
Chapter 4

His statement caused the room to combust, several voices clashed.

All those directors, wearing expensive suits, luxury watches.

They all ranted against their decision as if they were disagreeing with a football judge.

She heard them impassively. She did not tremble.

" How can a woman, who a few days ago the only concern, was not to mix white and colored clothes, become CEO of the world’s largest automotive parts company? This is absurd, gentlemen!"

Rosalie looked at the director of operations.

They knew about their background, but chose to ignore it.

The other directors stood up and agreed with their colleague.

" It is not capable of this function!"

They said.

I’m not a man, you mean, she thought.

Rosalie took a deep breath, then looked at the men who doubted her business ability.

They were pathetic, you know.

" Enough of this useless discussion, my decision is already taken. " Announced.

They looked at her like she was crazy, until the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Revenue Officer stood beside her.

" That decision has already been made, as you can see. " Said the CFO, and was supported by his other colleague.

Rosalie raised a folder and removed a paper where she raised for all present.

" My decision was approved by the Empire Group’s board of shareholders! That meeting was not to ask permission, it was a statement."

With these words, she left the presidency’s boardroom.

Rosalie walked up to the elevator holding her bag on her shoulder, her expensive shoes making noise on the floor.

She pressed the button and before the doors closed she glimpsed the face of Louie Valois, she did not resist and waved with irony.

When the doors closed she put a hand on her heart, and heard the words of those men doubting her ability.

His heart was racing.

The elevator stopped at on the fifth floor, a pregnant woman in a flowery dress came in and greeted her.

Rosalie pulled herself together and nodded.

When the woman leaned on the side of the elevator her keys fell off.

The widow did not think twice and bent down, so that the pregnant woman did not have to do this.

" Ah! Thank you very much, for months I can barely see my feet... " said the woman, and smiled.

Rosalie nodded and saw the happiness on her face.

At that moment she was taken by the memories of the life she had had, thrown back to the past.

September 1986

2:00 in the morning

Rosalie looked at her rounded belly, and sighed as the tears came down.

She looked around and saw Duncan sleeping peacefully.

Felt like hitting him with a slap.

But it just shook him until he woke up.

He sat down immediately, his clear eyes staring at her confused.

" Are you in pain? " he asked.

Rosalie sighed frustrated, and fell on her back on the huge pillows.

" I had a terrible dream, you have no idea!"

Duncan laid down beside her, and looked at her.

" Bad dreams are just bad dreams, Rosalie. " He tried to comfort her.

Rosalie turned to him, diving into the deep sea that were his eyes.

" What was the dream, Rose?"

She sighed, then said:

" You will laugh."

" I won’t. " Prometheus.

" I dreamt that you abandoned me, for an ugly woman on top."

His words did not affect him, instead making him laugh loudly.

" Don’t laugh Duncan, it was very real!"

She slapped him in the arms while he laughed, but he did not stop.

Rosalie simply stopped trying to make him stop and had a crying fit.

That made him stop at once.

Duncan pulled her into his arms and squeezed her against his body, running his hands through his hair.

He whispered sweet words until she stopped crying.

When she finally stopped, he convinced her to go to the balcony.

" It’s cold here, Duncan. " He grumbled when he felt a cold breeze on his face.

Duncan covered her more with the blanket and guided her to the rail, hugging her from behind.

" Look at the sky, Rose."

She looked, even grudgingly.

It was a full moon night, and the sky was full of stars, a really beautiful night.

When she tried to get rid of him, Duncan held her.

" Just let me hold you, and look at the stars."

She let herself be more and more wrapped in her arms, enjoying the majestic glow of heaven.

" It’s cold here. "' She repeated.

" I will warm her, just feel my love, my dear. " Whispered him against his ear.

Rosalie felt it until her water broke.

" Mrs. Won’t you come out?"

Rosalie blinked, and returned to the present where the pregnant woman looked at her.

She was already in the lobby and said goodbye to the woman with a smile.

Rosalie got in her car and drove home.

During the trip she turned on the radio, and to her sadness played the music of her wedding.

She tried not to cry, and took a deep breath.

" I still feel your love, Duncan. And that’s what hurts the most... "

Whispered as she listened to the melody.

The lack of it was like being enveloped in strong winds, and breathing became impossible.

And since her death she could not allow herself to show weakness, this is what they expected from her.

Rosalie increased the sound of the radio and let the melody involved, let the tears come down and remembered Duncan...

She got carried away by the memories, like gentle waves her mind was gone...

September 1986

Rosalie paralyzed as she watched her purse break.

Duncan released her, rushing into the room looking for her keys.

She looked at her trembling hands and began to feel slight twinges, should be the beginning of contractions.

When she looked again at her legs she saw the blood.

Should blood come out?

" Rosalie! Rosalie, please!"

Duncan held her face, her hands in a shell forcing her to look at him.

" Focus on me, I’ll take you to the hospital."

Though he was in a hurry, Duncan said each word slowly.

But Rosalie didn’t move.

I was horrified at the prospect of giving birth, terrified.

When Duncan collected all the bags and put them in the car, he went back for it.

Rosalie was standing in the same place, her hands trembling.

The man held his face again and said:

" I know you’re scared, Rose, but I need you to be brave now. "

He pulled your hand, and held it tight.

When she was taken to the prenatal room in severe pain, she looked at Duncan.

" What if I’m not capable of that?"

She closed her eyes, feeling another contraction.

It was like being broken from the inside out.

Duncan moved closer to the bed, standing his face inches from hers and holding it in his hand.

" I will make a promise to you. " he said, and Rosalie saw how her eyes were sore. " I will not let go of her hand. Neither today nor ever."

The birth lasted more than ten hours, and Duncan did not let go of his hand.

Exactly as you promised.

Rosalie wiped her tears and parked the car in her garage.

Before the garage door closed she saw a shadow in the rearview mirror.

Rosalie felt suddenly observed, and immediately left the garage.

She turned around on her property, and headed for the front entrance.

The widow looked at the street, watching people in their routines.

Everything seemed perfectly in order.

However, the sensation of being observed still persisted.

The woman walked until she left her property, always watching the men passing by.

After a few seconds of this, she gave up and entered the manor.

Several meters away, a man dressed in black came out of the shadows.

Duncan looked back at his old house, looked at his wife who looked so lonely.

Even at that distance, Duncan Valois noticed Rosalie’s weight loss.

That perception shattered him, made him feel cursed.

Duncan was wearing a cap and sunglasses, but he threw them away.

He was no longer Duncan Valois, and not even the woman who loved him all her life would recognize him in that man’s body.

Before leaving, he took one last look at the manor, and desperately wished he could go back in time...

He clenched his fists, and left.

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