Semua Bab A Dark Touch : Bab 21 - Bab 30
71 Bab
What Do You Wanna Hear?
THAT NIGHT HARLOW COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT MICHAEL HAD SAID; his words kept replaying inside the barriers of her mind. 'Fine, I'll teach you.' As if it were that simple, and maybe for him it was, it was that simple. But for her, it didn't seem all that simple inside her head. Harlow couldn't help but think about it logically; Michael was asking her to betray the people that protected her, her mom and nan. The thought of spending more time with the world's most wanted criminal didn't help with the guilt that fluttered inside of her.    Michael hadn't stayed for too long after she'd unconsciously agreed to something that she didn't know whether or not it was a good idea in the first place. However, besides everything else that seems negative towards the situation, he was her mate, and Harlow would do anything to spend a little bit more time; in fact, both she and her wolf craved to be closer to him even if he was the worse person known
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"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WITH HIM?" Michael spat the words out harshly, all while letting go of her arm, and took two steps away from her. "I thought he was just your friend, not your fucking boyfriend." "I-"  He pulled at his hair in frustration, "You lied to me, didn't you?"  "No, Mich-" Harlow tried again, but Michael kept interrupting her.  "You know what. Just go back; I'm going too." The moment those words left his mouth, her heart sunk. She didn't want him to leave, "Michael, it's not what you think!" She shouted in anger, "Stop assuming things that aren't true." Behind his cold eyes, she saw the visible anger in the depths of those dark obsidian eyes of his, but she didn't understand what she had done wrong? "He's not my boyfriend, and I know what it looks like, but a group of us came here together as friends." She lied. 
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Creatures Lurk In The Dark
  "MICHAEL?" Harlow walked further into the woods. She had no idea where she was heading, but all Harlow could focus on was finding him, or she was going to be so furious and completely and utterly lost.   "Michael?" She called out again. Her voice wasn't booming, but if he was near, he should be able to hear her call out for him.   It was stupid of her to think that calling out his name would help; Michael was the kind of person to make everything harder for every human on this earth, especially her. It got on her every nerve. Why did she have to be Mated to this idiot again?   Out of nowhere, she felt someone push her against the bark of a neighbouring tree. They clutched both of her hands securely above her head and had Harlow's face pressed against the tree unwillingly. It all happened so quickly, and she didn't have enough time to react. Her hands were in an awkward position, and all she wanted was to b
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The Truth Hurts More Than Feeble Lies...
"WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO LAST NIGHT?" Mia whispered in her ear. They sat beside each other as the headmistress when over the latest events, which wasn't much considering recent events. Michael was busy teaching her how to fight rather than conduct another plan to attack packs, which Harlow couldn't figure out whether or not it was a good thing. "I couldn't find you at the party anywhere."    Maybe it was; it meant that fewer people would be hurt. If Michael remained busy with her, then the rest of the world wouldn't be in so much terror over her Mate's cruel actions. this what my life has come to? Harlow couldn't help the sudden realization that she has been blessed with.   "I went home." Despite the detorts she took on her way there. Nonetheless, Harlow didn't say anything further other than that; it was better that way.    "Home? But your mom and nan were still
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  "HARLOW, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"    Her head snapped out of her trance and focused on the person who Harlow sat in front of her on the opposite side. Mia had a concerned look on her face, like always, and all Harlow wanted to do was wipe it off her face.   She nodded her head, not wanting to speak because if she was scared that she might say anything to reveal why she felt so down. It has been a day, and Harlow still couldn't shake the words of her Alpha out of her mind. His voice had been haunting her like nobody's business, some might pin this feeling down as guilt, but she felt worse by the minute.   Harlow was sitting with Mia in a small Café, munching on some biscuits that the shop gave out for free. Her mom had taken her nan somewhere she didn't know much about, probably to another doctors appointment; she was beginning to become a litter worse than she had ever been before and it was concerning. The
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I've Got You
    "YOU LACK STAMINA FOR A WOLF. We're not supposed to stop. Ever. You're not supposed to get tired after a day of running; running is enjoyable, never painful, it's a hobby for your wolf- Are you even listening to me, Ace?" Michael growled out, and she snapped back to attention. It was hard for her to do that when she felt a new degree of embarrassment. Being this close to her Mate was thrilling to a point, and completely lacking strength made her feel more insecure in front of him. All her mind could concentrate was on weak she was, and she hated it, especially since she wanted to prove herself to her Mate. These emotions were enough for anyone self-conscious, even if they were standing in front of their Mate that's supposed to be training them.  "Ace, are you listening to me?" He asked, but she only watched as his lips moved while he spoke. They were compelling in that way, and they distract
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Behind Your Eyes...
THE FRONT SHUT CLOSED BEHIND HER; it was the afternoon already, and all her mind could think about was Michael even after she had just parted from him. However, Harlow noticed he didn't look too pleased with her rushed departure; like always, Michael showed his disapproval through his angered exterior, but she couldn't miss her curfew. She had to be back by six P.M. Otherwise; her mom would have a mental flip at her disappearance; not only that, but Harlow didn't want to break her mom's trust; they had agreed to be completely honest with each other. The promise meant everything to the women; it was the foundation of their relationship, and if that no longer remained, what were they?   Although the heavy guilt inside her was becoming seemingly unbearable as she hid the fact that Michael Collins is her Mate, maybe it was out of fear of her mom's reaction, or maybe it was her mom's perception of her daughter after a piece of tragic news. Harlow didn't know which on
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And The Pain Echoes In The Halls
WOLVES AREN'T SCARED OF THE DARK.    Fear of the dark is not fear of darkness itself but fear of possible or imagined dangers concealed by darkness. There was only one person why it was illogical and spurious for a wolf to be scared of the dark; because wolves were the thing in the dark.   They were the creatures who roamed the night, occupying the shadows and scrutinizing their prey, awaiting the mistake that would soon end its life. Wolves were killers who basked in the blood of their enemies and enjoyed hunting an animal they knew would fail in its attempt to escape. They were primal animals that stuck with what they knew.   Harlow knew she was nothing like a wolf; she feared the dark more than anything; maybe that had to do with her recent experience of not being able to escape it.       This Hospital room is a chrysalis in the worst of ways, for here she was melted down to liquid
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The Moments I Kept On Missing
HARLOW FELT LIKE WAS BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE; the rush of emotions knocked the air out of her, and every breath she took didn't seem like the need for oxygen. It was a must at this point. Her upper body lunged forward, grabbing her throat as she took in another sharp breathe of air. A bright, white light greeted her panicked eyes, and she quickly closed them. An annoying beeping noise sounded to her right. The noise was familiar, just like an alarm clock. Harlow lifted her other hand, trying to shut it off as the noise of its beeping seemed to get louder; however, she felt a tug from the back of her hand to reach the machine. She put her hand back where it was.     Panic was something she could describe what she felt inside—panic switches off her higher brain. Thinkers remember why they were scared and started on solutions. Yet, Harlow couldn't be one of those thinkers; she wasn't able to conduct a solution to her problem. It wa
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What Do You Want From Me?!
HARLOW STAYED STILL. Her hands were clutching the sides of the hospital dressing gown. Kane moved closer to her then stopped to revise the ground beneath him. "I told you the truth."  Her head lifted to stare him in the eye, "What truth? You didn't say anything about why?" She asked.  He chuckled at her answer, "Now, which truth are you referring to?" "Both." His expression quickly changed from amusement to anger; Kane and Michael defiantly have something in common, their flitting emotions changed ever so quickly. "Harlow," he said her name in disbelief. " Don't you know what this monster has done? He's killed thousands of wolves- children, for goodness sake!" The yellow in his eyes was getting brighter, which was one of the signs that he was losing it. Michael was right; creatures like them don't have as much control as she had thought they did. "He's killed Packs, des
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