
Boss Arrival


Another day, another headache. Today was my day off so I was free to do whatever I'd like, and that includes waking up at whatever time I'd like but I think it's already become a norm for me to wake up at 6am in the morning. I went ahead to prepare for the new day.

I had just gotten out of the bathroom when my phone rang loudly. I picked it up, holding on to my towel.

"He-" I got interrupted before I could make up a simple hello.

"Where the heck are you?!" I heard Marcus' voice yell and I pulled the phone from my ear before putting it back.

"I'm home, today is my day off, remember?" I asked.

"Well, no off day for you today! If you do not want to lose this job, be at the hotel in half an hour!" He cut the call off and I was left confused but I sure didn't want to get fired so I hurried off.

The maids and cooks were running everywhere and as soon as I walked in, I got dragged off by Marcus.

"You! You're cleaning the boss' room!" He said.


"Are you daft?! I said you're cleaning the boss' room, get up there and clean it up before he arrives!" He ordered and walked off to scream at some other maids.

"Didn't you hear? The boss is coming today." One of my colleagues said to me as she lightly tapped my shoulder and I turned to her.

"On such short notice?"

"Yeah, Marcus is under pressure and everything has to be perfect." She said,

"Monica! I see you two have time to chat, go with Clara to clean the 2nd floor!" Marcus yelled and she rushed off, "and you! What are you still doing here?!" I hurried to get the cleaning equipment and rushed to the penthouse.

The boss of it all, Justin Smith, was the new CEO of the Smith Hotel Chain. A family business run by all descendants of the Smith family. They were 'old money' and they run the biggest and best businesses in the continent. They were in the marketing business and even the entertainment industry, they were everywhere but the Smith Hotel Chain was the largest business of all.

The bosses always used the penthouse whenever they visited, which was rare and only the best maids were gone to clean up there. I had no idea why Marcus had me clean there but… I still wanted the job so I went up.

The penthouse was humongous! Like, huge! I had never seen such a large space for a room in my entire 25 years of living.

I wonder how I could clean up before he arrived, but it happened that two others were sent to assist with the cleaning. The place was spotless, like it was cleaned frequently but I still had to clean it up.

I started up with the windows and I was done in an hour. I tiredly wiped off the sweat on my forehead and headed downstairs.

"Sophia! To the bar!" Marcus said and I groaned silently but headed there.

I headed to the bar occupied with only maids who were cleaning different places.

"There! That room isn't clean!" Marcus yelled from behind me and I jumped but rushed into the room.

I walked in but saw the lady from earlier sitting while the bartender stood in front of her. I quickly hid and saw as she handed him a huge sum and smirked.

"I just want you to get the job done, put the aphrodisiac in his drink and quit right after, you can fly abroad and do whatever with the money." She said but he shook his head.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't do this." He pushed the sum into her hands, she laughed.

"Oh… but think about your little sister, I'll sponsor her education and your mother, I can get her out of prison…" she slowly pushed the money into his hands, "just get the job done!"

He seemed reluctant but with a sigh, he agreed, "okay, I'll quit immediately and you'll take me abroad."

"Of course!" She got up, "but don't even think of telling a single soul about this!" He nodded and they both walked out without spotting me.

I sighed in relief. I didn't know what was going on, but it wasn't my business and I would rather live than get myself mixed up with rich people's problems.

I was done soon and I rushed out of the bar as I heard the boss had arrived, we all went out to greet him and Marcus ushered him to his penthouse.

I didn't even get a glimpse of him as the others blocked my view, "he's so handsome!" A lady said.

"Wow! He just made my insides warm!" Another said.

"Rich and handsome? I've just seen my future husband!" A lady laughed at her statement.

"Don't think you can get him, he's the boss and we're just lowlife maids, he'd never even look at us twice." The girl sighed and the four walked off.

In an hour, he was out of the penthouse and he headed down to the bar. I wondered if he was the one the lady was talking about, he did arrive today and he had just headed to the bar. I should probably not concern myself with matters of the rich.

"Sophia!" I heard Marcus call me, "head to the boss' penthouse, he wants some food delivered!" He said.

Why was it always me? I sighed and nodded, he wasn't going to be there anyways.

I took the food in my hands and headed to the private elevator that led to his penthouse. My plan was to head in, drop the food and get out of there. I dropped the food on the dining table and was about to leave when I looked around, taking in the luxury of the room. It was all so beautiful.

My initial plan was discarded as I walked through the penthouse, unknowingly leaving my phone on the dining table. I headed to the bedroom and felt the soft bed on my hands. I could never sleep on something like this in my entire life but I had to leave before he came.

I ran out and rushed to the stairs as I saw the elevator coming up, he was coming. This was by far the worst decision I had ever made, my legs are gonna ache for at least a week. There were like… a million stairs!

I had heard the elevator ding when I started running down, "oh wait! I forgot my phone!" I realized, "oh no no no no !" I pulled on my hair as I kicked the air. "Should I just leave it? But he'll see it!" It was like right beside his food, "I have to go get it!"

I ran back and was tiptoeing to the door. As I had my hand on the knob as my staff card was about to swipe and let me in, the door opened to reveal the most handsome face I had seen in my existence and he gripped my waist and pulled me in.

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