
The Unbelievable

My husband, even though he was the Assistant General Overseer of our Church, saw no need of hiring a secretary. This was because lots of young people loved him so much and were ready to sweep and clean his office or run an errand for him at all times. But among so many girls who showed interest to clean his office and run errands for him, he accepted only five. Two teenagers over seventeen years and three youths. He considered them honest, decent, and respectful. They knew my husband to always be happy, smart, and ever motivated, with his words of wisdom, great courage, and uplifting.

However, as our disagreement gets intense, he always looks worried in the office, always thinking and being outside-minded. Each time any of these girls came into his office to clean it, they saw him looking very worried. Sometimes sleeping in broad daylight, or lost in deep thought. Several times they need to touch him after they have called him for a long time before he would come back to himself. They have asked him so many times what it was that troubled him, but he would say nothing, rather try to sound positive and strong. But the girls were no longer babies, they could see that he was troubled, they pitied him and resolved to find out one way or another what it was that troubled their favorite pastor and help him out of it if they can.

After much insisting, my husband opened up to them one after another and told them everything, adding that he never wanted to sleep around, he couldn't endure the shame that would come out of it. The girls resolved to make him happy, each of them visits him at the office daily to crack jokes with him, play with him, and make sure he would not feel lonely. From that play, unfortunately, my husband began to have a sexual relationship with them and they promised to respect him and keep it a secret. My husband found sexual satisfaction in the girls and no longer sees the need to disturb me or quarrel with me over sex. He comes home very happy, eats his food, and discusses with me calmly and happily with no argument or disagreement. But at night, he sleeps quietly all through the night without waking me or disturbing me over sex. I was happy that we no longer quarrel over sex, but was at the same time very worried about his sudden change in issues of sex. I resolved to find out whatever it was that might be going on. I bought a camera, went to his office when I knew he wouldn't be around, and hid it on his books shelf facing directly to his office table. After a long time, I resolved to sleep with him, since for months he hasn't disturbed me over sex, but he turned me down and said he was not in the mood. I was very angry, I never believed that my husband that loves sex would turn me down.

I threatened him with my body, I told him that he would neither see my body nor touch it again if he treats me with such disrespect. He didn't even look at me or give me a reply. He simply faced the other side of the bed and within a jiffy fell into a deep sleep. My heart was shattered and I cried all through the night. I became convinced that my husband is seeing another woman, or should I say, other women.

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