
Ch 5 - Abuse My Brother A Little

Calypso was pacing, thoroughly distracted. Killian knew that nothing he said would get through to her – nothing except answers. That’s all she wanted, and he too wanted the same.

They’d been penetrated and he needed to understand how that happened.

Grant and Jethro had been called back into the office once Calypso had read the note. Edward volunteered to watch over the boys while the investigation was being carried out. He knew that his son’s attention would be occupied for at least a couple more hours.

Killian sighed, getting up to walk around his desk. He leaned on it, before pulling his mate into a hug. She didn’t fight him, and it wasn’t long before the first tear trailed down her cheek, but she fought to make sure it was the last.

She refused to give Jeremiah the satisfaction of affecting her in any way anymore.

“You should’ve let me kill him,” she growled lowly.

Killian brushed her hair. “You know why I didn’t.”

She pulled back to look into his eyes. “Killing him then would’ve prevented a lot of what is happening right now.”

“True, but it would also leave us without any answers. We hadn’t gathered enough information on him when your memories of him returned. We know that he’s been involved in some shady dealings. Killing him prematurely means that we lose our biggest lead to his operations,” he pointed out.

“And so, what? We just let him be? He threatened our son Killian,” she shouted.

“I know he did, and it’s not something I’m taking lightly. However, for him to be brave enough to do this, means he’s settled into his underground life. Coming at us like this means that he’s confident in his position,” he argued.

“You think he’s not serious?” she asked.

He shook his head. “I’m not saying that. I’m saying we should be careful about how we choose to react. I want nothing to happen to our sons either, but we cannot afford to be goaded into losing focus.”

“So, you’re saying we could possibly be getting played?” she checked.

He cupped her cheek. “I’m saying that our boys will be kept safe, and we’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m saying we need to think straight at all times. I’m saying that ultimately, Jeremiah will get what is coming to him.”

She believed him. Killian wouldn’t let any harm come to his family, and she needed to stay level headed so that he doesn’t have to worry about her losing control. She needed to remain level headed so that her powers stayed in control.

“Ok. I’m calm. What’s the plan?” she asked.

“Jethro and Grant will carry out the investigation without raising any suspicion. If we happen to have any moles in the pack, then we need to be careful about how we respond to any and everything, especially around our pack members. We’ll do a thorough sweep of any bugs in the pack house, and then limit any intel to our small group. However, we also need to make sure that we plant some misinformation where we can, even in our small circle,” he linked her to keep the conversation from being heard by anyone else.

She frowned. “You think the mole could be close?”

“Honestly? There’s only one way to find out. For now, like I said, we need to keep our heads level, and that also starts with making sure that we don’t come across as rattled, especially by this note,” he stated.

“What are you suggesting?” she asked.

“Let’s go and have a picnic with the boys.”

She wasn’t quite following, but she left the office with him as they went looking for their sons. They found them in the kitchen, and Killian suggested that they make snacks together as a family.

The boys were thrilled to be spending time with their parents, and once the snacks were packed and ready, the little family headed outside, walking for a while, until they reached a lake.

“I’ve never been here before,” Calypso commented as they lay the picnic blanket down.

“I haven’t really had time to give you a proper tour of the place,” Killian noted.

She nodded. “I’d like to do that, even if it’s in the middle of everything. Surely we can spare a few hours to do so.”

He smiled. “I promise to take you on the tour soon.”

She returned the smile before turning to their sons. “How have things been with the two of you?”

Xavier beamed. “Great! We’ve been having a lot of fun.”

Calypso laughed at the enthusiasm. “What exactly have you gotten up to?”

The young parents were entertained as they listened to the little ones animatedly tell them about their adventures. They’d missed spending time with them, and they realized that they couldn’t let everything that was happening around them take away from the time they’re meant to spend with their sons.

They were aware the kind of repercussions negligence like that could have on their behaviours growing up.

“Can you sense anything?” Calypso linked her mate.

They’d been at the lake for a while. “Not really, which means we either weren’t followed, or the person is good at hiding themselves.”

“That would suggest they’re getting outside help,” she pointed out.

He agreed. “We’ll have to ask my mother about it when she comes back.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon eating, talking, and playing with their sons. They’d achieved what they were trying to by not coming across as bothered, which Calypso realized was the point. The note lingered in both their minds, but on the outside, one wouldn’t be able to tell.

They’d just gone back into the pack house when Nathan linked his sister. “Cally, are you ok?”

“Why?” she asked, suspicious of the question.

“I don’t know. I felt strange and it feels like it’s coming from your direction,” he responded.

She was baffled by his newfound ability to track her feelings. “I’m fine Nate.”

“Because that sounds so convincing. Did you at least make it home safe?” he asked.

She hesitated, turning to her mate. “Should I tell Nathan about the note?”

“Not yet. He needs to be focused going into the meeting with Marriott. We’ll let him know about it after,” Killian replied.

She nodded before turning her attention back to the link with her brother. “We made it home safely. How are things on your end? Did Marriott agree to a meeting?”

“He actually did. I’m meeting with him tomorrow, so we’ll hear what he has to say then. I’ll let you know everything once he’s gone,” Nathan informed.

“Alright. Killian and I will probably head out tomorrow afternoon to talk to Hunter and Wayne. I guess we’ll give each other reports the next time we speak,” she noted.

He chuckled. “Cool. I love you sis, even if you hide things from me.”

“I love you too bro, even if you’re grasping at straws,” she teased.

He laughed at that before closing their link. “And?”

She turned back to her mate. “He got the meeting with Marriott for tomorrow. He said he’ll let us know how it goes, and I told him we’ll also report back about our talk with Hunter and Wayne.”

“I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to go to them, but it’s also risky having them come here,” he noted.

“Then there’s only one way to eliminate the mole knowing they were here,” she responded.

He raised an eyebrow. “How?”

“We’re going to have to abuse my brother a little. We don’t exactly have any magic at our disposal at the moment, and the last thing I want is for us to disrupt Sam’s training, so until then, we’re going to need Zen to teleport us to different meeting points when we need to have serious discussions,” she explained.

“So, he’ll fetch us, take us to another location, and then fetch Hunter and Wayne, and do the same?” he checked.

“Exactly! It would be foolish of us to assume that if there is a mole, then the mole is only in this pack. If we’re being targeted, then we have to assume that we’re being targeted from all points, which in this case means both packs. Us going there, them coming here, all of it makes no difference if we’re being watched from all corners. We need to counter this attack on us,” she elaborated.

“You called,” Zen announced his arrival.

“None of us called you, so it must be that weird power of yours. We need to go back to your place,” Killian told him.

Zen teleported them to the Vampire house instantly before asking any questions. “What’s going on?”

“We think there’s moles in the packs,” Killian told him, catching the attention of the other vampires.

“What makes you say that?” Caiaphas questioned.

Calypso took the note out of her pocket, handing it over. “This.”

The Vampires read over it, each of them reacting instantly. “When was this delivered?”

“While we were away, and that’s not even the worst part. It was delivered to Xavier directly. He told my father that the man who gave it to him had a mask on, so we can’t exactly trace them,” Killian informed.

Zen looked to his sister. “Did you tell Nathan?”

She shook her head. “He can’t be distracted right now. He’s got a meeting with Marriott tomorrow. We’re dealing with this on our own for now.”

“It’s one thing to threaten you, but this? And to give it to the child to deliver no less?” Roxanne growled lowly.

“I swear I’m going to twist every bone in that man’s body. I’m going to torture him before I kill him,” Calypso mumbled.

Killian put his arms around her. “And no one will stop you when that time comes.”

“So, what now? Since I sensed the need of my presence from you both, what is it that you need from me?” Zen asked the mates.

They explained their dilemma and request, and the Vampire Prince happily obliged. It didn’t take much energy from him to teleport, and for as long as he was available to do so, he would happily assist them.

Because he knew that when he needed them, they would show up for him as well.

He teleported them back home just in time for Jethro and Grant to give their reports. They hadn’t found anything suspicious as of yet, and it was agreed that they would continue monitoring the situation.

The mates were preparing for bed when Killian noticed that she was still looking over the note. He put it down, carrying her over to the bed before he joined her, pulling her into his side.

“Don’t worry nymph. I won’t let anything happen to you guys, and to our people,” he assured.

“I know. The whole thing is still fresh in my mind. I’ll let go of it eventually,” she replied.

He let it go, knowing that nothing else needed to be said, and he eventually drifted off to sleep. She stayed up the entire time, playing the words of the memorized note in her mind, over and over again:

Xavier is my son. Return him, and he’ll live. Keep him, and he’ll share in your doomed fate. I am coming for you Calypso, and you get to decide if our son lives or dies. We’ll see who the better parent is.


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