
The Contract


"Sophia!" I heard Liam's voice outside my small apartment and the door being kicked open seconds after, he was right in front of me, fuming.

"Li-" I couldn't even get a word out.

"What is this?!" He asked, bringing his phone out to show me something.

"Uhm… your phone is off…"

He hurriedly switched it on and showed me the picture of me on the bed with the boss' hand around me.

"Have you been cheating on me?!"

"No! It's a misunderstanding, I-"

"Is that why you didn't want my help? You felt guilty because you've been cheating on me?! How could you?!!" He screamed and I reached out to put my hand on his chest and calm him down but he pushed my hand off and burst into tears.

"Liam, it isn't what it looks like."

"Then what is it Soph?! I love you, you're the first girl I've ever loved so much, I fought with my dad for you! And you go on to cheat on me?! Why? Is he better than me? Is it because he's richer?! Wealthier?! Tell me! Why did you cheat on me!?"

"Liam, calm down and let me explain." He started taking deep breaths and bit his lip to prevent himself from screaming as tears still poured down.

"I didn't cheat on you… willingly."

"So you cheated on me, and you're admitting it?" He asked.

"Liam, I didn't want to, he dragged me into the room and practically raped me!"

"Oh now you're saying he raped you, you probably just wanted to leech on him!"

"What?" He scoffed.

"I never took you as that type of person Sophia, I thought you were different…" he turned to walk away and I still had my eyes wide. Did he just call me a whore?

"Yes, leave!" He turned to me with furrowed brows, "if you truly love me, you would believe me. Leave my house!"

He turned away and left. Once he was gone I burst into tears. Had he really not believed me? I loved him, yet he just left! If the characters were swapped then I would believe him, but he insulted me when I told him the truth.

I was still in the middle of crying when my phone rang. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now so I didn't pick up but when the ringing became persistent, I picked it up without even taking a glance at the ID.


"Now that isn't any way to pick up a call, is it?" I heard an unknown voice from the other line and I cleared my throat and wiped my tears.

"Who's this?"

"This is Noah Parker, I'm the assistant to Justin Smith, he wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow, 8am at the hotel's penthouse."


"The reason would be stated during the meeting."

"I don't want to talk to him." He chuckled over the line.

"Now this isn't an offer you would want to reject, it's either you have a meeting with him willingly or we take you with or without your permission. You're free to choose, 8am, don't be late, if you aren't there within an hour after the specified time then we would have to come get you."

The call was cut off and I dropped the phone angrily.

"These rich people! They always think they can control others to do whatever they want! I hate everyone!" I screamed, "ugh!!!!"

I was still in my small apartment, deciding whether or not to go and meet the one who made my life a mess.

I sighed frustratingly, "I'll have to go anyway!"

I stepped out of the building and made my way to the hotel. I couldn't call a cab because I had no money left with me and I had a face mask on so people wouldn't recognize me.

Although I had said I wasn't going to continue reading the comments, I couldn't stop myself, I found myself scrolling through in the middle of the night, seeing comments like:

"I thought he was going to marry Amelia Robertson, what's he doing with some ordinary bitch?"

"Some girls take it too far sometimes, what if he contacts some type of STD?"

"She's so ugly, why would he even think of doing anything with her?" This comment was written by @sexygirl123 and some people replied.

"To @sexygirl123, it may have been a rape situation, he may have been raped by her. She doesn't even have a conscience, I hope she rots in jail for this."

Although some people wrote hurtful things about me, some others defended me.

"To @sexygirl123, what if she was the victim? We all know how rich people just rape others who are less privileged."

Some people agreed and that was how another news buzz came, JUSTIN SMITH ACCUSED OF ALLEGED RAPE. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt to see all those comments.

I had my head bent as I walked into the hotel, I was about to move to the reception when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see a breathtaking man who had a grin on his face as he scanned me.

"Sophia Jones?" He asked and I nodded, "I'm Noah Parkers, he's waiting for you right up, he said to escort you… the guy really just wants to increase my workload, it isn't like you can't walk yourself." He muttered and led the way.

I didn't miss how people looked at me as I walked, some of the maids and guests passed me scornful looks knowing exactly who I was, some even pulled out their phones.

"If he wanted a one-night-stand he could have come to me, why did he go for someone like her?" I heard someone ask and I bent my head lower to hide my teary eyes.

I was in the penthouse, sitted on one of the couches as the handsome man I had apparently slept with emerged from the bedroom while Noah excused himself.

He took a seat opposite of me and dropped a folder on the table between us.

"So I found out I had been the one to drag you into the room and I apologize, I also offer compensation for your… loss and I hope you don't bring any note of this to the public." He said and wrote out a cheque to pass me from the table.

"Did you call me here for this? Trust me, the damages you have done are past monetary compensations!" I half-yelled.

"I already apologized."

"I didn't hear an apology."

"I'll put down the media as an apology and the compensation is enough, that's a hundred grand."

"I want an oral apology." He raised a brow and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"I-I… I'm sorry." I smiled.

"Good, you also have to take down the press."

"That would be taken care of. Now that isn't the reason for this meeting, I'm here to offer you a contract." I raised a brow at this, "a marriage contract."


"Look, my grandfather wants you to get married to me, it would take down the scandals and everything else. Now, I don't want to get married to you so the contract states that the marriage would last for 3 years and we would get a divorce-" I interrupted.

"Wait, you can't expect me to just get married to you, I just met you and I want no business with you."

"Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking. Trust me, I feel the same way but when dealing with someone like my grandfather you've not got a choice, it's either this or you deal with the press."

"I don't care, and I don't care who your grandpa is but I am not marrying you!" He laughed.

"Like I said, you've not got a choice. Knowing Amelia, she would have you killed before the end of the week." I gasped and he leaned in with a dark smirk that made him look even more attractive, "and… I've got an offer you can't refuse. You have a brother, he had an accident a few days back and is supposed to undergo surgery, right?"

"Did you do a background check on me?" I asked and he only smirked. My phone rang at that moment and I looked at the caller ID, it was my brother's doctor.

"Hello, Ms Sophia. I've got great news! Someone volunteered to transfer your brother to the VIP room and pay for his bills! The surgeon was switched to Mr Samuels, the best surgeon in the country! I don't even know how he got here, the surgery will proceed next week, we need you to sign for your permission." My mouth was left agape and I stared at the boss in front of me as his smirk widened.

"I also have a five million dollar offer on the table. A quarter will be paid after you sign the contract and the rest at the end of the 3 years period. It's your choice…" he said and leaned back.

"O-okay, I'll be there tomorrow, thank you." I cut off the call and looked at the man sitting in front of me, "I…"

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