
A Friend Indeed

My husband could not believe what he watched Pastor Nicolas say. He wondered when Pastor Nicolas has ever advised him on the issue of women and sex or when they have discussed such. Within a few minutes, press from various media companies stormed our compound and were knocking at the gate. When the security man looked from the opening of the gate and saw them, he ran quickly to us to inform us. My husband and I went to meet with them to find out why they were at our compound.

'Excuse me, Pastor, are you guilty of the accusation going viral at this moment, against you, sir?' Someone from the crowd asked.

'Did you really tell Jennifer that your wife was dead to get her to bed? Why would you do that, sir?' Another person asked?

'Madam, how did you feel when you heard that your husband was having an affair with Jennifer, another woman?' Someone from the crowd asked, directing the question to me.

'Why are you still in this marriage, after what he did to you, madam? Why are you defending hi
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