
Chapter 6

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a soft glow over El Nido's tranquil shores. The rhythmic sound of the waves seemed to mirror the ebb and flow of Maiari's thoughts as she lay in bed, her mind consumed by memories of D'Andre and the intense connection they had shared during the summer.

The kiss they had shared, the stolen moments by the beach, the warmth of his touch—each memory played like a vivid movie in her mind. Despite the passage of time, the memory of him remained a constant presence, a melody that lingered even in the silence of the night.

She sighed, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on her bedsheets. What were they to each other? What did those stolen glances and fleeting touches truly mean? These questions echoed in her thoughts, mingling with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. It was a dance of emotions that she couldn't seem to escape.

Her phone's screen illuminated the room, a notification that broke the stillness of the night. It was a message from an unfamiliar number—Taylor. The name sent a jolt of surprise through her, memories of their encounter vividly returning. She remembered the unexpected meeting at El Nido and the moment Taylor had mentioned D'Andre's name.

"Hi, Maiari. It's Taylor. I hope you're doing well. I wanted to talk to you about D'Andre."

Maiari's heart raced as she read the message, her curiosity piqued. She hadn't expected to hear from Taylor, especially after their brief encounter. What could Taylor possibly want to discuss about D'Andre?

Hesitation danced in her fingers as she typed a response. "Hi, Taylor. I remember you from El Nido. What about D'Andre?"

The reply came swiftly, the words on the screen a mix of emotions that Maiari could almost feel through the screen.

"I know D'Andre visited El Nido. I know where he is, actually."

Maiari's brow furrowed as she read Taylor's message. The mention of D'Andre's visit to El Nido and Taylor's urgency raised a myriad of questions. What could Taylor possibly need to discuss with her? And why did he seem so determined to help her?

It was a decision she couldn't make lightly. The memory of their summer fling and the emotions she still held for D'Andre tugged at her heart. But she couldn't ignore Taylor's plea either, especially when it seemed to hold a sense of urgency.

As the night deepened, Maiari found herself lost in a sea of thoughts, her mind an intricate web of emotions and possibilities. The moon's glow continued to cast its silvery light over the room, a silent witness to the turmoil in her heart.

Hours passed, yet sleep eluded her. The weight of the decisions she had to make pressed heavily on her chest. The enigmatic connection between her and D'Andre, the unexpected arrival of Taylor into the equation—it was a puzzle that seemed to have no clear solution.

In the quiet of the night, Maiari found herself scrolling through the pictures on her phone, her gaze lingering on images of the summer they had shared. A mixture of longing and uncertainty filled her as she traced her fingers over the screen, as though seeking solace from the captured memories.

Outside, the waves continued their eternal dance, their rhythmic sound a backdrop to Maiari's thoughts. It was a night of contemplation, of questions left unanswered, and of emotions that seemed to intertwine like the stars in the sky.

As the first light of dawn painted the horizon with hues of pink and gold, Maiari's heart remained a kaleidoscope of emotions. The upcoming encounter with Taylor and the thoughts of D'Andre's presence lingered, promising a day filled with answers and perhaps even more questions. And as the sun rose, casting its warm light over the world, Maiari's journey of navigating her feelings and the unexpected twists of fate continued, her heart a compass leading her through uncharted waters.

"I've decided," Maiari declared, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and a hint of nervousness as she stood before her friends.

Her friends exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of curiosity and concern. They had gathered around her, each holding her bags and belongings as she prepared to leave El Nido. The decision she was about to share had clearly caught them off guard.

"Are you sure about this, Maiari?" Jasmine asked, her brows furrowing slightly. "Transferring to a university in the city is a big step."

Maiari nodded, her gaze steady as she met the concerned eyes of her friends. "I've thought about it a lot, guys. I love El Nido, and I'll always cherish the memories we've made here. But I also feel like it's time for a change, a new chapter in my life."

Marissa chimed in, her voice gentle. "We'll support whatever decision you make, Maiari. You know that."

Maiari's lips curved into a grateful smile. She was fortunate to have friends who understood and stood by her no matter what. "Thank you, Rissa. And I know you'll be just a text or call away."

Jasmin couldn't help but tease, her tone playful. "But seriously, Mai, leaving us for the city? Are you sure you're ready for all that hustle and bustle?"

Maiari chuckled, shaking her head. "I'll definitely miss the peace and beauty of El Nido. But I'm excited about the new experiences the city has to offer. And who knows, maybe I'll find some of that city hustle and bustle quite invigorating."

As her friends laughed, Maiari felt a sense of warmth in their camaraderie. These were the moments she would treasure, the memories that would keep her grounded as she embarked on a new journey.

Daisy stepped forward, handing Maiari her bag. "Well, if you're really set on this, we're here to help you pack and see you off."

Maiari's heart swelled with gratitude as she accepted her bag. She was overwhelmed by the support and love her friends were showing her. "Thank you, Daisy. I can always count on you guys."

With a shared understanding and a silent promise to always be there for each other, they began the task of packing Maiari's belongings. The room was filled with a mix of laughter, nostalgia, and the bittersweet feeling of parting.

As they carefully folded clothes and tucked away memories, Maiari's mind wandered to the experiences that lay ahead. The city's vibrancy, the new faces she would meet, and the opportunities that awaited her—all of it seemed both thrilling and unknown.

After hours of packing and chatting, they gathered in a circle on the floor, exhaustion and emotions settling in. Maiari looked at her friends, her heart full. "I can't believe this day has come. Leaving El Nido is both exciting and a little scary."

Jasmin rested her head on Marissa's shoulder, a soft smile on her face. "Change always comes with a mix of feelings, Mai. But just remember, no matter where you go, you'll always have a piece of El Nido with you."

Maiari nodded, her gaze drifting to the window where the golden sun was setting over the familiar beach. "You're right. El Nido will always be a part of me. And so will all of you."

Daisy grinned mischievously. "Just make sure to visit us often and bring some of that city glam with you."

Laughter filled the room, the sound a reminder of the bond they shared. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over them, Maiari felt a sense of closure and excitement.

With her bags finally packed and her heart ready for the next chapter, Maiari stood before her friends, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, guys. For everything."

Marissa pulled her into a tight hug, her words sincere. "Go chase your dreams, Mai. We'll be cheering you on from here."

The embrace was followed by Jasmine and Daisy, each expressing their own messages of love and encouragement. In that moment, Maiari felt the weight of their friendship and the unbreakable connection they had formed.

As they walked out of the room together, her friends by her side, Maiari couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and a twinge of sadness. El Nido was a chapter she was leaving behind, but the memories and friendships she had forged would forever be a part of her.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but with her friends by her side and a heart filled with determination, Maiari was ready to face whatever the city had in store for her. And as they walked into the evening, the stars above them twinkling like promises of new beginnings, Maiari knew that no matter where life took her, the bond she shared with her friends and the memories of El Nido would always light her way.

Leaving El Nido behind felt like stepping into a new world for Maiari. The sun had set, casting a gentle glow over the landscape as she sat on the bus, her thoughts a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. The journey to the city was long, but the anticipation in her chest kept her wide awake. She gazed out of the window, watching as the familiar beaches and lush greenery gave way to city lights and towering buildings.

As the bus rolled into the heart of the city, Maiari's eyes widened at the spectacle before her. Neon signs illuminated the streets, and the sounds of traffic and chatter filled the air. It was a stark contrast to the serene beauty of El Nido, but there was an energy and vibrancy that she found captivating.

Stepping off the bus with her bags in tow, Maiari inhaled the city air, a mixture of scents and sounds that was both overwhelming and invigorating. The city buzzed around her as people hurried by, lost in their own worlds. She hailed a taxi and settled into the back seat, watching as the cityscape transformed with each passing block.

Finally, the taxi pulled up in front of a grand entrance, the gates towering above her. "Summerfield University," she read aloud, her heart racing with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

As she stepped out of the taxi and looked up at the arch above the gate, a rush of emotions washed over her. The words seemed to echo in her mind, a reminder of the new chapter she was embarking on. She took a deep breath, her eyes tracing the elegant letters of the university's name.

"Summerfield University," she whispered, her voice carrying a blend of determination and hope. The arch stood as a gateway to endless possibilities, a place where she would grow, learn, and discover new horizons. The city was now her playground, and she was ready to embrace every challenge it had to offer.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Maiari walked through the gates of Summerfield University. The campus was alive with activity, students moving about with textbooks in hand, laughter spilling from groups of friends, and the unmistakable hum of academia in the air. It was a world entirely different from the serene beaches of El Nido, and yet Maiari felt a sense of belonging settle within her.

As she explored the campus, taking in the impressive architecture and the blend of modernity and tradition, Maiari's steps grew lighter. She imagined the lectures she would attend, the friendships she would form, and the experiences that awaited her. There was a sense of excitement that tingled in her veins, a feeling that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

With a small smile, she reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. She snapped a photo of the campus entrance, the arch and the grand gate framing her shot perfectly. She knew that this moment was significant—a marker of the beginning of a new chapter.

Posting the photo on social media, she added a caption that reflected her feelings: "New beginnings at Summerfield University! Excited much! #transferee."

As she tapped the share button, Maiari felt a sense of connection with her friends back in El Nido. Even though they were miles apart, she carried their support and memories with her. The notification dings started to pour in, likes and comments from friends who cheered her on from afar.

With a contented sigh, Maiari slipped her phone back into her bag. The bustling city and the promise of her education surrounded her. She took a step forward, feeling a surge of determination. The arch above the gate, bearing the name "Summerfield University," held not just a name, but the potential for growth, discovery, and the pursuit of her dreams.

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