Semua Bab A Dark Touch : Bab 11 - Bab 20
71 Bab
The Power You Have Over Me
HARLOW COULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT SHE WAS HEARING HIM SAY. Her eyes widen with fear, fear of her mother's life. She witnessed his canines grow, and it became obvious that he was about to shift, and it came just as a surprise to everyone else that surrounded him, including his own. Everyone knew that he rarely shifted in battle, so what had changed now. He was a man who preferred his weapons to slaughter his enemies. Some even said that he never shifted as he wasn't even one of them; he wasn't a werewolf which was absurd. Obviously, he was, but people still liked to speculate on the likeliness that he might not even be either human or a werewolf. Be was some other type of beast. A small tear left her eye, completely betraying her. This was it. She could no longer take this anymore, and she had to do something, anything to save her mother's life. "No!" She screamed, stopping Michael from ever finishing his shift. Harlow scarred
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I Had A Dream, I Saw You In It
"HARLOW, ARE YOU DONE?" Her nan asked, and she turned, smiling. "Yes. Has the Alpha left?" Harlow asked, standing up and plopping a Rolo in her mouth. Since last night, there was extensive damage to the town. House was crumpled down, and trees remained damaged from the fire, and the conclusion as to why it was it was, was still being figured out. Michael had left a great deal of damage, but her nan's house was left untouched. It seemed he had missed this part entirely, and Harlow couldn't help but wonder why? "Yes, and I'm glad. We didn't need all this negative energy in the house." Her nan smiled, leading her into the house. "You need to go to bed; you have school tomorrow."  "Do I have to, nan?" She grumbled slightly, but her nan only gave her a look that told her it wasn't up for debate. The sheer thought of going to school after such a day was the least pleasant thing ever to cross her mind; Harlow's mind w
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Did You Hear What I Said?
WAKING UP THAT MORNING WAS CONFUSING, her body didn't feel rested as it should have done. Her mind was fluttering with the dreams she dreamt of last night; it didn't come as a surprise to her that it was of him. That's all her mind obsessed over, Michael, Michael, Michael.   Harlow wished she could think of anything else, but it seemed nearly impossible at this point. After their encounter that night, she felt disgusted with herself for dreaming of him in such away. She'd dreamt he had broken into her room, and she couldn't even believe that her mind was creating these weird scenarios that seemed too far fetched for her; Michael was defiantly not the type to do such a thing.   "Harlow, what do you think? Is 2 pm okay for you?" Mia questioned, waiting for her reply patiently. Although Harlow was so focused on her mind that she couldn't pay attention anymore even to know what she was talking about, "What do you think?" She continued. 
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Dresses And Disasters
"WHAT ABOUT THIS ONE?" Mia asked her, pointing to yet another dress. "You have to try it on."    Harlow had never met someone more persistent than anyone she has ever met in her life, which didn't consist of many people. Sighing, "Fine." Taking the dress in her hands as she walked to yet, another changing room with Mia trailing behind.    Taking the strapless dress as she examined the fabric of the dress. It was a strapless black dress that ended just before her knees. Sequins decorated the side of it, making it look fancy. Yet, Harlow had never felt so uncomfortable with what she was wearing in her life. She looked like a hooker in this dress; it just looked awful.   "That looks amazing on you. You have to buy this one." Mia though disagreed with Harlow's negative thoughts towards the dress.   "Hey, Matt," Mia called. The worse part about this shopping experience was that Ryan had decided
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I See Red
"WHO IS HE?" He asked, looking away as he ran a hand through his hair, messing it up even more than it already was. After a while of awkward silence where she had no idea what to say or do, he looked up at her again. "Who is he?" He repeated, his voice laced with the anger that seemed to want to splurge out.   "Who is who?" She wondered out loud. Harlow had never said anything without analysing it a thousand time over and over again in her mind. Still, for whatever reason, her brain decided not to this time, and it couldn't have been the most inconvenient time of all time. Indeed, she regretted it as he growled in response. His canines are extending before her vast eyes. The darkness within them seemed to wither away as they held a murderous red. Like blazing fire, they were infused with rage.    Mentally, she prayed to God that he would save her from him. Michael was someone who she didn't want to mess with, at least not intentionally.
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You Dug The Knife Too Deep
FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME, Harlow twisted and turned. The night went by with the comfortability that had arisen from seeing him; all her mind could concentrate on was the image of him, and it kept her brain fully active.   'Damn him.'   Although her body craved proper rest, her mind seemed to reject the request. She pulled the covers further up, feeling the light coolness of the room; she huffed and puffed in frustration. Just go to sleep! But her mind still didn't listen.    Harlow eventually closed her aching eyes. Somehow her mind felt reluctant; it pondered on the past pain she felt during these nights. Would it happen again?   She got her answer as it fluttered back; it was like her mind knew what was coming. Her eyes shot wide open as she remembered the growing pain from the nights before. Was it happening again? Why?    Yet, this time, it
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Fragile Feelings
  HARLOW WALKED INTO SCHOOL WITH A HEAVINESS INSIDE HER, a dark cloud weighed her down, and she couldn't help but feel on edge like something was approaching, but she hoped it wasn't the sticking pain.   "Harlow! Hey, wait up!" Someone called out to her, a familiar voice that always seemed to send her feeling a little nauseous whenever he was around. She turned, only to see Matt rushing his way to her. It wasn't that he was a bad guy, but she didn't feel right about being around him; there was something about his presence that screamed, 'he wants something more,' Harlow was not that type of girl. Although, at this point, she didn't even know where she stood in this Pack. Within her old Pack, she wasn't seen as anybody; she was seen here.   Harlow forced a smile on her lips; it never seemed to reach her eyes. The dark cloud inside her didn't like it too. "Oh, hey." It was her lame way of greeting him. "What's up?" She asked as he
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Eyes On Fire
MICHAEL STOOD THERE, frozen in place. Harlow couldn't help but notice how troubled she looked; if it was possible, the darkness within his eyes darkened even more. The urge to ease his trouble state was strong, but she stayed put. Michael Collins wasn't someone Harlow could trust, ever. Even if he was her Mate, there was something about him that resulted in conflict within her mind, and she couldn't help but feel like it was toxic.   Silence, that's all that stood between them—a slicing silence. It was so abnormal for werewolves who identified themselves as Mates to act in such away. Usually, they couldn't stay away from each other; they couldn't keep their hands off one another. Yet, she and Michael didn't even come close to being normal; he was...far from ordinary. They both went against the natural nature of Bonding Mates; both seemed to resist it more than the other.    "What are you doing here?" Harlow asked. Finally, curiosity got
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Why Are You Here?
HARLOW STOOD FROZEN TO THE SPOT; she could not comprehend the person staring back at her. At first, she thought it might be her imagination. Harlow was missing him so much to the point that she was imagining him standing there. The thing was, her imagination didn't look this real, which meant he was there in flesh and bones.   "Hey," he greeted. Yep, not her imagination!   Her thoughts were jumbled up in her brain, and she couldn't obtain a proper reply back. Harlow just stood there, mouth wide open and eyes broad as saucers.   He raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was doing. She must have looked like a retarded fish because she was staring at him like he was the only being left on earth. It wasn't my fault though, how was she supposed to react when they're in a situation like this?   "Can I come in?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck gently while searching her face for any respon
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It Doesn't Have To Make Sense
"HARLOW?"    "Nan, I'm getting changed. Can you give me a second?" Mentally, Harlow patted herself on the quick reply she seemed to come up with, but the guilty feeling for lying to the people she loved left a bitter taste in her mouth. It seemed that Michael was rubbing off on her, influencing her lying self, and the funny thing about it is, she hadn't even spent that much time with him.    She groaned, "Okay, but hurry up. I want to talk to you about something."    Harlow couldn't help but mentally stop, as the 'something' must've had been severe enough if her nan was so hung up on talking to her about it now rather than leave it for later. She brought her fingers to her lips, motioning for Michael to be quiet. Straight after, she pushed him- or at least she tried to push him near her closet, but he was heavy and reluctant. He wouldn't budge.   "Michael," she hissed. "Get in."
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