Semua Bab Mated To The Ruthless Alpha King: Bab 41 - Bab 50
69 Bab
Quest for answers 1
"Stop pacing. You're disturbing me." Sarah complained weakly as she gloomily twisted the spoon through her chocolate ice cream, her downcasted eyes watching Jason's feet pace along the floor back and forth.He shifted his eyes to her and snatched the ice cream bowl from her hands with a scornful look on his face. "You're the one who's disturbing me. Why the hell are you playing with something as delicious as ice cream.""It doesn't taste that good." She said simply, reclining in her seat lazily. She didn't feel like watching him pace every second and she didn't feel like listening to him talk either. Ice-cream was the least of her problems.He took a spoonful of ice cream from the bowl and stuffed it into his mouth, a large smile forming on his face as he savoured in the taste. "It doesn't taste good." He mocked with his mouth still filled. "Then why didn't you take your precious Nutella instead?" After the few times Jason had visited the house, he was pre
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Quest for answers 2
Damon's knuckles that had been littered with bruises due to the hard punches he had delivered, were now fully healed but blood still sticked to Damon like a second skin, almost completely changing the colour of his shirt to red. The funny thing was, none of that blood was his own...not even a single drop. Everything belonged to that giraffe-looking twat that laid his filthy hands on what wasn't his and even dared to challenge him for a fight that he knew he couldn't win.Such brazenness had never met his eyes in years. He deserved all that he got and more, much more. How dare he?! If it weren't for the alliance that they had forged a few weeks ago, he would've broken every single bone in his body and ripped through all his flesh until all he could see was blood wholly covering him.Damon was angry. The horrid thoughts he was having, the grim look on his face and the violent rising of his veins made that very clear. Even though he had stowed away for a few hours aft
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A promise is a promise
Damon was lying on his side of the bed, his arms folded across his chest and his signature frown in place. As for Sarah, she was the exact same; arms folded and a frown residing on her face. They were both so aggravated by earlier events that neither of them choose to speak to each other since. But as much as they were bothered by it, they could hardly keep their resentment burning thus long. It was already a miracle that they had managed to successfully ignore each other for the whole of yesterday and the day before.Tonight, however, they could no such thing.Damon couldn't deny that it would've been so much better if Sarah was cuddling up under his arm instead of huffing and puffing at the other end of the bed...while Sarah couldn't deny that she felt way better when he was angry at someone else and not her. But...pride....that was what kept them from reconciling.Moreover, a few weeks ago when they started sleeping together, they hadn't slept apart sin
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Pretty little kitten
"Sarah!" Damon shouted at the top of his lungs, his feet stomping across the room and over to Sarah who was sitting on their bed, her nails stuffed into her mouth meanwhile a smile slowly blossomed on her lips. He had just came back from searching all the rooms on the premises and yet he still couldn't find what he had been searching for all this time...his favourite black shirt. It was always placed at the front of his closet where he could always see and find it, but for some odd reason, it was now nowhere to be seen.And seeing as there's only one person living in this house besides himself, he was more than positive that she was the culprit."Where did you hide it?" Damon asked in annoyance, his hand reaching out and plucking her finger out of her mouth to grab her utmost attention. "You seriously think I'd hide your shirt? I really don't have it, I swear." She held her hands up in surrender as she denied his accusations, yet the guilty look on her fa
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Pleasure Like No Other
"Damon?" Sarah's excited smile blossomed brighter than before as she watched Damon who was now fully shifted in front of her. Her amazed eyes swallowed every bit of his appearance...his fur that was as black as night, his eyes that were of a beautiful golden colour and his long, heavy limbs that looked ten times more stronger than in human form. Sarah could do nothing but stare at him from head to toe, then from toe to head. It was the first time she had seen a werewolf shift so clearly and you could say she was more than impressed.The wolf hoisted its head somewhat cockily as if howling, his beautiful fur flowing with the whooshing wind that escaped through the open windows. With itching fingers and a heart filled with nothing but excitement, Sarah crawled off the bed and made her way towards him on the top of her toes. It was Damon so she was indeed wary of touching the ticking time bomb, but nonetheless, her feet moved onwards despite her worries. She was eager to use t
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Pleasure Like No Other 2
Damon's tongue plunged through her parted lips and intruded upon her grounds, searching, exploring, wandering everywhere it could. Sarah's own tongue followed the lead of its master, twisting and twirling around his as moans of pleasure descended from her lips. His expertise in this particular area was astounding...and as such, his tongue down her throat could be nothing else but pleasuring.She ceased the opportunity to push her hips closer to his, feeling his mighty erection pushing up against her front. Damon groaned deep in his throat, his hand that was digging into her hips slipped down to her ass, grabbing her flesh into his palm and kneading it as much as he wanted. His lips released her own while his tongue ceased its assault on her mouth. He brought his gaze to hers then licked her cheek with his warm tongue as his right hand descended lower than her ass, slithering down until it was underneath her dress and riding straight up towards her awaiting core.Sa
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She's here; the woman in red
"It's funny how a few moments ago, you were so adamant on finishing your work that I even had to resort to confiscating that stupid shirt. But now, you don't even want to step a single foot out of the room." Sarah said as she looked up at Damon who was hovering over her.He hummed at her words, an unruly side of his lips quirking up without his permission. "It's a must that I stay if you're offering me something I want." He dropped his head in the crook of her neck while making sure that his legs and arms held him up and prevented his full weight from embracing her. Sarah shivered at the contact. His breath was playing with her skin and the tip of his shaft that was pressed against her stomach, brought forth numerous images into her mind. They had just finished their little 'sexual moment' and she was indisputably tired as hell, but it seemed as if tiredness didn't stop her from craving more than she could even manage.Sarah's cheeks brightened and her wide eyes lo
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Clash Between The Old And The New
Sarah's heart sped up and the thoughts circulating around in her head pulled to a stop. Her blue eyes encircled her face then pulled to a stop on another blue pair of eyes. Everything stopped and the world was suddenly centred around the woman called 'Katie'. Even the sound of wolves howling outside was drowned out into nothingness. Sarah could tell, she could feel it, she could see it. The resentful look in her eyes, the slightly scornful pull of her lips and the aura of superiority that sparked in both the way she dressed and her straight-shouldered posture. This woman would be nothing but trouble.There was no doubt that Katie didn't like her one bit. And similarly, there was no doubt that Sarah felt the exact same way. As she stared at the woman before her, one sole thought flashed through her mind over and over: 'slam the door shut!' That wasn't exactly what Sarah would usually think of, but the pool of emotions that swam through her was enough to even boost her to pull
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Damon Going For The Kill
"D-Damon?" The simultaneous call of his name made his body begin to itch. Before him there were two of which was still knocking at his heart...while the other had slipped into his heart and reeked havoc.'How is she standing there alive and well?'That was the first question he asked himself. And his first solution was...hallucination. Just like that time at the mall, this could be nothing except that. But the harder he thought, the more implausible that sounded. It'd been years since he had beaten himself up about her betrayal and as such, it'd been years since he experienced hallucinations. This woman could be no one but her, skin and bones. But what his mind could not possibly explain, was her change in scent. She didn't have the scent of a werewolf, this was the scent of a human, a regular human. That could only mean her wolf counterpart had perished...But how? And was that the reason why he couldn't locate her all these years?No, how and
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Opening Up
"Human, I need clothes!" A female voice echoed from the guest room then down the stairs and into Sarah's ears. Sarah balled her fingers into a fist and twisted her body around. Her glaring eyes first roamed towards the man who was sitting on the couch in a daze, then redirected up the stairs in the direction that Katie resided.Ever since Katie started staying here, she has forever been tormenting her. Go get that, go do was as if she was her personal secretary or rather, her personal slave. And frankly, Sarah was sick and tired of her so much that she wished Damon had kicked her out...despite her calamity.And the same goes for Damon Kalesto. If she could kick him out then she would. He was irritating, frustrating...and any other annoying thing you could think of. As of the moment she started living here, he has not been himself. He doesn't talk much and he barely even eats. The only thing he does is stare out of nowhere like a madman. And whenever Sarah
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