
Interesting Suprises

What about meeting a stranger in a garden at a castle is serendipitous? Frankly she was more concerned that the man of her dreams actually existed in real life. When in the universe would this even be considered possible? She stared at this man trying to keep her jaw from hitting the ground.

"Would you care to see where the next path goes with me? " he asked taking a step forward.

"Well I don't think wandering into an unknown garden with a stranger is the brightest idea I've ever had" she answered honestly.

"That is true" he chuckled, "but why not live for today?"

She was hesitant, but she felt a pull to him. She felt almost safe with him. She told herself it was likely because she had an entire fantasy life with this man, and that was not a reason to trust the flesh. Still, she found herself giving in.

"Alright, but let us stick to the paths" she firmly stated.

" Of course" he gestured for her to follow him.

They found the set on another shell like pathway. It curves around the trees and behind a stone wall. It was curious all these materials being here and a random stone wall. She stared at it and started to run her fingers over it. Ian stood back just observing her, he could see the wheels turning in her mind. She found a brick in the wall that seemed loose, she pulled the brick away to reveal a small metal cylinder.

"How odd. Feels like we are playing Raiders of the lost Ark here.." she said turning to Ian.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let's see what's inside." he said urging her to open the container.

Steadily she twisted the top open, inside was small rolled paper with writing.

"I can read this, it's a language I don't recognize" she said disappointed.

"Let me see" he said reaching for the scroll.

He stated at it tentatively and then looked at her.

"Well...did I win a car?" she said dryly.

"Not quite, but you have found a very old confession" he said.

"Confession? What kind of confession?" she asked her brows furrowed together.

He saw the flustered blush creeping across her face, the way her soft brown eyes turned a shade darker with concern, and they way she started to fidget with the hem of her dress.

"A confession of love and heartbreak" he said very softly.

"Oh, I don't suppose you can tell me that there's a silver lining?" she said her voice starting to lilt.

"Hmmm hard to say...perhaps if you join me for dinner I may have the answer" he said quirking up a brow.

Anna was caught off guard. How could she go to dinner with a stranger, with this Adonis of her dreams? What the hell could they possibly talk about? She was very lost in her thoughts when he interrupted.

"If you accept I will see you in the dining hall at the bat at 7, if you do not I understand. Good day, Anna" he said and started walking down a different path into the garden.

She stood there dumbfounded. Did he just ask her out? Did he just smoothly walk away without an answer, that confident she would come? How the hell does she get out of this garden? She began a slow walk back the way they had came sticking to the paths and replaying her afternoon. Adventure she wanted a d she had started. Now she needed balls of steel, because intimacy was the enemy. She had almost made it to the front of the garden when she bumped into someone.

"Oh gosh, pardon me I should have been looking" she stuttered a blush creeping across her cheeks.

"No worries, the grounds can be very distracting" the gentleman said.

When she looked up she saw a handsome man. His face was very angular, almost angelic like. He had deep brown eyes like chocolate, and a devastatingly white smile. His hair was short and curly in blond locks.

"Yes they can be." she said and started to move, no need to be caught drooling she thought to herself.

"I am Desmond, Desmond Lear" he said.

"Nice to meet you, Desmond. I am Anna Redglass" she said softly.

"Well, Anna I won't keep you. I am sure we will see more of each other in the future" he said with a mischievous smile and the. stepped out of the way.

She nodded and then hurried inside. While he was handsome, something out her at unease about Desmond. Maybe it was the fact that he was certain they would see each other again when she was almost positive he wasn't a guest. Of course he could have arrived today. Still though something about the way he looked at her, it was as if he would swallow her whole and not in a good way. Well, no time to ponder on that she needed to get to her suite and find a dress for dinner. She had not had many dates but she knew one cardinal rule from her mother 'always dress to impress'. She rushed to her room hoping she had something suitable to wear for cocktails, and maybe a push up bra. Can't blame a girl for wanting to put things in the best place right?

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