By:  Naelyka  Completed
Language: English
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Genenvieve has always been in love with Daniel, her father's best friend. On her 18th birthday, she kisses him, and is immediately rejected by him. After that, Genevieve never heard from him again. Two years pass, and Daniel has an incredible night with a mysterious woman. He couldn't imagine that this woman was Genevieve, his best friend's daughter...

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2024-03-04 08:31:09
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nice story waiting for updates
2024-01-20 21:42:02
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Marena John Lambrou
Beautiful story line!
2024-03-20 10:23:12
67 Chapters
DANIELPerpetual tasks await, alongside an unyielding drive to pursue them. Irrespective of the path I choose, there lies an objective to achieve and a circumstance to overcome.Nevertheless, ambition cannot be devoid of insight, or else it transforms into a force of detriment.I am currently grappling with that boundary. The desire for more and the apprehension of less. The reality persists, ambition propels me forward, yet I find myself at the precipice, gazing into an obscure, mist-covered abyss.This isn't my initial encounter with such a void; it has stared back before. Whenever I encounter a junction, I recollect how I arrived at this juncture.However, this isn't the right moment for such images or reflections. After all, this occasion should exude joy. The operative word being "should."Making my way to my friend's residence to celebrate his daughter's eighteenth birthday is the final thing I wished to do. My desk is burdened with numerous case files, and a crucial planning me
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GENEVIEVEI am officially an adult now!Or that is what I like to think. Dad definitely still considers me a little girl that he needs to protect at all times.I can sense him watching me, even when he’s out of sight. Especially during the moments when I plan to do something he does not approve of.Ever since I showed up at his door when I was less than one day old, Krew Shaw has made it his mission to protect me at all costs. It did not matter that he was seventeen going on eighteen and in high school at the time and had no damn clue how to raise a kid.Especially a naughty, active one like me.He still singlehandedly raised me while he went to college and then law school and passed the bar. Let’s just say that toddler me did not exactly make Dad’s college life easy, but he never once made me feel like he was absent.I have always been a well-loved daughter, albeit lonely, with a brain that suddenly becomes blank for no apparent reason. The therapist Dad took me to says it is depress
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“King would not like it.” Oh.So it is back to my dad again.Seems I am out for blood, though, because I still refuse to drop it. “How about you?”“How about me?”“Would you like it if I had a boyfriend?”He pauses, then says, “I would be neutral.”Right.Of course, he would.Why would the king of the jungle look in the direction of a stray cub when he has countless lionesses by his side?The breaking sound in my chest that I felt when I thought he did not show up returns and I dig the edge of my phone into my ribcage as I struggle to maintain a neutral façade.This would be the perfect time for me to stuff myself with some vanilla ice cream or a milkshake while I hide in the closet.“Happy birthday, Genevieve.” He reaches into his pocket and produces a small blue box and tosses it my way.I let the phone fall to my lap so I can catch it. Receiving a gift from him is almost enough to make me forget about his words. About the apathy everyone in the media talks about.Almost.“Can I ope
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TWO YEARS LATERDANIEL The shrill ring of my fucking cell phone shatters the tranquility of the room, rousing me from my slumber with a jolt of confusion. Shit.Groggily, I fumble for the device, shielding my face with a pillow, only to realize it is not mine. As the scent of an alluring perfume fills my senses, I am instantly wide awake, my curiosity piqued.With a mischievous grin playing on my lips, I took a moment to bask in the lingering aroma, allowing it to electrify my senses and awaken my weary mind. My eyes fixate on the pillow, still clutching it in my hand, desperate for answers."Who are you?" I mutter aloud, my mind a whirlwind of fragmented memories. My back being scratched. Toes curling against the sheet. Blond hair splayed across the pillow...The remnants of a wild night of drinking taunt me, leaving me grappling with the hazy recollections of an enigmatic woman.'I found myself between her legs, and the intensity of her gaze made it clear that I was exactly where
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Loving someone romantically who doesn't reciprocate your feelings can be a deeply challenging and emotional experience. Unrequited love, as it is often called, can be both beautiful and painful, a complex mix of hope and despair.When you find yourself in a situation where your heart yearns for someone who doesn't share the same romantic feelings, it can be easy to get lost in a whirlwind of emotions. You might be drawn to their every word and gesture, finding solace in their presence, even if it's as a friend. The intensity of your feelings can be overwhelming, making it hard to let go.But unrequited love can also teach us important lessons about self-discovery and resilience. It's a test of our emotional strength and the ability to cope with disappointment. It can lead to personal growth as we learn to value ourselves and understand that our worth is not determined by someone else's affections.In some cases, unrequited love can evolve into a deep, lasting friendship. While the rom
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Though it should not be, because I got over him, you know. It is for the best, anyway, since Dad would go berserk, so everything is fine.I am fine.I have been telling myself that for two years, but it is never felt true. I guess that is because he’s Dan.The same Dan who taught me to control the emptiness inside me and turn it into a strength.“That hollowness never goes away. It is part of who you are now, whether you like it or not,” he said on my fifteenth birthday when he found me hiding in Dad’s wine cellar. That is what I do when it gets to be too much and I do not want to upset Dad—I hide.That day was one of those overwhelming days. I hated it, my birthday, and myself. I felt like that abandoned newborn baby on the side of the road again, even though I remembered none of it. I felt like an unwanted presence and it made me empty. So empty that I couldn’t breathe and had to hold in the tears when Dad sang me Happy Birthday.It was the day I realized that despite having the bes
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It is not worth jeopardizing our partnership and friendship for it. Though friendship might not be entirely accurate; we’re still rivals in a way. We still compete and fight and call each other on our shit.But like yin and yang, we complete each other. Where he’s quiet, I am loud. Where he’s cold, I can be hot-blooded, which makes our partnership extremely profitable.When Dan and I are on a mission, nothing can stop us.Or at least, I thought so until this morning.Until the fucking phone call I had not so long ago.Until I realized the actual danger to my daughter’s life.The daughter I did not think I wanted when she showed up at my door. But one look into her innocent rainbow eyes made me fall in love when I thought I wasn’t capable of the emotion. I never even considered giving her away, I couldn’t. She was a part of me and I knew I had to protect her. It did not matter that I was young and reckless at the time. It did not matter that I knew shit about raising a child.Living wi
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In the golden rays of the setting sun, I found myself standing on the precipice of change, the very edge of a new beginning. The wind whispered secrets in my ear, and the world seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the momentous shift about to unfold.As I gazed into the horizon, I couldn't help but think of all the dreams and aspirations that had carried me to this point. The journey had been tumultuous, filled with trials and triumphs, and it was the fire within me that had kept me pushing forward. The fire of hope, of unrelenting determination, and the belief that I was destined for something greater.In my heart, a storm of emotions swirled - a heady mix of excitement, fear, and anticipation. The unknown stretched out before me like an uncharted sea, its depths hiding treasures and challenges in equal measure. But I was ready, armed with the courage of a thousand warriors and the resolve of a soul unbreakable.With every step I took, the ground beneath me seemed to vibrate
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My fingers falter and something stings my skin. I must’ve cut myself on the glass, but I do not pay attention to it as I stare at the man whose long legs eat up the distance in no time.Even the way he walks is unique. Only, he does not walk, he strides, always with some sort of purpose. His movements are purposeful, confident, and so damn masculine. Everything about him is manly, hard, and tenacious. It is present in every line of his face, every flutter of his lashes.It is in the way his broad shoulders stretch his tailored black jacket. The put-together look does not fool me, though, because I am well aware of what lurks beneath it.Muscles. Whether it is his chest, abdomen, biceps, or strong thighs. I know because I have watched him box with Dad many times, half-naked, and he gave me my first view of male beauty. I have seen his cut abdomen and bulging muscles. I have seen his fluid movements and quick reflexes.Young girls my age only have eyes for teenage boys and jocks, but I
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DANIELcoma.The doctor is telling us that Krew is in avegetative state. He’s saying things about swelling in the brain due to the impact and that he might wake up in the next few days, weeks, or never.This hotshot surgeon spent hours working on my friend with his people, and yet he still couldn’t bring him back.He was in the operating room for hours, just to tell us that King might or might not wake up. I do not miss the fake sympathy or his attempts not to give hope.But even if I grab and shake him, then punch him in the face, it will not bring King back, and it sure as fuck will not serve any purpose. Except for maybe getting rid of some of my pentup frustration.Genevieve listens to the doctor’s words with her lips slightly parted. They are lifeless and pale, like the rest of her face. She clinks the nails of her thumbs and forefingers together in a frantic, almost manic type of way. It is a nervous habit she’s had since she was a kid—since she learned the truth about her moth
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