Semua Bab Mated To The Ruthless Alpha King: Bab 21 - Bab 30
69 Bab
Fuel To The Fire
'What is this? A trick of the fullmoon? Or a once in a fullmoon occurrence?'Sarah's stomach did little flips and her soft cheeks flooded over with red. It was an odd feeling, a feeling of both arousal and embarrassment. She was always naturally nervous and scared all the time, but she wasn't one to blush so furiously nor get aroused over something as trivial as physical contact. The sensations that were corrupting her body, mind and soul, were fairly new to her...another addition to the list of strange things that derived from meeting Damon.Yet...she couldn't deny that it was exhilarating and exciting.Back when Mr knack forced himself unto her, the only emotions she felt were disgust and hatred. The both of them made her feel totally different things, but there wasn't much difference between them...behaviour and personality wise. They were both Devils among humans and werewolves. They didn't care about someone as trivial as her. And the only thing they
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a game of resistance
"Hello, little mate."Damon was smiling. Damon was literally SMILING from ear to ear! Sarah's lips parted to let out an astonished gasp, her wide eyes unable to control studying every twist and curve of his features. His cheeks drew upwards and his full lips thinned the further they stretched across his face, forming two dimples that she knew absolutely nothing about. His eyes were no longer hazel, but golden and as she stared into them, she could decipher three emotions dwelling there...excitement, intrigue and something else that seemed pretty close to desire. Despite how much she was entrapped by his abysses, she managed to break eye contact and draw her gaze downward. The two odd things she noticed were that his fingers kept twitching and he was bouncing on his toes...not in a creepy way though, more like he was overflowing with excitement....And he almost seemed as if he could hardly keep himself from pouncing at her.But why would he pounce at her? Could it b
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uncontrollable desires
Sarah woke up with her skin lubricated with sweat and the space between her legs paved with heat. She could hardly move at will and her whole body felt weak to the point where she could barely keep her eyelids from drooping. There was also this inexplicable feeling in the pit of her unbearable desire for something, something that she had never craved for so desperately before.She was unmistakably inexperienced in so many ways that it was almost embarrassing and everything about her screamed innocent, but she wasn't a complete idiot, she knew a few things. Yes, she was clueless when it came to certain aspects of life, however, at the moment she knew exactly what was going on with her body... She was aroused, very aroused to the point where it was slowly becoming painful.But even after knowing that, there were still some things about her situation that she just couldn't understand no matter how hard she tried to. She knew that men woke up with their thingy
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"What's wrong with her?"Damon had been pacing back and forth in front of his room for around fifteen minutes. After having seen Sarah creeping on the floor like that as her arousal tickled his nose sensuously, one could only imagine how turned on he was right now. And what's worse, her sweet scent had risen thick in the air, driving him to the brink of inebriation. He couldn't get enough of her scent, even now."Snap out of it, dude. You're spacing out again with that creepy look on your face." Jason cringed as he flopped down on the bench and crossed his legs in a scissor-like fashion. "I'm beginning to think that I should've just left the moment you went all ape, especially since you' know..." Damon still kept his pokerface even as Jason glanced downwards at his crotch for a split second before jerking his face away, a disgusted look crossing his features. "Not cool, man...not cool.""What's wrong with her?" Damon repeated for the umpteenth time
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time to mate
Warning: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD! You may skip over this chapter if this doesn't suite you!********With their soft lips rubbing, dancing and pushing against one another, it was quite clear that the yearning was at it highest on both ends. They shared undeniable attraction towards one another, something similar to a strong magnetic pull...the only difference was that nothing could break them apart right now, not even the need to breathe.As they each drew closer towards one another bit by bit, heat clashed between their bodies, creating that same friction that always made their skin tingle and their rationality go absent. Both of them were so engrossed in their kiss that even if there was a boulder hurling towards them, neither would be able to take notice of it.But it was to be expected. A touch of the had been waited upon since they had just met...of course the urge was more severe on Damon's side, but nonetheless, he had pull
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I'll give you anything you want
Sarah woke up early in the morning when the birds were still chirping their sweet tune and the sun was still painting the outdoors with gentle morning light as it rose in the sky. The first thing she noticed was that her body wasn't filled with that fervent heat that plagued her before she fell asleep. The second, was that she could feel a warm surface beneath her body...a rock-hard surface that didn't feel like the mattress at all. And the third, was the soft breaths that she felt hitting the skin of her face.Raising her head slightly, Sarah rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand then reopened them to take a good look at the strange surface beneath her. At first, her eyes met the soft sheets and then as her gaze rose upwards, she was met with the face of none other than Damon Kalesto.The surface she felt beneath her and the breaths that she felt against her skin belonged to Damon...a bare chested Damon. Sarah's eyes grew excessively large and without thinking
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Jealousy or not
Note: When Damon and Liam talks to each other, nobody can hear what they are saying because they are conversing in his head.%%%%%%%%Damon ran a hand through his hair. "I'm not going to hurt y-" he tried to soothe her, but before he could finish his sentence, she cut him off with sharp words that pretty much paralyzed him in his spot."T-Then disappear a-and let L-Liam have control."At that, his calm exterior came crashing down like rain.He never expected that...not one bit. But who would've seen that coming from such a soft-spoken and gentle girl? She was never one to speak up in front of him, and even when she bottled up the courage to, she was always mindful of her words. Now that wasn't the case.Didn't she know that he was the king here, or has she forgotten? How could she dare to ask that of him; the alpha King? It was either she slept away all her manners or he somehow managed to get soft all of a su
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punish me, alpha
"L-Liam?" Sarah shifted slightly, her eyes bashfully staring up at him from under her lashes. Last time they both met, she had no idea that he even existed and now that she knew, she was confused with what to do, especially since she was completely naked right now. Perhaps she should've listened when Damon made a fuss about her nakedness."Here I am!" He gleamed at her cheerfully, eyes fixated on her face as his smile broadened. "But--" his gaze suddenly narrowed then he glanced down at himself then back at her. "--is there a reason why you asked for me at this particular time...when you're naked and I'm naked? Don't tell me that the cute and innocent Sarah is finally getting naughty?" He wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled when Sarah's cheeks filled with red. "That was to be expected though...Any innocent woman would've been corrupted both body and soul after having such a steamy night with Damon." He said, stressing the word 'steamy'.Sarah didn't have anything to
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who's in control?
It was around 11am in the morning and Sarah and Liam had been cooped up in the room all morning. No, they weren't shagging each other over and over. Frankly, they already had enough of that yesterday...though Sarah was the only one who thought so. Right now, she was standing between Liam's legs trying to get to know a little bit about him as she did her best to comb out all the knots in his messy hair.So far, she found out 5 things:1. He liked to eat raw meat. It was very disturbing to hear something like that after having shoved her tongue down his throat, but Sarah swallowed her vomit nonetheless as she didn't want to have Liam feel bad about himself. He's a wolf and she's a human, so there was bound to be differences...disgusting differences. But she could handle long as she doesn't think too hard on it.2. He hates humans...obviously that excludes her. He probably didn't have a good history with them, judging by the way he was frowning when he told her.
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Damon released one of his hand from their hold on her waist and ran it through his hair. He wasn't planning on making it known that he had taken control yet...but he managed to let it slip within just a few measly seconds. Why did he have to mention anything about Liam when he didn't even want to? The words just fired out of his mouth without even asking for his permission first. He had no control over it. But what's done is done. All he had to do now was to lessen the blow at his pride by getting ahold of himself quickly. An alpha King couldn't be acting up over something so trivial.Who cared what she did anyway? Whatever she and Liam does in their time was their business. With that being said, why did he feel so angry about it all? Why was he so angry that she treated him indifferently but was so fond of Liam that she even allowed him to touch her while knowing full well what she was doing?"Yeah, I'm Damon so what?" He raised his voice defensively, brows angril
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