
chapter 4

Dari was shocked to hear the words Michael was saying, she was beyond surprised, just thirty hours ago she had seen Michael kissing another woman, and yet here he was professing his undying love for her, she didn't know what to make of anything.

"I know I messed up," Michael continued " but the past few months without you have been like a nightmare, I felt like something was missing in me, the was a void in me that I could not be filled no matter how hard I tried to fill it."

" I tried to replace you by having meaningless flings, but nothing could ever come close to what you and I shared. when I saw you yesterday I realized you were the missing piece."

Dari spent the first three months after their break up hoping and wishing he would come back and they will fix their relationship, but he never did, and now here he was five months later and a day after she had just had sex with another man. His actions were too little and too late at this point.

"It's too late Michael, there is nothing to fix. I waited for you for five months, and you never came back."

" Dari please give me a second chance, we

have both come a long way, and this can't be the end of our love story, I love you so much, forgive me and I promise I will never walk away from what we shared again." Michael sounded sincere in his promises.

Dari was reluctant to forgive him, so she told him she would forgive him and reconcile with him if he was able to prove to her that he was not the same selfish person he used to be.

Michael agreed to her terms. After her call with Michael, she called Caroline to tell her about Michael's call and her unexpected encounter with him yesterday which she had left out.

Caroline was not in support of her intention to reconcile with Michael in the future, but there was nothing she could do to convince Dari otherwise.

it's been one month since her night with the stranger, and her phone call with Michael. Dari has gone back to her normal schedule of going from home to work and back home and spending time with her family every Sunday.

Michael had been making a lot of effort to show that he was not the same person who walked out of their relationship, sending flowers with notes to her workplace, and sending her surprise gifts.

They have been on a few dates, the dates always end with him dropping her at her apartment and she goes inside her apartment with as much as giving him a peck on the cheek.

Since they were not officially reconciled Dari had made sure to keep all forms of physical show of affection at bay. She has made up her mind to let him know he has been forgiven by the end of the week.

Sunday family time was important in her family, it was a time for the family to get together and spend time with each other, it has always been like that since they were young, they were never allowed to miss it, even now as adults, missing it will never sit well with their parents.

Dari has been feeling sick lately. Nothing seems to be sitting right with her stomach. She suspects it to be a case of food poisoning, Michael and Caroline have been very helpful, though they still can't stand each other.

But for Dari's sake, they managed to tolerate each other enough to be in the same room without getting into a fight.

Caroline and her family were concerned, more so when she failed to be at the Sunday family get-together, they had all showed up at her apartment to check on her. Her siblings and her parents were convinced it was a case of food poisoning, what else could it be if not that?

Caroline on the other hand had other ideas, she was aware that Dari was yet to reconcile with Michael officially, but she was worried about the one night Dari had spent with the stranger and she suspects that it might have resulted in something Dari was not expecting, but maybe she was just overthinking the situation, so she kicked against the thought, either way one thing is clear If the situation persist by tomorrow they will have to go to the hospital.

The next day Dari did the one thing she has never done since she started working, she called in sick and so did Caroline, Since her sister had their family to take care of and her parents will probably make a scene out of worry, Dari decided Caroline had to be the one to go with her.

They had arrived at Greenfield Hospital, one of the best in the country, Caroline had called in a favour, Thomas, an old family friend worked as a doctor there, as An obstetrician in the hospital, he was able to see them without any delay.

After hearing the symptoms, Caroline's friend, Thomas recommended a pregnancy test first, Dari was surprised, she felt there was no need for that, but went along with it, the sample for the test was taken after which they waited for the result.

About an hour later, the result was out, and the doctor came back with the result.

"Congratulations, Miss Dari, you are pregnant, " the doctor said with a smile.

" What, that is not possible, Doctor, I can't be pregnant, there must be some mistake." Dari was in shock and found the whole situation unbelievable.

"The result is accurate, " the doctor said softly, realizing that since Dari was having a not-so-happy reaction to the news, congratulations were not in order.

Caroline placed a supportive hand on Dari's shoulder. She was letting her know she was there for her without saying a single word.

" I will write you some prescription since the symptoms you are getting are of morning sickness associated with the first trimester of pregnancy and not that of food poisoning as you suspected," the doctor said kindly.

Dari left the hospital, in shock, and confused. She was still in denial, She entered Caroline's car and they drove silently back to her apartment.

She felt her world was crashing down on her, with it every dream and aspiration she ever had. this was the end of her life as she knows it, Having a baby was not in her five years plan, yet here she was pregnant.

To her, the universe was a cruel master. How can the one time she has a one-night stand result in pregnancy, she was in great distress and emotional agony.

Finally, they arrived at the apartment, and they sat down quietly without saying a word, Caroline did not want to be too pushy, so she left her to sit quietly, allowing her time to process everything, and speak when she was ready.

" I can't be pregnant Caroline, not for a man I don't even know his name, let alone anything about him, I'm not ready for this," Dari said tearfully, finally breaking the silence.

"It's alright, Dari, everything will be alright." Caroline sat down next to her while consoling her.

"No it won't Caro, I don't know what to do, I can't keep the Baby, I can't, how will I be able to take care of it, I can hardly be able to give the baby the bare minimum, how can I give it the best," she said crying bitterly.

Caroline gathered her into her arms and held her as she cried bitterly. She was sad for her friend. She felt every emotion she was feeling, and she felt bad that she could not help her feel better.

Dari was caught in a dilemma, she was unsure of which choice to make, she was in a situation in which a choice must be made between two alternatives, and both were equally undesirable.

To keep the child knowing she was financially incapable of taking care of the child, or to have an abortion and live with the guilt for the rest of her life, both choices were difficult.

Dari finally raised her head from Caroline's shoulder.

" I want an abortion, I can't have the Baby". she said

" If that is what you truly want, Dari, then I'm here for you." Caroline held her best friend as she cried some more, and finally, she fell asleep while still crying.

Caroline gently laid her down on the chair. She placed a pillow under her head and made sure she was comfortable.

Afterwards, she went about trying to fix something for them to eat for the evening. She decided she could not leave her in the state that she was in, so she would be spending the night with her.

When their meal was ready, she woke her up and they ate in silence, afterwards, she took her shower and went back to sleep. Caroline washed the dishes and then took her shower. She was concerned for her friend, but she was going to support her regardless of the decision she made. With that thought, she slept off.

the next morning Caroline woke up before Dari, and went about making breakfast, just as she was setting the table Dari walked in, surprisingly with a smile, Caroline had been worried that she might continue crying and as such might develop a headache from crying too much.

"Good morning," said Dari with a huge smile on her face.

" Good morning," Caroline replied, not convinced by the huge turnaround of emotion.

" Caroline, I'm keeping the baby," Dari announced with a big smile.

" What?? are you sure? " To say Caroline was shocked was an understatement. She was speechless.

"Yes Caroline, I'm having a baby, I'm going to be a mother. Dari sounded genuinely happy, so Caroline, too, was happy.

" You're going to be an amazing mother, this baby will be lucky to have you, I'm going to be an aunt." Caroline hugged her best friend as they danced around with joy.

Dari had stayed at home that Tuesday and only went back to work on Wednesday, and so did Caroline.

She had made up her mind to share the news with her family, but she did not want to do it individually, she felt that will be too tasking and draining for her, she first told Lily the news and she was supportive and happy for her.

That Sunday, after lunch Dari announced she had some news to share with the family, Her sisters' Husbands were there, and they were used to the family traditions so they sat down around the table, the baby sitter who usually watches the children was asked to take the kids outside to give the adults some privacy.

Dari waited for everyone to be settled, Lily and Caroline, whom she had invited for emotional support, were sitting each by her left and right side, showing their support. the family was used to Caroline. While they were still in school, she had often joined them for the Sunday get-together, so they did not find it surprising that she was there.

" I'm pregnant," Dari announced, and everyone went completely silent. One could hear a pin drop.

" I know you all have millions of questions, mostly about the identity of the father, but I can't answer your questions now, but I promise I will answer them with time, but I need you to know that I'm keeping my baby" Dari was almost breaking down at this point.

Her father stood up visibly angered by Dari's announcement.

"You come in here with such a big announcement expecting us to be accepting of the child you are carrying without offering any sort of explanation." Her father voice roared like thunder.

"Have you forgotten the Williams' way, you are a Williams, and no child of mine will have a bastard, over my dead body. I will beat that little bastard out of you if I need to do so." Dari's father charged at her.

Her mother and her sisters' Husbands rushed to stop him afraid he might carry out his threats.

"Honey, please calm down, and hear her out please, I beg of you," her mother pleaded with her husband in tears

"You caused all this with your constant pampering, you gave her the mind she is free to do as she pleases," he said as he pointed at his wife with an accusatory finger. "You better get rid of that thing you are carrying or bring whoever is responsible for that abomination you have in your belly."

Dari has never seen her father so angry, she expected them to have difficulties accepting the pregnancy but she was not expecting such reactions from her father who was always in a good mood.

But of course, none of her sisters ever got pregnant before marriage.

Dari was quiet during her father's outburst, and so were her sisters, even Jess who found it difficult to keep her mouth shut, could not utter a word.

Dari knew she had brought pain and disgrace to her family.

"I'm sorry Daddy please forgive me," she was on her knees pleading with her father.

Her father looked at her in disgust, " If you are truly sorry, get rid of that baby, or bring whoever is responsible for that, let him do the right thing."

Dari could see the pain and disappointment in her father's eyes, she would have done anything to please her father at that point, but she could not bring herself to abort her child.

"I'm sorry Daddy, I can't get rid of my baby, please forgive me, Daddy," she was still on her knees crying and pleading with her father.

Her father roughly pushed her out of the house

"Leave my house, you are no longer allowed in here as long as you carry that child and remain unwed"

Her mother and her sisters knelt and pleaded with him to forgive her, but his mind was made up and he was unforgiving

Dari took one last look at her father as she was walking away from the house she grew up, she saw her father turn his back against her and walk inside the house.

Dari was left alone, confused, and abandoned in the scorching sun.

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