All Chapters of Stubborn Briella : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
91 Chapters
Chapter 31 walking home
I made him leave so I had time alone. The flowers here are so beautiful, they remind me of my mother, strong, delicate, with no worries. I mean she had worries but not the kind that leaves her up at night questioning herself if it’s all worth it. She would tell me stories about how scared she was when I was born, she had no idea how to handle my ‘special abilities’ ( it’s what she called it). After a few hours passed I started walking back home. The sun has gone down and all I can see is darkness and hear the crunching and cracking of the things under my feet. The house is a million miles away and flying is a no go.Ugh it’s been hours of walking and I feel like my feet are going to fall off. Pulling out my wings I check to see if they are still soaking wet and of course they are. I shouldn’t have gotten into the water before putting these things away. Not only does it k
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Chapter 32 sore
We talked for what felt like hours until I was walking ahead of him almost to the border of the pack house, the sun had started to rise. And when I turned around to ask him a question he was gone. I didn’t even hear him walk away or run. Shrugging I finished walking, getting stopped by some of the guards on borderline duty. Instead of questioning who I am, they questioned if I was hurt or needed anything. Declining all their offers I walked past them, the only thing I wanted was my bed!! Walking through the town I notice everyone staring and whispering amongst themselves. I just rolled my eyes and kept on going until I reached the pack house. Taking each step one at a time as they were really making my legs want to give out right now. When I reached the door, without having the chance to grab the door handle, it's being swung open by my father standing on the other side.“ Briella! Where the he
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Chapter 33 stupid alpha
“ say ahhhhh” the doctor says sticking a popsicles stick on my tongue “ ahhh” “She looks fine. Her wings however are still very wet so I’d suggest taking them outside and idk flapping them around a bit?” Is he really guessing right now “ I’ll call my mom and ask her what I should do.” I say rolling my eyes. I shouldn’t be surprised he wouldn’t know how to handle it. But it would be nice if more people understood.“ Now are you ready to explain why it took so long for you to leave? If you would have said something while I was there that you were going to be out so late I would have stayed.” Is this what guilt feels like? The pit of my stomach started to turn at the though
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Chapter 34 Rome
Rome kept popping up in my dreams last night. Nothing romantic, don't be nasty. He kept talking to me, something about finding him and Sitting at the kitchen table I can hardly keep my eyes open as Erik makes breakfast.  “ Are you okay?” Erik asked, setting a plate of eggs on the table next to the plate of bacon and sausage links.  “ why?” Groaning, I take sips out of my ice coffee tucking my legs up to my chest.  “ you haven’t touched anything on your plate.” He pointed to the food in front of me as he sat down in the chair across from me. I didn’t say anything, I just got up from my seat and walked out. I can’t look at him while another guy is running through my head. I can’t leave without him knowing either, he put a bell on the front door and an alarm on my balcony door so he’ll know everytime
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Chapter 35 New
“ what?” I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting him to say that “ I love you, Briella. I know you aren’t ready to say that. But I am, I need you to know that I love you without the bond.” “ liar” I mumbled pulling my arms out of his grip. Turning to face the door I cross my arms over my chest making my wet clothes make a squishy sound “ I’m not lying, you don’t want us because you think it’s just the bond holding me to you. But it’s not. Anyone with eyes could see you are worth more than that.” He cheered “ shut up.” I whispered holding my eyes shut “ No, you need to know this Briella, I really need
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Chapter 36 revenge
“ do you really have to leave?” He asked me holding on to my bag that’s thrown over my shoulder “ I do.. I don’t know what’s going on. Also I hurt you and that’s the last thing I ever want to do again.” Telling him this was the worst thing I’ve ever had to do. I’ll have to admit he’s kinda grown on me. Oh shut up I know it’s just the bond but I’ve kinda enjoyed having him around. “ I’ll do anything to help protect you, you don’t have to leave whatever is going on, we can figure it out together.” He pulled me closer to him holding me tighter “ My dad is going to be here soon, Erik.” Swallowing, I look away from him. “ you have to
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Chapter 37 death
Yelling and screaming filled the air around me. Markus left me standing there by myself to help everyone else. Looking out towards the field so many body’s laying on the ground either dead or injured. Watching my pack fight for their lives because of me.. this is all my fault.. my eyes started flickering white and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe. I can hear my phone ringing over and over in the background but talking to Erik is the last thing on my mind right now. I watched as I saw my dad and mom walk out into the field in their wolf form. “ Alexander!!” I yelled for him through the link as loud as I could. I know  once I step foot on the field I won’t be able to control myself “ what?? Can you see we are in the middle of something?” He growled 
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Chapter 38 war
Erik POV  “ what did she say??” I asked Andrew as he stormed into the room with a worried look on his face. “ I hung up on her sir, it sounded like someone knocked her bedroom down and all I heard was attack and that she was needed” he told me trying to catch his breath Picking up my phone I immediately called her over and over praying that she’d pick up the phone. I knew it was a horrible idea to let her leave!! “ come on pick up the fucking phone” I mumbled to myself trying really hard not to crush it in my hand“ sir, maybe she’s busy!” Andrew suggested something that only made me more angry. It’s not that I don’t t
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chapter 39 Waiting
I watched as they pulled each burnt piece of skin off her legs and arms, the whimpers she made aches my soul to the core. I can’t help but think this is all my fault. I should have fought harder to keep her home. I should have told her she didn’t hurt me so she would have stayed. But she would have hated me even more for lying to her. Not being able to watch it anymore I stepped out for some air, her wolf is in overdrive trying to heal her, the doctor is working as fast as he can but it’s not fast enough for my liking. Her angel side is strong but healing herself from her own powers doesn’t seem to be something she's capable of. Pacing back and forth in the waiting room I’ll call my own doctor to come and assist theirs in hopes that would speed up the process.“ Don’t worry. He’s had many years of experience of healing Alice and Briella both. I also have her
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Chapter 40 Fuck
“ Would you like to see her?” Alpha Luca asked with a straight face as if he was had no idea what my answer would of been  “ of course I want to see her”  “ Please follow me.” Aaron said gesturing towards the door  “ What's wrong with her??” I asked as we walked to the room  “ Once I open this door, you won’t be able to unsee it. Are you sure you want to see her before she is fully healed?” He asked me once more and as always my answer was yes.  He walked two steps forward and pushed the door open. Once it was open wide enough that she was in full view my eyes have to be tricking me  “ trust me this is real” Andrew mumbled behind me he must be l
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