
Chapter 6

When Ethan saw Amelia in the Moonlit Meadow, his heart was racing. The moon's bright light surrounded them and cast ghostly shapes on the grass below them. A soft breeze rustled through the trees, giving the night an air of excitement.

Amelia said in a low, seductive voice, "You have no idea how much I want to touch you." She looked into Ethan's eyes, which were just as hungry as hers.

He couldn't deny the strong pull they had for each other. It was as if something unknown had joined their souls and pulled them together against all chances. Gabriel's rejection of him had left scars on his heart, but Amelia lit a fire inside him that threatened to burn everything he thought he knew.

Amelia took one quick step toward him, bringing them closer together. Ethan got shivers down his spine when she lightly touched his cheek with her fingers. He leaned into her touch, his body wanting to feel her closeness and longing for the fire in her eyes.

"You're the first person who's ever made me doubt the idea of fated mates," Ethan said, his voice husky with desire. "I thought I'd found my one true love, but Gabriel broke my dream."

Amelia's smile showed that she knew what was going on. "Sometimes, fate is just a way to get to something better," she whispered as her warm breath touched his skin.

Without saying a word, they locked lips in a passionate, exciting kiss. It was a meeting of souls desperate to find comfort in each other's hugs. It was a clash of hunger and desire. Their bodies moved in sync, shaped by a love that went against all logic.

During that stolen moment, Ethan forgot how painful it was to be turned down. He gave in to the enticing feeling of Amelia's touch and got lost in the deep of their mutual desire.

But as they were getting closer, a disturbing voice in the distance broke up their stolen happiness. It was Gabriel's voice, which was desperate and sad at the same time. "Please, Ethan! "Please let me explain!"

The spell didn't work. Ethan moved away from Amelia, his chest aching and his mind torn by different feelings. Even though the heat of their love was still there, he had to face the truth of the choices he had to make.

Amelia's eyes had both worry and understanding in them. "Ethan, listen to your heart," she told him in a soft voice. "Only you can choose the right path."

Gabriel's pleas got louder, so Ethan took one last look at Amelia. He knew that no matter what he chose, it would have a big impact. With one last longing look, he turned and ran toward the wailing of his fated mate, ready to face the past and see if their broken bond could be fixed.

Gabriel's voice got louder with each step Ethan took as he ran through the Moonlit Meadow. His mind was filled with doubt, and it kept trying to pull him back to what he knew and what he thought was his destiny.

But as he got closer to the edge of the field, a hand reached out from the shadows and grabbed his wrist. Ethan skidded to a stop and turned to see Amelia's sister Isabella standing in front of him.

"Wait, Ethan," Isabella begged with worry in her eyes. "Don't be in a hurry. You have the right to know the truth before making a choice."

As he looked into Isabella's eyes, Ethan's chest went up and down with each rapid breath. He had always felt ease, trust, and understanding when she was around. He knew he had to listen to her before he could talk to Gabriel.

"What truth?" he asked with a desperate tone in his voice. "Say something, Isabella. "I must know."

Isabella's grip on his wrist got tighter, and she didn't move her eyes. She said, "Amelia is not who she seems to be." Her words were full of both fear and determination. "She knows things that could make everything different."

Ethan's heart dropped as he tried to figure out what Isabella had said. He had let himself be drawn in by Amelia's beauty, but now he wondered what their real link was. Was it all just a show? A way to forget the pain of being rejected by his mate?

"What secrets?" he asked in a shaky voice. "Show me!"

Isabella took a deep breath and spoke in a hurry-up tone. "Ethan, Amelia comes from a family with evil plans. They want to use manipulation and power to get what they want. She was sent here to join our pack and make us weaker from the inside.

Ethan fell backward, his head spinning from what he had just learned. The truth hit him like a wave, putting out the fire of desire that had been burning so brightly just moments before. Once a place of peace and potential, the Moonlit Meadow now felt like a web of lies.

He asked in a barely audible whisper, "What about Gabriel?" "Knows he what?"

Isabella's eyes relaxed, showing both sympathy and sadness. "Just like you, Gabriel has been tricked. He doesn't know what Amelia really wants. But I think he still loves you, Ethan, deep down. You have a chance to tell the truth and get back what was taken from you."

Ethan felt the weight of what Isabella said when she said it. He had to choose between going back to Gabriel's arms or going deeper into the unknown with Amelia. He had to talk to Gabriel not only for himself but also for the sake of their pack and their future.

Ethan pulled his wrist out of Isabella's grip with a fresh sense of purpose and turned to face the road ahead. He would talk to Gabriel, find out what was going on, and get the answers he was looking for.

The Moonlit Meadow was quiet as it watched Ethan take his first steps toward forgiveness and the discovery of secrets that would change the course of his life. The fight for his heart wasn't over yet, but he was ready to face it head-on because he knew the trut

h could heal, break, and eventually set him free.

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