
The Invitations

The Invitations

The whole scandal was to tarnish the image of my husband and destroy him completely, but God turned the whole plan in the favor of my husband. The whole thing made my husband and me very popular. We became famous and the world longed to hear us, see us and my husband's books went global. Both my husband and I were invited collectively and separately to different programs and seminars to talk to people, especially about marriage, friendship, relationships, handling difficult times, and other stuff like that. I remember one of the seminars I was invited to talk to young girls and married women. I spoke to them about what they can do to have their husband serve them without having to use a charm or love potion.

I told them that 'It is sweet and very beautiful to have a man and a woman fall in love with each other. That is one of the sweetest moments of life, especially, when it is true love, and more especially when the lovely relationship ends in marriage. Love experienc
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