
My Husband's Lectures

My husband delivered a seminar on the common issues that lead to broken homes. After the seminars, the people pleaded with him to make a handout of the seminar for them and he did. In fact, when I was invited here to talk about my husband's and my experience with the crisis we had, I resolved to bring a copy of the handout. In the seminar, my husband explained what leads to broken homes, according to him, 'It takes a lot to make or build a home, but very little to break or destroy it. A home gives peace, happiness, and sometimes joy. It is a place a man is made into a responsible and loving husband and a woman into a responsible and caring wife. It is a place where innocent children are made and raised. Children are broken when there is a broken home or marriage. They become misdirected, frustrated, and most times hoodlums when there is a broken home or marriage. Hence, one of the worst things that can happen to a home is for the home to be broken.

Common Issues that Lead to Broken Ho
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