pulled away, for a moment she saw his eyes flash golden yellow and his face had desire all over it then they were back to brown and he had disgust in his face. “I’m so sorry.” He pulled at her legs, trying to unwind them around his waist but she only tightened the lock.“Stop that. I was just stuffing myself with some steak, would you like some? There is only one left.” Her lips throbbed. She passed her tongue over the long cut he h
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New Life Together
The cold droplets on Lee’s face woke her up. She lifted her hands to cover her face before she opened her eyes. Ash was standing over her, his head bent down shaking his wet hair over her.“Ash what are you doing?” She turned, hiding her face in the pillow, but the water droplets were now on her neck. She couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness. “Ash, will you stop that!” The drops stopped, but she stayed as she was, just in case it was a trick.“If you don’t turn, I’ll pour a whole bucket on you.” His voice was full of laughter. She turned to look at him. He wasn’t pale anymore. His earthshaking smile dominated his face, his eyes reflected his happiness. He was shirtless and still wet, in black flannel pants.“You look better, healthier.”“You don’t look too bad yourself, especially in my shirt.” He tugged at the edge of his light blue, long-sleeved shirt. It
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How They Met
“Guys, breakfast is ready!” Martha shouted from the bottom of the steps. Her husband, Dave, walked into the kitchen holding Alice and placed her in her chair before he took his seat at the table. “I’m going to count to three. One, two…” Dave chuckled when two doors slammed shut as Jayson and Merilee came racing down the steps. He always wondered what would come after two, but Martha always got them to do what she wanted before she reached the dreaded three. Dave looked around the table at his family and smiled. They were a close nit African family. He and Martha had gotten married young and moved to America when Dave got a job immediately after he finished varsity. They were happy and had three beautiful children to show for it. Jayson ten, Merilee five, and Alice had just turned three. They had made it a point to have their meals together. Dave worked round the clock to pay off the house loan. The extra hours and the normal workload kept him very busy and left little time to spen
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Defining Moment
 “Sabrina, that’s enough.” Ashat shoved her off him. He pulled on his pants and got out of bed to get another beer.“Are you sure?” she asked, using her horny voice. She was now seated on the bed, naked. She rubbed her right foot slow and seductively over her left leg, as her fingers played with her long hair. If you are trying to seduce me, you’ll have to try harder.Her face dropped and then suddenly turned red in a rage. She growled at him and in a huff pulled the sheet to cover herself.“I may love you but that doesn’t give you the right to treat me like a whore! You shouldn’t have bit me if you wanted to dispose of me once you grew tired of me!”Well, that was your profession. Biting you was a mistake, a huge one. He shrugged. I guess I was hungrier than I thought. Then the familiar pain settled over him. I only love one person, and you are no
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