Semua Bab A Dark Touch : Bab 31 - Bab 40
71 Bab
Shifting Truths
HARLOW COULDN'T MOVE, 'Because he took what was mine.' Kane's words seem to reside within her mind; they seemed to hold a heavy meaning, a meaning she couldn't quite pinpoint, and she couldn't help but wonder what Michael had done? It didn't come as a surprise to her if he had killed something that Kane truly valued, cared about, but why would he do that to his brother? None of this made any sense.  The moon shone bright and nearly complete in the sky, its radiance giving the forest an ethereal glow. These woods were ordinarily dark, but the silvery light defined everything, making the winding path through the undergrowth visible. However, Nothing seemed to shine the light on Michael's doing.  Truthfully, Harlow felt so much darkness. It was like Michael had dug a hole for her, a hole she couldn't find a solution to digging out of it, and at this moment, she felt like she was drowning. The darkness she had seen herself in when she
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Into The Fire I go...No Turning Back Now
HARLOW COULDN'T HELP IT; she ran as fast as she could in human form. The feelings that consumed her at that moment helped her; the rage within her was all she felt. She had a vague idea of where she was heading, and she wasn't in the least bit scared. She was ready to do some violence.  In the background, she could hear faint voices of people shouting. Footsteps were following her, but she ignored them and carried on gaining speed. Harlow wished she could shift into her wolf form, but it was nearly impossible for her. She hadn't entirely shifted into that form...ever. Although for the first time since she had woken up, her wolf stirred, she remained livid; she was dying to place her sharp canines on someone's flesh at the moment and rip it to shreds, but luck wasn't on their side. Harlow felt utterly enraged at the thought of Michael causing yet, another if murdering innocent people wasn't enough, he had to take a step for
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My Heart Is Made Out Of Glass, Yet Yours Is Out Of Stone
PAIN... That was all Harlow could feel. Her body ached from any slight movements she made, while her head felt like it was going to burst. What happened to her?  Fluttering her eyes open, she studied her surroundings carefully. It looked like she was in some cell. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she realised that she was correct with her sudden assumptions. She was in prison...a cell, to be exact. Iron bars that seemed rusty and old blocked her only way of escaping; it was the only thing that remained in the way at this moment.   Harlow sniffed the air knowing instantly that she was in Michael's territory. They had locked her up down here for God knows how long, and now she was awake to meet complete darkness and slicing silence. Could her life get any worse than this? Sighing, her body slumped against the cold wall bringing her feet closer to her, but she was scared; n
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I Will Not Break
HARLOW WAS LEFT THERE ALONE, just like he had always left her.    "OW!" She cried; his disappearing act left her mind engulfed with endless theories and unhealthy questions for the mind; her mind was so focused on that, that she hadn't realised that the men he spoke to were already obliging his order. They chained her like a filthy beast; a coldness embraced her ankles, and when they tightened the chains, she cried again painfully. It's not only that it hurt, but it felt like somehow it would burn her leg off.   "Don't transform, and you should be fine." One of Michael's men's words were direct, not in the least comforting, and when he left, locking her inside her cell. Harlow checked her ankle; she saw the chain touching her skin. Grimacing, she returned to her original space against the cold wall.   "They cover these chains with silver, you know? It isn't much to kill you, but it does do some harm," The guy in the
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Rules Are Just Rules, Nothing More
THERE WERE MANY WAYS HARLOW HAD PICTURED HER MOTHER'S REACTION WHEN SHE DISTINGUISHED THE FACT THAT SHE HAD RAN AWAY, and ultimately failed to follow her instructions of resting.   For example, she pictured her yelling at the top of her lungs with everyone at the hospital to witness everything. She had pictured her to ground her for life, which she did, but not without letting her know how disappointed she was in her, while also explaining the rules she had to follow to keep herself safe.   However, Harlow had never in a million years except for her and the Beta reacting in the way they did. After the yelling and shouting, the Beta of her current Pack had thought it would be a good idea if someone kept a close watch on her for a while. When the words left his mouth, she couldn't breathe. The thought of someone watching her every move was suffocating and downright rigidulous, but that wasn't the worst part of this whole thing because the pers
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Punch, And Block...That's all You have To Do
WHEN HARLOW IMAGINED HERSELF TRAINING, getting beat up was not the way she imagined.    "You are weak. Have you ever trained before?" The girl that Matt had partnered her up threw her hundredth insult of the day. For the past half an hour, she had learned a lot about her, Millie. One, she was rude. Two, she was annoying, and three, she was a complete bitch. Harlow wasn't the type to use such name-calling, but she had never met annoy so infuriating before.   "Actually," Harlow replied, holding her hands up and trying her best to block her blows, "I have never trained before. This is my first time."     Her eyes widened for a second, then quickly composed herself and huffed at her. "And you call yourself a wolf?" She laughed, shaking her head in disgust. There it was again, that sentence that always reminded her of her lacking abilities, but doesn't trying count for something?    Millie
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"MATT, WHERE ARE WE GOING?" Harlow asked for the millionth time. Deep down, Harlow felt curious; it struck a great need to know where he could take her? He held her hand as he guided her through the depths of the forest. She had lost count of the trees that had pasted them by as they swizzed through the forest.     "You'll see." He said. Harlow couldn't help be feel something ignite inside her, a warm fuzzy feeling she had never really felt before. Matt's secrecy was more alluring than anything she had experienced before.      "You have been saying that for the past hour." She whined.   Harlow couldn't help but notice the fleeting sun; it had begun to set; it was getting late as the sun was beginning to lower, taking its light away from them. She watched as the shadows formed around them, taking distorted shapes.    Laughter caught her attention; Matt's laugh made her refocus her
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Look At The Bright Side
HARLOW HAD PARTED FROM MATT; he'd dropped her off a couple of blocks down. His father, her Alpha, needed to have a chat with him. She couldn't help but notice how unpleased Matt looked whenever someone mentioned his father's name; nonetheless, it wasn't her place to ask.   She had been walking for a few minutes with the wind as her only company. She barely paid any attention to her surroundings; her mind was too focused on him...Michael, and whatever the hell did he wanted? The anger she felt inside was supposed to keep her from changing her mind, from wanting to be near him, yet, when she saw him, it was like those things he did, didn't seem to matter. Her heart would still beat for him.   'NO!' She couldn't, not after what he had done to her. He put her in the hospital, for God sake! He deserved what he got coming for him. As much as she wanted him to suffer, she doubted he cared about what he did to her.   Her nan's h
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Midnight Hour
HARLOW WAS FROZEN, only to watch Michael sitting up and bring his feet to the ground, so he was sitting on the edge of the bed while she just stood there, rooted to the spot. Harlow didn't know what to expect at this point, what she was supposed to do in a situation like this? She was aiming to avoid him like the plague; yes, she didn't do an excellent job at it, but how was she supposed to avoid him when he could be everywhere. It wasn't her fault. Harlow cursed the Gods above, yet, it seemed they weren't playing any games. Her thoughts were clouded with hundreds of questions, but the only one she managed to utter was, "How did you get in..." But she didn't even manage to complete it when his eyes landed on the answer, an open window. Did she leave it open? Even if she didn't, she was pretty sure a closed window wouldn't be able to stop Michael from assessing her room. 'Gaddamn him.' The side of his
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"LOOK AT ME!" At this point, Harlow didn't care if her mother or nan heard the commotion upstairs. He moved his hands and took a few steps back; Harlow could see his back muscles tense as her demand left her lips. Their harshness seemed to strike a nerve within him, but she didn't care if it upset him; she wanted to know why he did this to her? Mates were supposed to protect one another, not the opposite.  "Michael." She called, but he wasn't responding to her. All Harlow could see was his hands tighten into a tight fist; the movement made her shiver slightly as the sudden realisation dawned on her that if she were to push him too harsh, the reductions would be severe. Michael only movement or sound that he made was the threatening growl the escaped his lips every once in a while, it was apparent that he was trying to remain in control, but Harlow didn't understand why he was upset about something he had caused.
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