Lahat ng Kabanata ng Bloodbound Secret : Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
45 Kabanata
31: A Strange Room
Zheira was sitting cross-legged on her bed while staring at Vladimir who’s leaning on the wall beside the doorway. “What do you think about that guest?” She tucked some strands of her golden hair to her ears.Vladimir breathed heavily. “He’s not different to my father. Whatever he showed you earlier is just a trick.”“But he knows how to fight my gift. He pushed me, remember? Maybe he can help me control it.” Eyes gleaming, he snorted. “He’s not someone you can trust. Besides, I’m here. I can help you.” He moved a little. In a flash, he’s now sitting beside her. “Are you planning something stupid?” His golden eyes scanned her. It felt as if he could see her soul.She diverted her gaze while fanning her hands. There’s a sudden warmth boiling from inside her with him so near. She shook it by muttering, “Of course not. Why would I do something like that?”His light-hearted laugh echoed in the room, making Zheira’s stomach turned upside down. He ruffl
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32: Coronation
The castle echoed the whistle of the trumpet as the sun rose from beyond the horizon. Common Vampires were walking toward the castle with big smiles. From inside, busy vampires swiftly ran and do things they were assigned to. It was impossible not to get dizzy once you looked at them in action.Walls were obscured by red, silky curtains, floating seamlessly, which was carved with a small, round, yellow crest. Arcs were made to stand beside each entrance, and those were graced by hedges and lilies.Vladimir walked past his room to observe things and to plan out their escape. He must ensure that both of them were safe and well. Zheira might disagree, but her complaints wouldn’t do anything if they’re already away from his father’s grasp; however, as he rounded the castle, he realized—with a pang—that every entrance and exit were heavily guarded.‘What the? How the hell will we escape without being seen?’ He frowned. ‘You’ll have to think fast, Vladimir. T
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33: Cold
Zheira was lost. All she could remember was being in a strange room and something about Eleanor. From then on, she had been shunned in the pits of shadows. She couldn’t even see her own body, but she’s not dead. Her heart was still beating, and yet, she felt empty like she’s in the center of a tug war; whether or not death wins her over, she knew she needed to escape this hell-like place. It was then that she started turning. The air pressure was too much for her skin, but what wrinkled her nose was the smell of corpse coming off from the unseen walls.Voices started echoing from her hopelessness. It came from the space itself. The sound waves became louder as the world slowed down. She could make out gray walls starting to visualize in thin air. Her eyes narrowed. Before she could even scream, she landed facedown on rough ground. Groaning, she crouched and patted the dirt away from her shirt. Her body turned rigid when she heard the voices earlier. The
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34: Death
Zheira was trying to wake her mother up, but she couldn’t even touch her. All she could do was to watch her lying helpless on the ground. She glared at Vladimir whose eyes were focused on his sister. She couldn’t even afford to look at him straight. He seemed to be a different person. In fact, he’s worse than the king himself. She wants to scream, trash, and vent the overwhelming emotion ironing her heart. The problem was, she couldn’t do any of it.She sighed, wishing more than ever to escape this memorial cage. She had long accepted she couldn’t control this kind of gift; however, if she stayed there much longer, she might turn insane.A cracking sound stopped any of her thoughts. Her eyes widened. Cracks were dancing around the mirrors. It was moving so fast the glass was easily filled with deep, thunder-like lines. Vladimir’s narrowed eyes trailed over the cracks. He bent, almost hugging his sister before surrounding himself with a
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35: Reckless
Zheira linked her arms around her knees. Her tears were flowing non-stop, and everything she believed in shattered into pieces. She couldn’t take the truth. Their death was triggered by a rebellion led by Vladimir, but he did not even bother to protect them when they were hunted. His conscience was dominated by his madness, only fueled by his vengeance.She clenched her fist while biting the lower part of her lips. Screaming wouldn’t give any satisfaction. What she needed was an absolute reason why her parents have to die. They’ve done nothing wrong; all they did was to help a man who has forsaken them and has only helped when everything was too late. Now she understood his abandonment. The common vampire’s glares and the mockery of the witnesses were rooted in his rebellion. A warm breeze danced around the room. It caressed her skin, sending an unknown shiver down to her spine. Her breathing quickened as a golden line started to trace the c
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36: Alone
Zheira’s hands were clasped against a red, tall gate. She hadn’t realized how far she had run until she found herself in North Hills. Her legs were sore, and her veins were tensed, but it was nothing to the tears trickling seamlessly from the corner of her bloodshot eyes. It felt as if sharp pins were piercing her heart as she stared at their two-story mansion.  She pushed the gate. In an instant, a small four-year-old girl ran with a delighted squeak in the front lawn, a skinny man chasing her.  “You can’t run away from me, Zheira!” Robert laughed. Though his voice seemed distant, it was enough to freeze Zheira on the spot.  The five-year-old Zheira turned, put her hands above her head, and stuck her tongue out. “You can’t catch me! You’re slow!” Her voice was serene and innocent.  Zheira could only raise her hand, wishing to get a hold of her younger self.  “Oh, your dead meat!” Robert sneered with a nasty grin. With
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37: Thwarted
Vladimir massaged his temple as he leaned against the soft backrest of his throne. “What did you say?”  Eleanor closed her eyes for a fraction. “She escape—forgive us, your majesty! I—We lost track of her whereabouts in Germany.”  “You mean to tell me, a girl slower than all of you, has escaped?” His voice was as sharp as the ends of a knife, and as though afraid to be pierced, the Elite Guards’ knees hit the ground, pleading relentlessly. “Useless!” He smashed his fist at the metal armrest; it released a deep, gong-like tune. If the Elites were given a choice, they would rather be eaten by the ground rather than facing the king’s wrath. “Forgive us, your majesty!” The Elite Guards bowed altogether. “We are worthy of your punishment!”  A splash of icy blue, water-like line crawled in Vladimir’s golden irises, just as his body radiated with raging water. He towered over the crouching Elite. “Then so be it.” Before any of them cou
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38: His Plan
Zheira was awoken by a big bucket of water. Its coldness penetrated her skin, sending an unwanted shiver down to her spine. A cold, rough hand touched her chin. “Look where your recklessness got you.” The voice was so cold and emotionless.“What? What a-am I—what am I doing—here?” Zheira could barely move her jaw. Her muscles were throbbing and her veins were constricting. If she did not try lifting her hands, she wouldn’t notice the chain linking around her chest.Xavier’s high, cruel laugh rang in the air. “Oh, it’s nothing, m`dear! It was just one of the potions I’ve mixed. See, the mortal’s so-called anesthesia doesn’t affect us vampires, so I need to find a way, right? And anyway, it’s for your own good. At least, you won’t feel anything when you die.”“I… I will—kill—”“Save your breath, child! You are not in the position to threaten me. Your life is in my hand. If you want me to spare you, you shut your damn mouth!” He crouched
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39: Immortality
The moon, together with the stars, was shining brightly beyond the horizon. It gave a light reflecting down to a small diamond hovering in the air. A blue line-like beam burst out of it, connecting toward the surrounding boulders of rocks. Each rock has a human hostage and one vampire. Their waists were tied by a silver chain, steaming off some smoke as it touched their bare skin.Standing outside the surrounding boulders were the Elite Guards, wearing gray capes and holding a sharp spear in their right hands. Eleanor walked past them, staring with furrowed brows at a man whose skin was shining under the moonlight, horns scratched wildly. She breathed deeply before diverting her gaze toward the hostages.“Are you positive they’re well-chained?” she asked the Elite near her.The Elite narrowed his eyes. “Affirmative. Their chains are laced with poisons. If they get wounded with their desperation to escape, the poison will seep through their skin and melt what’s left
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40: Fight to the Death
Zheira gasped as a flesh-searing pain crashed through her soul. She opened her eyes for a fraction and saw the creepy smile curving Xavier’s lips. Her hand shot straight to his cheeks, but the impact was so weak he would have never noticed it if he didn’t see her do it.Xavier narrowed his eyes, pressing the knife deeper into her skin. Zheira coughed and blood drooled out of her mouth. She let her tears streamed down her cheeks when her breath hitched. Her oxygen supply was starting to run out, so was her blood. Soon, she’d face the end she should have greeted a long time ago.Vladimir trashed, screaming for Zheira to hold on. His world turned upside down the moment he heard her heart beats erratically before it stopped moving. He screamed at the top of his lungs. It felt as though a pin forced itself inside his body, slicing every inch of him.“What a sad ending!” Xavier simpered. As if it wasn’t enough, he pulled the knife and sliced it in
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