
Meeting Mara

Rodriguez woke up to the sound of the alarm clock ringing. This is so goddamn loud, he thought. He groaned as he stretched his hand to turn it off. Browsing through Jake's memories, he saw that Jake always woke up by six every day.

'Why the hell would a person wake up so early in the morning. I thought he was the CEO of a company.' He groaned again as he dragged himself out of the bed. He felt really angry that he had to wake up so early to go to work.

He walked to the bathroom, taking off his clothes on the way and dropping them on the ground. He got into the bathroom and turned on the lights. The bathroom was very big like every other area in the house. It was the biggest he had ever seen. I was almost as big as his whole bedroom back home. He walked towards where the shower head was and saw different types of shower gels on the shelves hung on the wall by the side.

'This guy is really wealthy.' He thought as he picked them up one after the other to smell them before finally settling for one of them. Browsing through Jake's memories, he looked through all the things he did on a daily basis and it was basically all about work.

Being the CEO of UNICOM, a company he had inherited from his parents, he had to work really hard to prove himself and get the position he wanted, despite oppositions. He never joked with anything concerning his work.

When Rodriguez was done taking his bath, he wrapped a towel around his body and stepped out. He opened the door to Jake's walk in closet and was surprised by what he saw. In there were racks and racks of different clothing articles. Ranging from expensive looking suits, to short sleeve shirts, to dress shirts, to polos, to designer watches and shoes, name them, he had it all.

Rodriguez walked in with his mouth open. He walked through, his hands feeling the different materials as he passed by them. He opened the cabinet where the watches were kept and picked one up from inside. He didn't know which brand it was, but it looked hella expensive. He had a cabinet for different colors, sizes and shapes of ties and racks of different shoes. If he thought he was rich he was rich back at home, then this guy was filthy wealthy. Living like this, he knew he didn't.have to bother with working too hard. He thought about Emilio and thanked him for having his best interest at heart.

He quickly picked out what he was going to wear and put them on. He made sure he dressed to impress. Having all these things at his disposal, made him want to really show off. When he was done, he went downstairs it have his breakfast, and a grasy was set in front of him. He wasn't going to be able to eat it all. The food had to be enough to feed at least there's people. He ate till there was no space left in his stomach for anything. Through the side of his eye, he could see the maids looking at him weirdly as they went about their duties, but he ignored them.

When Rodriguez was done, he stood up, grabbed his that is Jake's phone, wallet and car keys. As he was about to step out, he called one of the maids.

"Have someone clean up my room." He said and the maid frowned before looking away.

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"No, sir. We'll do just that." She said bowing her head Ashe walked out the door.

Walking to the garage, he once again was shocked by what he saw. Cars of different colors and sizes filled the garage. He had thought he would just drive out in the car he drove in last night, but seeing what he had seen, he quickly changed his mind. He walked around the garage, trying to pick the one he would drive. His eyes finally landed on a red car that was really close to the ground. It looked really sleek. According to Jake's memories, it was a Lamborghini Urus in the color Rosso Mars. Rodriguez went around it, admiring its beauty before telling the garage worker standing there to get him the keys as he threw the other ones to him. Immediately he was given the keys, he got into the car and sped out of the garage and house gate.

Instead of going straight to the office, he took the car around for a drive for almost two hours. He had never driven a sports car before, so driving this one felt exhilarating. By the time he got back to his senses and checked his watch, it was already nine. He immediately shook his head and changed direction and headed for the office. By the time he arrived, it was already nine-thirty. He went into the office building. It was huge. He couldn't believe Jake was the CEO of this big company. As he walked in, people greeted him and smiled as he greeted them back. He was surprised by how much they respected Jake. He took the elevator to the last floor, where Jake's office was. When he stepped out of the elevator, he was greeted by Jake's secretaries that were seated there. He acknowledged them before walking to his own office and closing the door behind him.

He sat in the chair behind the desk. Jake soffice was huge. There were very few things in hia office though and the design was very minimalistic. Jake seemed like a very boring person to Rodriguez. In the process of swinging around in his chair, a knock came to his door.

"Come in." He said sitting right and straightening out his suit.

A man that seemed to be in his thirties stepped in. He was not that tall and was dressed in a suit. Rodriguez seat he's through Jake's memories to find out who he was. He seemed to be Danie Reeves, a worker in the company. Jake didn't like him.

"Good morning, CEO." He greeted. He almost sounded genuine, but Rodriguez knew better.

"Good morning, Daniel. How many I hel you?" Rodriguez asked.

"There's nothing in particular I need help with. I just noticed you came in to work late, so I was wondering if everything was okay." He looked smug. Rodriguez mentally shook his head at the fake concern.

"No particular reason, Daniel…. If there's nothing else, you can leave.* Rodriguez was already tired of his taunting.

Just as Daniel was about to say something else, the door opened. In walked Cole Smith, Jake's father. He was a man in his fifties. He looked rather young for his age, and Rodriguez couldn't help but remember his own dad. Jake looks nothing like his dad, he thought. He immediately stood up to greet him.

"Good morning, dad." He greeted him as Cole patted his back.

"Hello, son. How are you today?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm fine, dad and how's mom?"

"I'm fine, boy and your mom's doing great."

"Good morning, Mr. Smith." Daniel greeted.

"Kissass." Rodriguez sneered.

"Ah, good morning, Daniel. What are you doing here?"

"I just came becausei was concerned as to why Mr. Jake came in to work like today." He said and Rodriguez sighed. He finally saw what Daniel's mission was, but he didn't care.

Colt hummed before turning to Rodriguez.

"I hope you're ready for the meeting today. It's a very important one."

"Yes, dad." He said looking through Jake's memories, he saw thatbhe really did have a meeting.

"Shall we?" Daniel said gesturing them towards the door as he led the way.

They walked towards the meeting room and saw that the other employees were already there waiting. They took the seats closest to the projector screen. Not long after, the door opened and a group of people stepped in.

Among them was a young lady. This young lady was hands down one of the most beautiful he had ever seen in his life. He gasped as his mouth hung open. He watched her as she walked in and stood in front of him, across the table.

"Hello, my name is Mara Lade, CEO of Lade Ventures." She said confidently as she stared Rodriguez dead in the eye. There was only one thought going through his head.

'Who the hell is this?'

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