Lahat ng Kabanata ng Bloodbound Secret : Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
45 Kabanata
21: The Dream
After the son and father staring contest, three vampires wearing red cloaks entered. Their knees hit the ground as they bowed. They were all concealing their faces with their hood. It’s clear they’re men, though. Their muscles were bulking on their cloaks. “Escort the young prince to his quarters, and find a room for his dear Zheira.” The king waved his hand, and the three vampires led Zheira outside. Vladimir glared at his father for the last time before walking out of the room. “I know how to walk, thank you!” snapped Vladimir when one vampire tried dragging him like what they’re doing to Zheira. Inclining his head, he crossed his arms. “Put your filthy hands away from that girl.”“The king’s order—” the vampire holding her tried to counter, but Vladimir gave him a steamy glare. “Don’t force me to cut that hand, you lowly Elite. I can ensure your misery with nothing but a flick of my thumb. So when I say you put your hands away
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22: Her Parents
Zheira’s eyes widened. “W-what are you talking about? You said I’ll m-meet them after you see my improvement.” Vladimir looked down. “I’m sorry!”“I don’t understand, Vladimir.” She shook her head. “Did you lie all along?” Her brows knotted as angry lines mottled her cheeks.“I’m sorry!” he whispered yet again. It was the only word that made absolute sense. She wiped the tears trailing past her cheeks. “I hate you!” Heat rushed to her head. She wanted to explode. “I trusted you, but you used my parents to tie me with your words. I thought you’re different. You’re nothing but a lying scumbag!” With the nerves of her head pulsating, she ran away from him. If there’s something she hates, it’s when she’s being lied to. Those words of fabrication were nothing but bait to lure the fools. Sadly, she’s stupid enough to let herself be a victim.Her footsteps were heavy, accompanying the weight in her heart. A scurrying behind her made her
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23: Attraction
It had been about three days after Vladimir’s eyes first laid on Zayne. Ever since, he could not take her features out of his head. He could even imagine himself sleeping with her. He erased those thoughts by trying to steer his mind to his goal of knowing how he could become a human; however, it only made his blood boil. Intentional or not, his father had, somehow, managed to keep them from being alone together. Even on his birthday two days ago, he was heavily guarded. The visitors could not take their attention away from him, and it made him anxious. A part of him wanted to see Zayne for the sole purpose of acquiring knowledge, but at the deepest part of his mind lurked the thought of knowing her. It didn’t feel right for him. Every time he could take a glimpse of her smiling face, he couldn’t help longing to be the reason for that happiness. There’s a whisper in the back of his mind, telling him to hold her hand and do reckless things with her.“
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24: Zayne
Vladimir’s hands were resting on the table; his chin was lying on it as he allowed Zayne’s voice to fill his ears. “The ritual of transfusion is an ancient rite that must be taken with precautions. If mistakenly done, the vampire’s soul would be extracted from its body.”“What did you do in this ritual?” “Simple. You just have to sacrifice yourself while the moon is full.”He straightened. “You mean, that’s it?”“Not quite.” She smiled a little. “You need to be capable of enduring pain. It can be over an hour, a day, or even a year. It depends to how you’ll win it over.”“How about you? How long have you endured it?”“Ten miserable years.”His brows furrowed. “You mean to say, you felt nothing but pain for a decade?”“That is correct.” She looked at her husband, who was serving Vladimir a cup of blood. “George took care of me while I writhe in pain, though. He was my strength. If it wasn’t for him, I would’ve died the
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25: Saving Alic
A week had come and gone after Vladimir was punished with a great deal of pain; he promised to train himself and give the favor back to his father. Ever since, he isolated himself in his room. All he did was call a maid and order them to get him some books or else blood. Following Alic’s advice, he dedicated himself to reading informative books. In the long run, he found out that it’s rare for a vampire to have a gift; only special ones were granted such a privilege. According to the Immortal’s Deepest Roots, there weren’t two vampires sharing the same gift, like how twins wouldn’t have the same attributes. Every vampire has a different way of thinking and that made the gifts unique. At some point, it’s always connected to the brain; what one desires the most became his gift. Vladimir had no idea what his gift was. Maybe he hadn’t got any, but he’s not giving up. He knew he had it. He’s just too weak to reach it. It was when he’s doing
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26: Lingering Emotions
Vladimir’s body was shaking uncontrollably. Something inside him was uncoiling itself to slither from the darkest part of his soul, allowing some sparks to crawl at the surface of his skin. The moment he saw his sister writhing in pain with those wires connected to her temple, he shattered into pieces, and his fragments stayed afloat, unable to move on.Before he knew it, he was pounding the tube. In his mind, nothing was more important than to release his sister from such pain; however, no matter how strong his punches were, it did not put a single dent to its surface. His brow knotted as he bit his lips. He refused to stop. This wouldn’t be the end of his sister. They’d still be together, and this time around, he’d make sure to do his responsibility as a brother.Alic moved her fingers. Her eyes were closed tightly while her brows were creased. What made Vladimir froze was when he heard her sister’s voice inside his head. It seemed so near, yet
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27: Father
After realizing she was Zheira and not Alic, she ran back to her room, burying her face to the pillows. Her tears started streaming as a flesh-searing pain sparked through her veins. The memory felt so real. It’s as if—in a short period—she was Alic. She felt her agony inside the tube and the difficulty of her sacrifice. Even at this moment, she could still feel her pain. She wasn’t aware that her gift would be this impactful. She suppressed a sob when the door creaked. “L-leave me alone.”Vladimir ignored her and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m here to apologize.” He swallowed. “I admit I lied but it was for your own—” “Zip it. I don’t want to hear your excuses.”“Listen, Zheira!” He pulled the strands of his hair. “There are things you shouldn’t have learn—” “You cannot decide that!” She sat upright, releasing a steamy glare. “You have no right to choose whether or not I need to know such things. All I want is for you to be honest,
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28: Lunch
Zheira was awoken by cold long fingers caressing the golden strands of her hair. Her heart skipped a bit when she noticed Vladimir’s gold irises staring down at her. “Your eyes are reddish,” he said, leaning on the headrest. She looked away. “I-I’m fine!” “Look, I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to lie. I just thought it would motivate you to improve.” He tried touching her hand, but she pushed him away. “If you’re really sorry, tell me the truth.” She looked at him straight in the eyes. Brushing his nape, he swallowed hard. “I-I’ll try.”A tight-lipped smile carved her lips. “Did the king really killed my parents?” Closing his eyes for a moment, he nodded with a deep breath. Her heart beats erratically. “Why?” She couldn’t stop herself from yelling as her tears started racing down her cheeks. When he lowered his head, she started banging his chest. “Tell me why? What did my parents d
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29: Preparation
A man wearing a white coat crouched to get a better look at Zheira who’s seated at the reclining chair. He smiled, revealing white, pointed teeth. “Okay, Princess Alic, what do you suggest we do?” He flicked the syringe filled with purple liquid.Zheira followed its tip with creased brows. “But why are you calling me Princess Alic?” Her voice sounded small and pitchy. The man smirked. “You’re a joker little girl, aren’t you? Of course I’m calling you that way, because it’s who you are.” “Me?” She pointed herself. “I’m not Alic! I’m Zheira!” Her heart started beating rapidly when the man laughed. “You’re just stressed out. We’ve just been talking about these potions, and now you’re denying who you are.” He shook his head with amusement. “No! Believe me! You’re mistaken! I’m not Alic!” “Hmm. Let’s just say that I believe you.” With one last glimpse, he injected the syringe into her shoulder. Her screams pier
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30: Witnesses
Zheira turned rigid when the witnesses filled the dining hall. Most of them were busy conversing in low murmurs while few of them were eyeing her with frank curiosity. Her grip on the spoon tightened. She couldn’t help longing for the company of Alic’s room.When the noise was tuning louder, the king snapped, just so it would cease. “I’m so glad all of you arrived safely.” His feathery voice carried out at the dining hall at the ruling silence. Zheira pressed her lips together, just as a pronounced vampire glided swiftly. He lowered his left knee and bent the other, letting his hood dangled at his back to reveal a pale, pointed, diamond face graced with a hooked nose, thin red lips, and crimson eyes.“It is because of your grace, your majesty.” His voice was too soft it sounded like a woman was speaking.“Of course, of course!” The king smirked. “How could I forget? Truly, time makes most memory fade.” Then they both laughed. Although their
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