
Spring Mates

The children are having another Christmas play. After rehearsal, I'm rallying my kids to bundle up to leave. The parents drop their children off, but we return them home. Jordan is my absolute favorite. She's a beautiful seven-year-old full of personality and an old soul. The naivety of the other children annoys her. It's comical to observe her interacting with them. Tonight, she comforts another little girl named Chelsea. I walk over and kneel, asking, "Everything okay? What's wrong?"

"Chelsea saw a monster, Miss. Jade." Jordan answers.


"The night we slept in the tents." Chelsea pouts.

"Really? Did you tell your mom about it?"

"She did, but her mom doesn't believe her."

Now hugging Chelsea, I say, "It must've been terrifying since you're still afraid. I can only imagine your fear."

"Miss Jade, I see it all the time, not just that night at camp!" Chelsea cries.

"Where?" I ask.

"It lives in my backyard!"

She begins weeping, but Jordan quickly kisses and embraces her, whispering, "Don't cry. Jesus will protect you."

Chelsea's family's home is an extension of the campsite. I assume she saw the tiger those nights, and now she keeps envisioning it in her backyard. I tell the church bus driver I'm taking Chelsea and Jordan home myself. I lock up and then inform Jordan's parents she'll be with me due to the comfort she brings Chelsea.

Her home is a beautiful log and glass mansion. The ice and snow make the woods picturesque as we drive up this steep driveway to their mansion on a hill. Her parents are Thomas and Teresa Jameson. Lovely couple. 

After Chelsea and Jordan share their hearts along with Chelsea's fears, Thomas explains, "Believe me, Minister Jade, we took her very seriously. We even take turns sleeping with her at night, and we still allow her to sleep with us, but she claims she always sees it. We even had Pastor Gene over to pray with us." Thomas explains.

"We hoped the winter months would calm her, but she refuses to look out the window or sleep alone anymore." Teresa sighs.

I pray with them, and Jordan's family allows her to sleep over. The Jamesons have two other children. All four play together into the night. Their home has a theater, so their fifteen-year-old son entertains the children with movies. The Jamesons and I are in the kitchen drinking coffee and conversing well. I then asked, "Had either of you witnessed the tiger or only Chelsea?"

They shake their heads, but they're not revealing something. Thomas looks at Teresa, and she gestures yes. Then Thomas answers, "Jade, you know I work with the government, so I know everything that happens in this community, even the state. They claim this anonymous neighbor had a tiger that supposedly got loose, but that story is fraudulent. I have a few colleagues I confide in, and we could not find this person or this loose tiger. Once I learned it was a hoax, my coworker asked me, 'Then what did your daughter see?' I had never questioned Chelsea because I assumed she'd describe the tiger."

Abrupt, Thomas stops. I glance at him, then Teresa. We sit awkwardly until I ask, "Well, did she ever describe it?"

"Yes, and she said it came to church with you," Thomas answers nodding.

"What kind of description is that?" I scoff,

Squinting, Teresa answers, "We don't know, but she said it's a tall, naked rabbit?"

That description shocks me. I wanted to share my dream, but my describing the same creature will undoubtedly cause them to feel as if I'm this beast.

"Is it with me all the time?" I ask.

"We don't think so," Thomas answers, glancing at his wife.

"No, she only saw it once in church, once during Summer camp, then outside her window," Teresa answers.

Pretending I'm fine, we continue our evening. Afterward, Thomas and his son escorted me to my car. Now headed home, the ride down this dark, wooded road became eerie and frightening. If I were them, I'd move immediately!

Although it's below freezing tonight, I'm so hot driving home that I must cut the heat off and crack my windows and sunroof. By the time I get home, I'm soaking wet from sweat, just like I had been the night of my nightmare. All my heavy clothing left me feeling so nasty. I soak for over an hour in the tub. 

Although I'm a wee bit traumatized, it was good to finally have a night consumed with thoughts of something other than Tristan. It's been well over four months since I've heard from him. Monique never called, so I never completed my work there. Blake informed me they received an interim CEO to Tristan's corporation only days after his announcement. Malcolm then informed Toni his home sold in less than a month.

I've never been a colossal dater, but I haven't desired to date since Tristan's disappearance. I don't even go out every Wednesday or Sunday with my church friends. Strangely, I miss and want Tristan.

Saturday morning, I'm driving to Lakeside Mall. The ride there goes past an army base. While driving, I noticed army jeeps and a few black helicopters approaching that base. Curious, I flip around and go up that exit. Unfortunately, it's blocked, and the detour leads me back toward the mall. After shopping, I’m headed back past the army base exit when I'm compelled to call Tristan one last time. My call goes straight to voicemail as if I've been blocked, but I leave a message this time.

"Hey, Mr. Black. It's been so long that I feel as if we're back on a formal basis. Unblock my number and give me a call, please."

Of course, he never calls.

The winter holidays have passed, and spring is nearing. Miraculously, after my visit, Chelsea said her monster stopped coming. Her parents accredit my genuine love, prayers, and concern for Chelsea, freed her from this imaginary fear. I was pleased, and freeing Chelsea also freed me. I was ready to date. I met a nice guy through church named Shane. He's saved, and he works in government as well. We have been on a few dates, and I'm really starting to like him. He lives off the lake and drives a sporty Bentley. He owns a couple of dogs and has a son from a previous relationship. Shane is thirty-two, and his son is twelve. He and his high school sweetheart are now divorced. They're still friends today, but they just married too young.

Shane and I are out to dinner, and he's discussing his fascinating job as usual.

"This information is classified. I shouldn't be telling you any of this stuff! If we break up, you can ruin me!" He chuckles.

"Oh Mr. Top Official, trust me I know you're only sharing what you legally can. You're not fooling me." I laugh.

Still laughing, he teases, "Yes! Keep believing that so I won't have to--"

Mid-sentence, he's interrupted by, "Hey, Officer Knobs."

It's Tristan. As my mouth dropped open, Shane jumped up, hugged him, and kissed Tristan on the lips! That kind of greeting assures me they're very close.

"Man! What are you doing here?" Shane asks as he embraces him again, but Tristan's eyes are fixed on me when he says, "Introduce me to your beautiful friend."

"Oh yes, I'm sorry, babe. Tristan, this is the beautiful Jade Warring. And Jade, this is the incomparable Mr. Tristan Black. He saved my life during my time in the Navy!"

"Charmed Ms. Warring."

"Is Monique here?" Shane grins.

Monique? Now Tristan's with Monique? I'm getting sick to my stomach. What kind of twisted lifestyle does this guy lead? Did he think he was running a harem? I'm so offended by him acting as if he doesn't know me, but I'm the game master. If he wants to play this "I don't know you" game, let's play!

"Monique returned to Trinidad," Tristan answers.

"Oh wow, sorry to hear that. Is she coming back?" Shane probes.

Transfixed, I watch Tristan, awaiting his sick reply. He glances my way, then answers, "We'll discuss her later. Enjoy your date, and maybe you, me, and Ms. Warring can go out on my yacht tomorrow evening."

"We'd love to!" Shane answers, gesturing for me to agree. I smirked, and then Shane said, "Great! See you tomorrow!" Tristan pats his back and then walks away.

I refuse to upset Shane because he's on a natural high from seeing Tristan. He's going on and on about how awesome, fantastic, and phenomenal he is! I put on my Oscar-winning performance for him and listened as if interested. While Shane boasts of Tristan, I'm observing how wonderful he looks. Due to the winter months, he's paler than usual but still darker than most. He's grown a little more hair, making him look more office-ready than army-ready. His hands are well-manicured. His clear polish is still shiny. But those eyes made me want to cry when he walked away. Tristan's gorgeous, and those eyes are spellbinding.

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