
Chapter three

A working day had come to an end, I still hadn't heard from Brian about the salary advance. Although I was very impatient, I still refrained from asking too many questions. Brian and Mrs. Brown were both extremely busy, the two of them had a lot of important work to do, they couldn't get my work done quickly. For me, the salary advance was very important, but for them it might not be worth mentioning.

I returned home when the sun had just set. From the day I graduated from high school, I had to stand on my own two feet. If Brian didn't answer me about the salary advance the next day, I had to take the initiative to ask him. I needed to know if I could get the salary advance or not. If not, I had to find another way.

I just needed to work hard for four years. After graduating, I would find a job and my life would be better. I could buy the things I liked, do the things I wanted to do and also didn't have to be jealous of anyone anymore.

Just thinking about the bright future, a little difficulty about money couldn't make me desperate. If I wasn't born with the same luck as other children, I'd have to work harder. If I couldn't count on no one in this world, then I had to be strong enough to support myself.

When I woke up in the morning, my house was very quiet. My younger brother, Venn, hadn't come back and my stepmother had gone to the shop. I ate a sandwich quickly and took the bus to go to the mansion.

Matthew was busy working on his laptop. The door of his room was open, I could see him clearly from outside the room. As usual, I would make a cup of coffee and bring it to his room. My work was not much different from usual, the only difference was that I  was always in a low mood and looking forward to seeing Brian. Since entering the door I had been trying to find Brain but he was nowhere to be found.

I didn't know whether everything worked out well?

I carefully placed the coffee cup on the corner of Matthew's table then slowly walked out. Matthew didn't want to be disturbed while he was concentrating on work so I just put the coffee on the table and walked out.

Since the accident, Matthew's behavior had become worse. Before me, there were many people who couldn't stand his anger and had to resign.

I was about to go out of his room, but I had only taken a few steps when I was stopped by a voice.

“I heard you want to ask for a salary advance.” Matthew said.

Startled, I quickly turned around.

Stepping closer to Matthew, I was thinking for a moment, and I said, "I need money urgently, I hope you give me the salary advance, I will definitely work hard to repay you."

"Urgently?" Matthew repeated my words.

I nodded, “Yes, I need money to pay my tuition.”

“You are a university student, summer break is coming to an end, then you have to go to school, how can you still continue working here!” Matthew said nonchalantly.

Why did he say that? Did he want to fire me?

“I have explained my situation to Mrs. Brown, she said that as long as I did a good job, she would let me work here even if I have to go to school.” I hastily answered.

Mrs. Brown did promise me that, but deep down, I was still very worried. It was very difficult to define what "did a good job" meant, moreover, if Matthew recovered, would he still need me?

“If you only work here for half a day, how can you do a good job? Remember I need someone who can take care of me for a whole day.” Matthew said.

I froze, maybe he would refuse to give me the salary advance, or maybe even fire me right away.

What should I do? I didn't know.

There were times when I thought the good future was within my reach, but it turned out to be so far away.

I bit my lip and said nothing. As I was about to turn to leave, Matthew continued, "I won't help others unconditionally. If you want me to help you out, you have to give me a commensurate benefit. Let's cooperate, and both of us get what we want."

"How to cooperate?" I carefully asked.

I had nothing. How could I cooperate with him?

"You need money and I need a baby born by my legal wife. We can help each other. If you become my wife then I will help you pay your tuition fees. When the contract ends, you will receive a large amount of money.” Matthew calmly replied. When he said this sentence, he was calm as if he was asking what time was it?

I thought I had misheard, so I asked again, "Mr. Brown, what are you talking about?"

“I want you to be my wife.” Matthew said firmly.

How could I become his wife? I dared not think of it. 

I looked at him in disbelief, "You're proposing to me?"

God, I was still a college student, a normal student. Please someone tell me this was not a dream.

Matthew was very handsome and rich, although his legs were injured but he was still the dream lover of many girls, there was a long line of girls waiting to marry him. Why did he choose me as his wife and his future son’s mother?

I was silent, standing still, not knowing what to do. Matthew didn't say anything more, as if he was waiting for me to think it over and tell him the results.

"Why me?" I carefully asked again. I needed to know the reason why Matthew wanted to marry me. I didn't believe that a perfect person like Matthew would suddenly want to marry me, there must be a reason behind that suddenness.

The seemingly good marriage that many girls dream of might not be as good as it seemed. I needed to know everything and think carefully before making a decision, maybe I would suffer a lot if I made a wrong decision.

"Don't worry, We can sign an agreement. After you give birth to a child, we will get divorced and you will receive a large amount of money.” Matthew convinced me.

"You want me to sell my baby?" I said, eyes widened.

"No, I won't take away your motherhood, I don't want my child growing up without knowing who his mother is. After we divorce, I won't stop you from visiting our child." Matthew answered.

“It sounds like a good offer, but I couldn't make a decision that would affect my life and my future baby's life so easily. You have so many choices, why me?”

“I observe you very closely, you are not curious and you don't meddle in other people's affairs, that is what I need in a wife, I believe when we are together, you will not cause me any trouble.”

I thought for a moment, then asked, "Why do you need a wife and a baby, you know, you're a billionaire, our world is so different, I'm afraid I'll be in danger when I become your wife.”

I had heard that there were a lot of billionaires who had close ties to the mafia. Not long ago Matthew was in a car accident, heaven knows if it was a real accident. Although I really want to be with him, I couldn't put myself in danger.

“My father is about to hand over full management of our family's company to me. According to my family rules. I have to marry and have a baby before becoming the head of the family.” He said nonchalantly.

I heard it from other maids in the mansion that he loved a girl but she left him when he had an accident. If she didn't leave, maybe they would get married.

“If I become your wife, I won't face any danger, will I?” I asked. Whether Matthew's story was true or not, I didn't care at all, what I wanted to know was what I would face if I became his wife.

“Of course not.” Matthew said firmly, “I am a businessman, not a gangster.”

"I agree." I said.

Matthew was a bit surprised, after I asked him a lot of questions with uninterested eyes, he didn't think I would agree so quickly.

"You… agree?" Matthew carefully reconfirmed.

"I agree to marry you." I speak plainly.

Marrying Matthew, I would certainly gain more benefits than losses. So why not agree?

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