
Chapter 10

With those words, Catalina turned away, her steps purposeful as she walked away from the confrontation. Behind her, Taylor's laughter echoed, a bitter sound that carried the weight of unspoken truths.

The rivalry between them had reached its zenith, a crescendo of emotions that left scars in its wake. As they stood there, the campus continued its dance of life, oblivious to the storm that had unfolded in its midst. And amid the chaos of their emotions, Catalina walked forward, her heart a fortress that refused to be shaken by the specter of her rival's threats.

Catalina's phone vibrated in her hand, the sudden notification pulling her attention away from the lingering confrontation with Taylor. Her fingers moved swiftly, unlocking the device to reveal a message from D'Andre. The words that stared back at her were like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions.

"Maiari knows about us, I already tell her the truth. I can't lie anymore. I told you not to pos
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