All Chapters of The boy I should not love : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
66 Chapters
Chapter 11- In my space
I can’t believe Golden is standing in my house, in the same kitchen I make myself food. I see her here but my brain can’t make sense of it. After we had ice cream she walked with us back here. I told her a it’s a long walk hoping she’ll change her mind and go home instead but no. The whole time we were walking I was in my head trying to figure out what’s happening, why does she want to be here with me? I figured maybe she’s curious, a fact that makes me uncomfortable. I wonder if she’s trying to get close to me, find out all she can about me and then expose me to the whole school. I feel like I’m being too trusting, she shouldn’t be here. But there isn’t much I can do now, she’s here. Looking around my house. “We’re going to play.” Mina says already pulling Jon to the door. She doesn’t wait for me to say if they can go or not. “Only for a little while.” I say behind them as they slam the door shut. I move from the kitchen to the bedroom window. From there I can watch the kids play
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Chapter 12 - The shift
“So, you hung out with Golden? That’s a development.” Zach says talking too loud for my liking. I look around us to see who’s listening. We’re on the school field to have our lunch, the closest person to us is the school grounds keeper and he’s on the other side. But still, you never know who’s lurking. We’re kicking it alone today because I had to tell someone about spending time with Golden or I’m going to burst. “She didn’t really give me a choice and can you not talk so loud,” I say speaking softly. “What do you mean she didn’t give you a choice?” He asks making a face at me but he lowers his voice. “We had ice cream and she came back home with us. I didn’t invite her, she sort of walked along with us until we got home.” He smiles at my explanation and I already know where this is going. “She was in your house, wow dude. You guys are moving fast.” He says smiling a very sly smile. He wiggles his brows over and over, I cringe inwardly at that. “Not like that. Don’t say that.
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Chapter 13- Breathe
“I can’t believe you and Cole broke up.” Amara says sitting across from me, at her favorite restaurant. She wanted to take me out for lunch since I’m going through a tough time. She called me last night telling me to get ready to go out today because she wants to cheer me up. I finally had the courage to tell them that Cole and I are on a break, for two weeks I let them believe that we were working through a small fight. But after 14 whole days of him ignoring me and pretending I didn’t exist at school I had, had enough. I sent Amara and Gina a PSA text and here we are. They are both distraught and concerned for my well-being. “They didn’t break up Amara, they’re on a break,” Gina says a little too loudly. The couple in front of us turns and looks at me with so much pity, I almost feel sorry for myself. I could ask Gina to speak quietly but what’s the point? It’s out there now; the strangers in the restaurant might as well know my business too. “But what does that even mean?” Amara
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Chapter 14 - No resistance
“I have a favor to ask.” Zach says across from me. I look up at the Ms Swan our English teacher. She doesn’t like talkers in class. She has her back to us but everyone knows she has supernatural hearing. She can tell you who’s talking without even seeing them. It’s like a mutant power, don’t understand what’s so important that Zach can’t wait until lunch. I give him a look to let him know I don’t want to talk right now. He raises his brows at me in question and then he gives me a shoulder shrug. What’s wrong with this dude? Did he forget where we are? Miss Swan doesn’t play. “No,” I say as quietly as possible. I want to tell him we can talk about this at lunch but that’s too many words and Ms Knight will definitely catch me talking if I say anything more than that. “What do you mean no? You don’t even know what the favor is.” He says whispering back at me. Of ‘course he thinks I’m saying no to his request for a favor and not to talk in Ms Swan’s class. I look at him hoping he can
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Chapter 15 - Fun
Leo “Are we going out again? This is the second time we’ve gone out this month. I like that.” Mina declares when we get on the bus. We find a seat and get comfortable; we have a two-bus ride ahead of us to get to Zach’s house. This first one is the shortest and the second one will get us a short distance from his house so we’ll have to walk there. And if I remember correctly is a long way, hopefully these two stay excited enough to not notice the distance. I know Mina will be fine; it’s Jon I’m nervous about. He isn’t a great traveler. He gets cranky and wants to go home. “I guess you could say this is an outing. We’re going to Zach’s birthday party.” I say explaining to them where we’re going. I didn’t tell them why we had to wake up early today, because we had to take the bus we had to leave earlier than usual. Mina seems to be game for the unknown. Since the trip we took with Zach and Golden Mina has demanded we go out at least once a month. I know I could have said no to her
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Chapter 16 - Link Up
“They’re in their element.” I say looking at her. She smiles waving at Mina and Jon; they wave excitedly back at her. “How are you?” She asks looking at me, she’s smiling at me. I wonder if she knows how beautiful her smile is. “I’m alright and you?” I say taken aback by how beautiful she looks. She’s wearing a yellow top and blue jeans. The yellow makes her skin glow in a mesmerizing way. Her long braids framing her face beautifully, they go all the way to her bum giving her a soft look. “I’m good.” She says and starts walking to a table behind us to sit down in a chair. I join her at the table sitting across from her. She looks at me saying nothing. I look away trying to gather my thoughts. What do we talk about now? I never know what to say when she looks at me like that. “Would you like a drink?” I ask her after a long silence. Being next to her always makes my brain switch of. It’s like I can’t think beyond her beauty. Do I sound pathetic? I feel like I sound pathetic. “I
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Chapter 17 - Responsiblity
“May we please have some cake? My heart is broken.” Zach says looking up at his mom still lying on the ground. “If you get up from there you’ll get up cake.” She says laughing at him. She knows Zach hates losing and the fact I won; beating the two of them has him pained. “I just want to say that you won by luck.” He says to me, I raise my arms not disputing that fact. If he hadn’t tripped I was going down. There’s no way I would have won against the two of them. Lady luck was on my side. “But a win is a win my friend.” I say and he grunts in disapproval, he gets up and goes into the house. He needs a moment to process his loss and that’s okay. “If everyone would sit down so we can all have some cake.” His mother says and we all find a seat. I welcome the opportunity to sit down because I’m tired. All that running around has me breathing hard. This may be a party game but I think it’s also a sneaky way for parents to get kids to exercise. Golden joins me and my siblings at our tab
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Chapter 18 - Good night
“Golden really did a good job. Did you say thank you?” He asks his little sister and comes closer to her inspecting my handy work. He’s wearing and all brown pant and t-shirt combo. The t-shirt has a logo on it; Mr. Brown’s. He smells so good; this is the first time we’ve stood this close to each other. I guess he showed while I was doing Mina’s hair. “Thank you.” Mina says appreciating all the attention her brother is showering her with. I don’t blame her he’s looking at her like she’s the best thing in the world. They make me smile. “You’re welcome.” I say smiling too. Leo looks at me smiling and mouths thank you to me. His smile makes my heart beat ten times faster. I look away trying to catch my breath, he smiles so rarely that every time he does I get all the feels. I’m not supposed am I? I’m confused. “Go and put your shoes on so we can go to Sofia’s.” He says to Mina and helps her get off the chair. Her little feet tap on the flooring as she walks to the bedroom to put her s
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Chapter 19 - Communicate
Sunday I woke up feeling good this morning. I’m glad I started my self-care last night. After my shower, face mask and the music. I had time to analyze my feelings. I started with my situation with Cole; it’s been over two months since we started our “break.” The first week felt like death, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was sad, lonely and lost. I didn’t think I would miss him as much as I did, there were days when I wanted to go beg him to take me back. It felt like I wouldn’t get through it. It is the main reason I didn’t tell the girls about the breakup. I knew that if I talked about it, I would cry. But eventually I found my footing. Before I knew it I didn’t miss him as much. I started to figure out my own way without him. And last night I realized the biggest part of this whole situation; I don’t care about him anymore. Of ‘course I don’t mean I don’t care about him as a human but I mean I don’t care what he thinks about me. As a matter of fact I don’t care what h
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Chapter 20 - Cosmic shift
It’s Monday morning that means I get to see Golden. I’m nervous; the last time we were in contact she sent me that text.  It took me by surprise; I didn’t expect her to do that. Now I don’t know how to react when I see her; does this mean that we can be friendly now? Pumping into her at the shop or at Zach’s party is way different from a text. A text is more personal. I don’t know how other people see it but to me, when you start texting someone. It means you’re friends, it means you wave at each other when you walk down the school hallway. But I don’t want to overstep, she may be cool with me when we’re outside of the school grounds but I don’t know how she feels about people knowing she and I are cool like that.Life at school is a different beast, there’s a hierarchy here. Golden is at the top and I don’t even rank on the scale. A fact that I was okay with before she became all friend
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