
Chapter 6

Maxwell looked at her like she was a lunatic and delusional. What she was saying was not possible at all.

"Miss Dari, I think you are mistaken. if you are truly pregnant, like you said, the child can't be mine." Maxwell spoke calmly, but calm was the last thing he felt.

he could not believe that he had to go through this again. He always prides himself to be a good judge of character, but if the events of these past few months have taught him anything, it was that he was a terrible judge of character.

It seemed to him that the only area he could trust his judgment was when it had to do with business.

he knew that the Magazine feature would make him a target for false allegations and vultures who wanted to get quick cash by coming up with one claim or another, but he never thought they would start coming this quickly, it was barely three days since the magazine came out, and his face made known to the world, before that he was just a name without a face.

Dari saw the look of disappointment on his face before he quickly hid it behind a mask of indifference.

"Mr Maxwell, I understand why this would seem unbelievable. After all, it was supposed to be just a one-night stand, an unplanned sexual encounter. But I'm telling the truth, I'm carrying your child."

"Let me tell you a story, Miss Dari, eight months ago, I went for my usual monthly check-up, and I was diagnosed with a medical condition, it turns out I'm sterile and incapable of getting a woman pregnant." He paused and waited for her to process what he had just said

"So you understand why I find the news that you are carrying my child completely unbelievable." He said, looking at her. He smiled at her ruefully as he stared into her eyes as if taking note of her body language and gauging her reaction.

Dari felt naked and vulnerable under his searing gaze, which seemed to be seeing into her soul, acquiring knowledge of her darkest secrets and her every thought.

"There has to be some mistake. You must have been misdiagnosed or something. There is no way you are sterile. Dari was confused she did not know what to make of anything at this point.

Despite her confusion, one thing was clear to her, she was carrying Maxwell's baby, and there was no questioning that unless there is any other way she must have gotten pregnant without having sex with a man.

Maxwell was the only man she had been within the last five to six months. There has to be some explanation somehow if his claim of being sterile is true.

" Miss Dari, if you are truly pregnant like you said, my sincerest congratulations to you, but the child is not mine.

"However," he continued, "my reputation is very important to me, and the last thing I need is some baseless allegations flying around and finding their way to the media. so I am willing to pay you a reasonable amount of money, so long you, stop the witch hunt you seem to be embarking on."

"Your witch hunt will benefit neither of us. Should you continue, we both will be at a loss, but I can I assure you that you will lose more than I will, because should you go down this part, and the story gets to the media and when a paternity test confirms that I'm not the father of your child, I promise you I will come at you with everything I have."

Dari could not believe her ears. Never had she felt so insulted in her entire life.

"You arrogant, pompous bastard, who do you think you are, trying to intimidate and bully me? Here is the thing, these tactics of bullying and intimidation might have worked for you in the past, but I will let you in on one secret, they will not work on me." She was raising her voice at this point.

just then, the door to Doctor Thomas's office was pushed open, and Caroline and Dr Thomas rushed in. They were standing just outside the office, and most had heard when Dari raised her voice.

there was a lot of tension between Maxwell and Dari at this time.

Dari could not believe that she was being portrayed as a gold digger.

Maxwell looked up at Thomas, Thomas was fully aware of his medical condition, so it was only natural that he be the one to confirm his claims and diffuse the tension in the room.

"Dr Thomas, Miss Dari, here claims she is carrying my child as a result of a one night of drunk sexual encounter two months ago, Please I will like you to tell her it is not possible and kindly explain the situation to her."

Although Thomas had only met Dari a few times but from the few they had met, he could tell she was anything but a gold digger.

Although Maxwell was his friend and Boss, he knew the only way to resolve the misunderstanding was to remain neutral and be open to many possibilities.

Caroline finally got the full picture of the situation at hand.

"Mr Maxwell, I understand your point, but truly, Dari is two months pregnant, and Doctor Thomas can confirm that," Caroline said calmly.

"Then perhaps, she is lying about the father of her child."Maxwell's smile was sad and came from a place of pain and disappointment.

"Don't you dare call me a liar, you uncultured psychopath." Dari was fuming with anger. Never had she been so angry her whole life.

"Calmed down, everyone, and we can talk like civilized people." Thomas was trying to prevent things from getting worse.

" A prenatal paternity test will help resolve any misunderstanding and answer every question each of you has," he looked at the two of them waiting for an agreement.

"Will that be safe for the baby?" Dari asked, worried about the safety of her unborn child.

As much as she wanted to prove the arrogant idiot wrong, the safety of her baby was more important to her than proving him wrong, she would rather withdraw her claims than put her unborn child at risk.

" It will be a non-invasive procedure." Dr Thomas understood her worries. It was really as expected with new mothers in such situations.

"Could you explain what you mean by the non-invasive procedure?"Caroline spoke up she too was not convinced that the paternity test was safe for the baby, and neither was Dari.

"A non-invasive procedure means that the baby's environment; the placenta, will not be affected by the procedure. Samples will be taken from both the mother and the possible father. First, a cheek swap will be collected from the potential father," he paused and looked at Maxwell.

"And a blood sample will be drawn from the mother because the baby's DNA floats freely in the mother's blood. The baby will not be affected in any way by the prenatal test. It is completely safe for both you and the baby." he explained patiently to Dari and Caroline.

"Alright then, we should get on with this, I need this to be done as soon as possible, I want this whole thing over and done with," Maxwell said impatiently.

He has been listening to every word without uttering a single word. He knew the whole process of prenatal paternity test, barely two months ago he was here with his ex-girlfriend Amanda.

Lately, his life has been starting to look like something from a television show. There seems to be drama at every turn, and drama is one thing he tried to avoid at all costs.

"Miss Dari it will be in your best interest that this stays between us, If the media gets wind of this through you, I will be forced to sue you for defamation of character." he watch as both Dari and Caroline nodded in agreement.

Since both Dari and Maxwell had agreed to the test, he called in a nurse to bring the necessary items needed for collecting samples for the two of them.

Once the samples were collected, Dari was already too tired, and she decided to come back for the test another day. Dr Thomas was okay with it. Since the result of the paternity test would be ready in a week, Dr. Thomas fixed the date for her ultrasound a week after that, in order not to stress her too much.

After Dari and Caroline thanked Doctor Thomas as they took their leave. Maxwell stayed behind to speak with Thomas. They have been friends for over twelve years, Thomas very well knew how much Maxwell valued his privacy, so he knew the reason Maxwell stayed behind was probably to tell to keep everything a secret.

Eight months ago, when Maxwell informed him of his diagnosis, he suggested further testing to confirm it and also to know if he was completely sterile.

Maxwell has failed to go for further testing because of his busy schedule, but Thomas suspected that was not the only reason. He suspected Maxwell deep down was afraid of what the test results might be

In all the years he had known, he has come to know that having his own family was one thing Maxwell desired more than anything.

Should the result of the test confirm that he was completely sterile and incapable of fathering a child, all hope will be lost, and for a man of Maxwell's status, who was used to hiding his true feelings he would truly be crushed.

Today, Thomas knew it was not the right time to suggest further tests or to push the same topic.

Maxwell reminded Thomas that everything that occurred in the room today remains between them, at least until the result was out.

Afterwards, Maxwell went back to his office, a very troubled man.

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