
Triggered by the enemy

Standing outside his office door and having to listen to Daniel talk shit about him to Cole, made Rodriguez furious. He opened the door to his office and stepped in to see Cole sitting on the couch and Daniel standing in front of him. Immediately Daniel heard the door open, he stopped talking. He turned around and flashed Rodriguez a fake smile as he stepped back and away from Cole. Rodriguez just gave him a dirty look, not wanting to cause a commotion in front of Cole.

"When will you be leaving, dad?" He asked Cole with a smile on his face.

"I was just waiting for you to come back, so you can walk me out." Cole said standing up from the couch he was sitting in.

He walked past Daniel and took Rodriguez's hand so he could walk beside him, leaving Daniel in the office. Cole thought to what Daniel had said, but he had expected it as Daniel had always looked for ways to badmouth Jake.

"You really should take care of yourself. And about that thing that's bothering you, it'll solve itself." Cole advised when they reached the front doors and his driver brought the car over.

"No, dad. I should be the one telling you that. Take care of yourself and mom and don't bother about me." Rodriguez smiled.

"Okay, son. Goodbye." He said before getting into the car. Rodriguez waved at the car as it drove away.

Immediately it was out of sight, the smile on his face disappeared. He turned around with the look of pure anger on his face. He got into the elevator, with the thought that he might quite possibly murder Daniel if he overstepped his boundary. When he got off the elevator, he saw Daniel there leaning against his secretary's counter. He walked behind him and grabbed him by the back of his collar.

"What exactly was it you were saying to my father?" He asked him, trying to calm himself a little because of the presence of the other people there.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything to him." Daniel denied feigning ignorance. Rodriguez replaced his hands and grabbed the front of his collar with his two hands.

"Don't take me for a fool, Daniel. I heard you." He said starinh straight into Daniel's eyes. Daniel looked around at the people that were starting to gather and quickly came up with a plan in his head. He was going to make himself the victim.

"Mr. Jake, I really have no idea what you're talking about, so you have no right to harras me this way." He said trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Do not make me repeat myself, Daniel. It is your conspiracy to try to get my father to remove me from this position, why?"

"I have absolutely no idea what it is that you are talking about. How can you all stand there and watch a boss harass his employee. This is an infringement on my rights as a worker here." He looked at the people that were gathered there as they started to talk within themselves.

"Are you all afraid that you may lose your jobs? Then don't worry I can secur…" his words were cut off by a punch to his face.

Rodriguez who had been standing right in front of him listening to his rubbish was at his limit.

"Would you shut the fuck up and stop spouting lies." He practically growled as he threw Daniel to the ground and the people around gasped.

Rodriguez was so angry at this human. Never in his life had he imagined a human would have the guts to act this way.and he was never one to have much patience. He was about ready to risk it all and reveal his wolf just so he could finish off this guy.

He walked over to Daniel and bent down to straddle him. He held his collar with his left hand and stared straight into Daniel's eyes. Daniel gasped as he looked into Rodriguez's eyes and saw the color. His eyes had changed from a dark brown to a dark red. Rodriguez was no longer there.

He raised his right hand in a fist and began to hit Daniel's cheek. All the people around gasped, but none dared to step in to intervene. He hit him so many times all over his head that Daniel eventually lost consciousness. When he lost saw that Daniel had lost consciousness, he stepped back, shielded his eyes from the people around and told someone to call an ambulance.

He rushed into his office and shouted, more like growled. He was so furious and his wolf was still on the surface, refusing to go back.

Meanwhile, Mara on the way home had looked around her car and saw that she had dropped her keychain that was supposed to be attached to her phone case in the meeting room. It was very important and she couldn't go without it, so she turned her car back around.

On getting back to UNICOM's building, she parked her car and went to the receptionist's table.

"Hi, I'm Mara Lade. I just had a meeting with your boss, but I foe got something very important to me in the meeting room and I would like to get it back." She said to one of the receptionist who seemed very busy.

"Okay, Miss Lade. Would you wait a minute so I can round up what it is that I am doing and get it for you?" The receptionist politely asked.

"I'm kinda in a hurry…. You know what how about I just get it myself, so I wouldn't give you too much trouble since you look like you have a lot to do." She suggested.

"Wow, really. I would really appreciate that. Thank you, Miss Lade." Mara smiled at her as she walked to the elevator.

Getting to the elevator, she entered with two other employees.following and standing in front of her.

"Did you hear about what happened just now?" The female employee with brown hair said.

"What.. what happened?" The employee with blonde hair asked.and Mara looked away not wanting them to notice her presence.

"Just now as I was going to deliver documents to the marketing documents, I saw a gathering in front of the CEO's office. I moved closer to investigate and I saw the CEO straddling Mr. Reeves, basically bashing his head in." She said and the blonde employee gasped. Mara raised her eyebrow as she turned to look at them.

"Seriously, all efforts to try and stop him were all futile, because it was like he had turned into a whole other person, he looked so inhuman. I've never seen him like that before he always seemed like a cool, level-headed person. I wonder what Mr. Reeves could have done to make him so angry. He was just taken out in an ambulance." The brown haired employee shuddered.

When the elevator dinged, they all stepped out, the two employees walking in the opposite direction of where she was going. She quickly walked to the meeting room they had used and searched for her keychain, before finally finding it where the table. Walking out of the room, she decided to go see Rodriguez to find out what was going on.

She took the stairs instead of taking the elevator again, since it was just the floor above the one she was on. When she got there, she told his secretary who she was and they wanted to call him but she told them not to, that she wanted to surprise him.

After convincing them, she gently knocked on his door before pushing it open. She stuck her head in looking around before the rest of her body followed. The office was scattered with books and papers that were supposed to be on the table. She searched around for Rodriguez but he was nowhere to be found. She went around his desk and saw him crouched with his head burried in his arms. She wondered how bad the situation was for him to be like that. She walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder so he could raise his head and what she saw next was not what she would have imagined in a million years.

As he raised his head, red eyes shining in the reflection of the sunlight strlared right into he face as she scremed bloody murder.

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