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81 Bab
                   She couldn't move. Alexis had woken up an hour ago but she couldn't move because she didn't feel like it. Because her limbs felt languid and her body.... Well, she didn't have a word to describe it. Stretching, she curled up on her side, hands on the pillow and head on top them thinking about the weekend. It had been amazing, thanks to Ray. Ray. Just the thought of his name sent her heart into a dance and heat pooling low in her stomach. Who knew what that tongue and those hands could do? Who knew what the man himself was capable of? She certainly didn't. And now that she knew, it was hard not to picture them going all the way.She had tried being with Connor. He was a good kisser but sadly that was as far as his abilities went. The first time they'd ventured from kissing, he'd tried moving his hands to her breasts and s
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"Good morning Beth," Alexis said smiling."Let's see how long you'll keep that smile on your face" she bit out walking away."Until the end" she murmured knocking on the door. An immediate 'come in' wasn't a good sign but she entered anyway. "Good morning sir""It is isn't it" he got up from behind his desk and walked towards her. "For people who can come in whenever they feel like, I'm sure it's a good morning. Tell me something Miss Barret, do you think you're special?""No sir""Good. At least you know that. For the time you were late, you're going to scrub the bathrooms. Maybe next time that'll wake you up early"Alexis blinked behind
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              Ray spun around to look at their new secretary. It took him a moment to realize he was staring at Alexis. Another one to watch the emotions flickering in her eyes. And another one to know what she was thinking. The time he took to notice all that was all she needed to fly at him and land a solid punch on his face. He staggered back cursing."YOU? You're the boss?""Alexis......""This was your plan all along? To make my life miserable, give me stupid advice so you can go and laugh behind my back with Jerkface?""Miss Barret....." Duke didn't get to finish what he wanted to say because Alexis punched him too."You shut up. God I should
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One, two, three seconds passed before Ray exploded. "You what?" his hand moved before his mind registered what he was doing. When Duke staggered back, Ray realized he'd punched him. "Why the fuck would you make Alexis clean bathrooms? Isn't there staff who were hired to do that?""Listen man..... ""I am going to walk away from this conversation before I give in to the urge of throwing you off that balcony" he pointed to the double doors that led outside. "I'll be back tomorrow. You better hope Alexis calms down or you will be the one out of a job""You can't fire me. This is as much my business as it is yours""You don't have to remind me that. I can't fire you but if the Rutherford Princess decides to take all our clients, it would be y
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    He hovered over her desk waiting for her to arrive. She wasn't late. Office hours started at eight in the morning and it was 7:20. Any other day, Duke Copeland would be in his office, going over that day's schedule or coming up with new ideas on how to manage his clients. But today he couldn't bring himself to concentrate on anything. He'd tossed and turned all night long. When it was apparent he wasn't going to fall asleep, he got up and poured himself a glass of whiskey then started pondering about how he was going to apologize to Miss Rutherford.Christ. When had he become such an idiot? The moment she'd walked in his office he'd taken one look at her and decided she was trouble. Mr. Lachlan had called to ask if he could hire her and anyone who knew Vincent Lachlan knew that it was beneficial to have him owe you a favor. Hiring Miss Barret meant Mr. Lachlan owed him one.
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"I swear I didn't know Princess. You have to believe me""How do you expect to do that when this is your company? Surely you had to know Jerkface had hired me. Or that Vince had sent me here""I agree that I should have known. But I was busy the week you started here. Your mother...." he stopped realizing that he was about to tell her he'd helped her mother decorate her house."What about my mother?""Nothing. I just mean that she can tell you how innocent I am."She tried to push him away but he wasn't going to move until she listened to him. And since talking was a waste of time when he used other means to persuade her.  "No. I don't believe you. H... How.... W.... What... " Ray sm
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She was avoiding him. Ray realized as he saw Alexis rushing to the elevator to catch up with her friends. He was glad to find out that Donnie was a cool laid back guy but what made him happy was that the guy wasn't interested in Alexis. He should have been ecstatic but he'd seen the way Duke looked at Alexis, with longing and admiration. Normally, Ray wouldn't do anything. Today was not normal. Especially when Alexis did everything she could to avoid talking to him. He knew he shouldn't have said those three little words.He hadn't meant to say them out loud. However, when she'd gotten on her knees, that was all he could think about. How much he loved her and how much she needed to know that. But clearly, that had been a mistake because every time Alexis saw him approaching her, she'd go the opposite direction or pretend to be busy. This morning they'd both stepped out of their apartments
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They sat down, getting straight to business and Ray realized his mistake a little too late. He was so focused on talking to Alexis that he forgot she wanted to take their business away from them. But in his defense, he thought she'd forgotten about the stupid advice he'd given her. From the way she charmed Axel, it was clear she hadn't forgotten anything. By the time the meeting ended, Axel was half in love with Alexis and he knew without a doubt that if she went through with her plans, he'd be the first client she poached. There was no doubt Axel would follow her to the end of the earth. What was Copeland doing when all that went down? The moron was too busy admiring her to notice what was going on. At this rate, they really would be out of business. Shit. Note to remember, never invite Alexis to another meeting. Like ever.As Axel stood to leave, Ray held Alexis' elbow when she tried to
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             Alexis looked at all the flowers surrounding her and groaned. It was so like Marjorie to go and overdo something. She was the one who'd called asking why Ray thought other men were courting her,  courtesy of him calling her to ask who they were. Of course, Alexis had denied everything at first but after an hour of nagging, she'd given up and told her friend why she'd lied. She wanted Ray to chase after her. Plain and simple. Connor hadn't worked for her time or affection. She had been so in love with him -at least she thought she was - that the second he'd kissed her she had agreed to be his girlfriend. And maybe that was why he took her for granted and cheated. Because she had been too easy. Isn't that what they said? Nothing that comes free holds it's value? In his eyes, she'd been willing to do anything for him. Even pay for hi
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Leaving? Fear and disappointment washed over her. Had she overdone it? Was he tired of chasing her already? "You're leaving?" he must have heard her panicked expression because he sat down and pulled her onto his lap."For business. I'll be back after a week or so""Oh," she sighed. That one word holding so much relief."You didn't think I was giving up. Did you?""No, not really""Have a little faith in me, Princess. I don't like that I said it out loud because you could use it against me whenever you want to but I won't ever give up on you. I will chase after you every time you run and be sure that I will catch you. However long it takes. Okay?"
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