All Chapters of BROKEN PROMISES: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
Seven years agoThere were people everywhere. Mostly their parents' friends but still, she hadn't known these many people would come to celebrate Ray's birthday. It's not like he had any friends because he just kept to himself. In fact, Alexis would go as far as to say the only friend he had was Jayden, her younger brother. They went around together even though Ray was twice maybe three times older than him. She didn't understand what they talked about but it was none of her business. Boys would always be boys.Walking in she placed her gift next to where the others were. She hadn't known what to buy him so she'd asked her father who had suggested something boyish like a watch or even cufflinks. She didn't understand why boys were so complicated. If this was his sister's birthday
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Alexis looked at Ray from beneath her lashes. His eyes were so intense and they made her uncomfortable. She was sure he was taking a trip down Memory Lane just like she was. That day she'd stood there frozen not knowing what to do except kiss him back. He hadn't asked if he could kiss her or if it was alright to do so. But she also hadn't stopped him either. By the time he pulled back, her head had been buzzing and her lips tingling. He sure could kiss. For a while there she'd had a crush on him. He was after all her first kiss.Then two days later she'd seen him making out with another girl. Alexis had felt stupid for even thinking he liked her. He'd ignored her ever since they met so why had she thought that all of a sudden he liked her? She hated him for stealing her first kiss. How she wished it had been Connor or someone else but it was done. She also wasn't sure why Marjorie was bri
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           Stunned, Alexis shut her mouth and sat rigidly until Ray stopped the car on 5th Avenue. She got out and followed Marjorie into the store not bothering to know which one it was. Her head was spinning in circles trying to understand why he would say that when he didn't mean it. He couldn't.Before the kiss, he'd ignored her. Once when she was ten she had decided to bother him until he noticed her. Determined she'd gone to Vince's house to spend the weekend and she'd started with parking herself in his room. He had acted like she was invisible until she had started singing at the top of her voice. Then, he'd carried her out of his room and deposited her just outside the door and locked himself in. She had tried everything to make him like her but she'd failed. At least that's what she thought. It was what she was going to keep thinking. What he'd sai
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Four hours later they exited the shop. That was after Alexis had argued with Marjorie because apparently they'd decided to buy only four dresses but she'd found six that she really liked and wouldn't let go off until they were paid for. Then there were the shoes and since they hadn't talked about those, they argued for about half an hour until Ray decided to pay for them so they could just leave. But not before putting a reminder on his phone that said 'Never take Marjorie shopping' so he never fell into that trap again. Now that they were outside, he could almost hear Alexis' thoughts. She wanted to go with Marjorie but he wasn't going to let her. He had to clear some things up."I'll put those in the car" he snatched the bags she was carrying then walked to where his car was parked without looking back. He opened the back door placing the bags on the seat then turned
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             Hayley had invited the Lachlan's over for dinner. She wanted to know what Ray's plans were to get Alexis and a dinner seemed like the best place to ask without appearing as one of those nosy moms. She'd serve them dinner then ask for his help to clear the table when they were done. In the kitchen she'd corner him and ask him why he kept staring at Alexis all night. It was a solid plan. In her head. In reality things went sideways the second they stepped through the door.JR was still holding a grudge against Vince for keeping him away from her all those years ago. Every time they were in a room together, they glared at each like teenagers. Not that Vince actually cared. She'd taken him aside on her wedding day and asked him to bury the hatchet with her soon to be husband and surprisingly he'd said he held no grudges. But JR? Sometimes she wo
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"What was the purpose of having this dinner again?""None of your business." she snapped"Okay. I'll be here when you're done snapping. I deserve to know why I have to share a table with Vincent when it's not necessary." JR said kissing her cheek then going back to his food. Of course he was right. She hadn't told him why she invited the Lachlans for dinner but in her defense, he had a way of ruining things. Especially if he found out what she was doing. Hayley shuddered. Her husband would go berserk, that was for sure."So Ray how is work?" she asked throwing a piece of chicken in her mouth."It's okay..... ""That boring. Huh?"
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          Alexis looked around the club. It was packed and the line outside went as far as two blocks down. Marjorie whispered had been in New York for only a few days already knew all the cool new clubs. As if that wasn't shocking enough, she led them straight to the front of the line, where she spoke to a bouncer who after a few seconds, smiled and let them through. The people on the line groaned, complaining to the bouncer but Marj turned around, stuck her tongue out at them, then proceeded into the club.They followed her and Alexis didn't miss the way Ray paved the way for her pushing guys aside. He seriously acted like her bodyguard making her wonder why he did it. She also didn't know whether to like it or not. All through dinner she'd caught him watching her a few times and the look in his eyes unsettled her. Since she didn't want to dwell on it, she
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Ray watched Alexis scurry to the bathroom. He'd studied her for years and he knew her like the back of his hand. He would go as far as to say that he knew her better than his hand. Her moods when she was sad, happy, angry, manipulative -especially when she wanted something from her parents- she knew what to do or say to get whatever it was she wanted. But today? Today she was edgy. Dare he hope it was because of his confession? Otherwise, why would she be all nervous around him if what he said hadn't affected her? And to think he was going to take it back.For the past two days, he had been trying to come up with a plausible explanation as to why he'd said what he had. His excuses included saying that he was in love, but with someone else. Someone she didn't know. Or he could have said that he only told her that to annoy her. He was still in the process of concocting some believable lies
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was behind a building waiting for him. What was taking so long anyway? He said he would meet her there in five minutes and that was ten minutes ago. He better have a good excuse for making her wait for so long. After a few more minutes, she went looking for him since patience wasn't one of her virtues. Rounding the corner, she realized that place looked familiar. Or was it the building? Alexis shrugged thinking she was wasting precious time instead of going to find him. Where was he?She opened the first door and peeked inside. It was empty so she went to the next one. And the next and the next and they were all empty. She would have given up of the wind hadn't carried the sound of voices to her. A laugh to be exact. Following the direction of the wind, she walked and came to a stop on the other side of the building. Two people were talking and laughing and Alex
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"Oh my God Alexis...." she stopped midway realization dawning. "Am I interrupting something you guys?""Yes," Ray growled jumping off the bed. "Next time try knocking first," he told her and then he was gone."Wow. Sorry" she yelled at his retreating figure then turned back to Alexis. "You won't believe what just happened""What?""There was a man in my bedroom""And?""He is drop dead gorgeous.""Where did he come from?" Alexis asked finally paying attention."Dropped from heaven I hope. And you should hear him talk Alexis. I almost had
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