
Chapter Three

I’d ridden Roger on the trails very little since that horrific night when we were kidnapped by Hap and Cindy was raped on film before being so mutilated by a werewolf that, when Kenton and my mother came to rescue us, Kenton was forced to make a choice of letting her die or offering her a chance to become a vampire.  I mainly rode in the ring and in the fields where Kenton could see me. His fear of Michael Jefferson seeking retribution for his plan to breed young girls to expand his pack being destroyed by us was acute.  

I knew that Kenton would be unhappy to know that we’d traveled deep into the reserve, but I couldn’t help myself.  I’d been away from the reserve’s natural beauty and the feel of the woods for almost a month.   I didn’t realize how much I depended on my daily rides in the woods to  help keep me balanced until I’d stopped them. I hoped  that the fact that Amelia was with us would buffer his reaction.  It was the main reason why I’d settled down and accepted the fact that she was  accompanying us with so little resistance. 

Since Cindy and I never really made a habit of speaking while we rode, I wasn’t forced into a conversation of mock friendliness with Amelia that I knew neither one of us would enjoy. I allowed my body to soak in the negative ions produced by the trees and other plant life while I felt it smile with appreciation.

The horses had  settled into a steady pace as we walked single file along a narrow trail.  I found my mind wandering to memories that I’d thought I’d healed and released – for the most  part- such as the horrifying kidnapping event.  I shook my head several times to clear it while I struggled to keep my mind on the here and now. 

Cindy must have noticed, because she sent me a telepathic message asking me if I was alright. I scowled after I’d assured her that I was and then Amelia popped into both of our head with her own message that she was also very adept at telepathy; as were all vampires.

“I’m surprised that you’re able to do it, though,” she called up to me with an arrogant tone.

I took a deep breath to steady my frustration with her before responding with, “Fairies tend to be adept at a great deal of things that other supernaturals struggle with.”  I didn’t know if that was true, since I’d only just found out that I was fairy and had no clue what abilities I had, but it felt good to say it.

I smiled as I listened to Cindy stifle a giggle while Amelia openly -and quite loudly- snarled.  Although her display of how vicious she could be sent chills down my spine, I kept my body erect and proud.

I’d been so preoccupied with struggling to keep the memories of the horrors I’d experienced out of my head that I didn’t realize how far we’d ridden until I saw the open field in front of us.  We’d reached the top of the mountain.  

On days when I felt Roger was in need of releasing excess energy, I’d let  him have his freedom to race across the field while I held on for dear life.  I could feel that this was one of those days. 

I called back to Cindy, “I’m going to let Roger have his head in this field.”

I barely heard her response of  “Okay” before I nudged Roger into the field and released my control of the reins.  I felt free and light as I molded my body with his so that we moved as one.  There were a few times when I had to grip the saddle horn as he took a sharp  corner, but, for the most part, I was able to stretch my arms in wild abandonment and temporarily forget about the bitch vampire that I’d been forced to deal with.

We circled the field several times before Roger expended his excess energy and slowed down to a more natural pace.  He tossed his head and snorted in a way that reminded me of a wild stallion as we trotted back to where Cindy and Amelia stood waiting.

“You’re lucky that damned fool horse didn’t step into a woodchuck hole and break a leg,” Amelia grumbled as she turned Peter to start back the way we came.  “We need to get back now.”

Cindy’s eyes were full of life when I pulled Roger up next to her.

“You two looked magnificent out there,” she said, excitedly.

“We both needed to release some tension,” I said in a breathy tone as I worked to regulate my breathing.

“I hate to go back, but she’s right.  We’ve been riding for several hours and the sun’s starting to get pretty hot,” Cindy said.

I was shocked to hear that we’d been riding for so long. It felt to me like we’d only just left the stable.  I looked up at the position of the sun and nodded.  Cindy was right.  We were approaching the time of day when vampires found it difficult to remain in the sun.

Since I had no desire to be any nearer Amelia than was necessary, I waited for Cindy to turn Daisy back onto the path and position the mare behind the sure-footed gelding.  Roger and I brought up the rear.

Being in the back of our line of horses gave me an opportunity to study my companions.  Cindy sat proud and tall on Daisy.  It was easy to see that, not only was she an adept rider, but she’d bonded with the horse. 

Amelia held herself erect and had a decent enough seat, but she lacked the casualness that Cindy displayed.  There was no guessing about the fact that she hadn’t connected with her horse.  Not only did she not look like she’d connected with Peter, but the gelding looked as if he was simply carrying her along in hopes that she’d soon get off.

We were at the crossroads in the path where we had the choice of taking the path that led back to the field behind my house or taking one of the other paths that led to different parts of the reserve.

“Which way?” Amelia asked as Peter danced nervously.  “What’s wrong with this stupid beast?”

I scowled.  Peter was the most docile and sure footed horse I’d ever encountered.  More than once, I’d thought of what a good lesson horse he’d make.  From what I could tell, Amelia had done nothing that would make him behave in such a way.

When Peter reared, I urged Roger forward and grabbed his bridle to help calm him down.

“Let go, you fool!” Amelia screeched. “Are you trying to get killed?”

My immediate reaction was to obey.  I let go of Peter and focused on calming my own mount – who’d decided to get in on the freak-out action.

“I question if it’s wise for you women to be riding such beasts,” came a deep, male voice from the trees above us.

“Michael,” Cindy gasped.

I’d been told that horses didn’t like the werewolf pack leader, but I’d never witnessed it before then.

“You’d better back off,” I bellowed.  “Kenton’s not far away.”

Michael stepped out from behind a large bush to allow us to see his full body. “What will Kenton do to me?  I’m simply observing the way those horses are behaving.  It looks mighty dangerous, if you ask me.”

 “They don’t like you,” I blurted out.

Michael put his hand on his heart. “Now, that’s hurtful.”

“Go away, Michael,” Cindy hissed.

Michael raised a brow. “Michael?  What happened to Uncle?”

“Get out of my sight, you bastard, or I’ll rip your throat out,” Cindy snarled. I sucked in air at the sight of her beautiful brown eyes turning into frightening black globes.

Daisy picked up on Cindy’s nervous and enraged distress and joined the other two horses in their panic dance.

“That’s enough, Cindy,” Amelia snarled as she struggled to stay on her horse.  When Michael moved a little closer and Peter just missed clipping Roger with his hooves when he reared, Amelia added, “Whoever you are, just leave before someone gets hurt.”

“And who might that someone be, vampire?” Michael asked as he allowed his brown eyes to glow red. His expression of the word vampire displayed his dislike for them, as did the twisted look on his normally handsome face.

Hot headed and arrogant Amelia lept off her horse and tossed me the reins.  I did my best to keep abreast of her actions while I now struggled with two unruly mounts.

“I can assure you, wolf, that it won’t be me,” she said.  She’d used the same tone of voice when she said ‘wolf’  as he had when he said ‘vampire’ while she walked, steadily, toward him with a display of such confidence that I couldn’t help being envious of it.

I was convinced that I was about to see a life and death fight between a very bitchy -and scary- vampire and a sadistic and cruel werewolf alpha.

Michael’s grin reeked of evilness to the point that I wondered how I could have ever thought him handsome.  “Do you think it wise to pick a fight with me during the full moon?” he asked in a confident and arrogant tone.

Amelia stopped, put both hands on her shapely hips, and heaved a sigh.  “In truth, I’d rather it be a different time.  The odds are high that you’ll do your wolfie thing and turn into a wolf and then I’ll end up with fur in my mouth when I rip your throat out.  I hate the taste of wolf fur.  Not to mention the fact that its course strands get stuck between my teeth.  It’s such an unappealing mess.”  She waited for Michael’s threatening growl to cease before adding, “Are you going to shift now or do you want to start your journey to death in that hunky man form of yours?  It’s a shame, handsome.  I would have liked to have ridden you a few times.  You look like quite the stallion.”

Michael seemed unruffled as he threw his head back in laughter. “You’re quite the looker yourself.”  His expression grew serious and his red eyes got more intense. “I can think of a lot of things I’d rather do with that body of yours than rip it apart.”

Kenton was a blur as he rushed to stand between Amelia and Michael. “No one’s ripping anyone apart.  At least, not today.”  He looked directly at Michael.  “You were warned by the Association.  Don’t take that warning lightly.” He then turned to Amelia. “Get back on your horse and get these girls home.”

Amelia shrugged.  “I’d rather walk.  These horses are crazy.”

“Ah. At last. Something we agree on,” Michael said with a smirk.

“Get out of here, Michael,” Kenton warned.

“You may be the Association’s appointed guardian of Wolf Mountain,” Michael said, “but don’t forget that I’m the alpha around here.  I don’t take kindly to being ordered around.  Not by you or your damned Association.”

Kenton gave a slight bow and stepped aside so that he was no longer blocking Amelia and Michael from reaching each other.  “Okay, then, have at it.  Just remember that I warned you when the Association sends an army of vampires to slaughter your pack as punishment for your actions.”

Michael glowered at Cindy as he snarled his words.  “You’re lucky, Walters.  My pack wouldn’t be so vulnerable if I’d been allowed to increase it.” 

Cindy lifted her chin in defiance and looked away.  She knew that Michael was referring to the fact that she’d broken her parent’s contract for her to breed with him; as well as ratted out Hap’s human trafficking part in providing girls for the males to breed as part of Michael’s grand scheme to increase his pack. 

I couldn’t stop myself from muttering, “Not to mention we cut off your money supply from the dark web.”

It had taken the better part of a fortnight for the Association of shut down Michael’s pornographic website and to destroy the clandestine sex films; including mine.  Since the site was a pay per view site, Michael had lost a sizable income.

Michael’s eyes left Cindy and found me.  I lifted my  chin in equal defiance as my bestie.

Kenton watched as the werewolf alpha’s fiery eyes bore into me as if to dissolve my soul.  I squirmed with discomfort; both from being the focus of his anger and the fact that my flesh actually stung a little. 

“That’s enough, Jefferson,” Kenton bellowed as he stepped forward again.  “Keep it up and it won’t be Amelia you’ll be battling.”

I felt an immediate relief as my flesh was released from his burning stare when he turned to Kenton and asked, “Are you threatening me?”

“No threats,” Kenton said with a confidence that amazed me. “Just facts.’

After an incredibly tense moment, Michael allowed his eyes to move back to Amelia.  He licked his lips suggestively and clucked his tongue. “I’d love to mount you, honey, and see what type of offspring we’d produce.  I’ll bet they’d be magnificent.”

“You can always dream,” Amelia purred as she took the reins of her horse back from me and flashed Michael a seductive smile. 

I couldn’t help thinking about what a horrible world it would be if the king and queen of evil ever did get together.  I shuddered at the thought of the wickedness that would come from their loins.  Theirs was definitely a case of beauty being only skin deep.

He gave Cindy and me one last look of hate before he jogged off into the trees.  To my relief, the horses immediately calmed down.

Kenton turned his attention to us. “Why are you out here?”

Amelia nodded her head in my direction. “Ask that one.”

My mouth fell open with surprise at the way Amelia tossed me into the fire - although I shouldn’t have been surprised, since it was clear that she disliked me and would take advantage of every opportunity that came her way to do something to hurt me. 

“The horses needed exercise,” I said as I scrambled to defend myself.  “You can’t expect them to be happy riding the ring and the field forever.”

“It’s a full moon tonight,” Kenton grumbled. 

“I thought it would be okay as long as Amelia was with us,” I pouted.

“Well, it’s not,” Kenton replied with a tension in his voice that I’d never heard before.

“I see that,” I said, softly.

“Thanks,” Amelia spat as she shot me a glowering look. She turned to Kenton and said in a haughty tone, “I had that wolf under control. There was no need for you to butt in.”

Kenton whirled his attention onto her. “There was every reason.  I’m the one in charge of keeping the peace on a mountain that’s named after its most prominent residents.  It’s a full moon tonight.  They’re already pissed at us for what happened last month.  Not to mention the fact that they’re feeling the moon’s effects. The last thing I need is for you to start a fight with their alpha.  Their numbers may be diminished, but they still outnumber us five to one.  Maybe more.”

I emitted a loud gasp that caused heads to turn my way.  “I had no idea there were so many of them.  I’ve only seen the Jeffersons and,” I looked at Cindy apologetically, “the ones that night at Hap’s place.”

“The reserve is basically in the middle of Wolf Mountain.  There are families on all sides of it,” Kenton explained.  “In fact, about ninety-five percent of the population on this mountain is werewolf.”

I wanted to ask more questions - such as why the wolves feared him and his family like they did - but Amelia was clearly impatient with the conversation and insisted that we march back to the house.  Announcing that she was bored with the topic of werewolves, she urged Peter to follow her as she but led him back to the stable on foot.  She was quite serious about not wanting to ride him any longer.  She’d had enough of the horses for one day.

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