
Chapter 3


IT WAS JUST ANOTHER MUNDANE day, the monotony of routine settling in like an unwelcome guest. I found myself seated in my office, pen in hand, gazing absently through the glass wall. Recalling yesterday's conversation with my manager, a sigh escaped my lips.

"So say something!" I attempted to keep my anger in check, maintaining a cool facade. This wasn't the time for an outburst.

"Pardon me if I couldn't convince Miss Jia to heed your search, sir," my manager stammered, trying to conceal his fear. I sympathized with him, but what had come over me? Ever since encountering that girl, I'd learned to control my temper. "I tried persuading her, but, sir, she exudes an air of haughtiness, and she has her own polished way of turning down offers." Damn that woman! How could she reject such a fantastic opportunity?

"Get out of my office right now!" The command echoed in the room. This was unacceptable; no one in their right mind had ever dared to reject my proposal. I needed to take action. My fingers swiftly grabbed my phone, dialing my cousin's number without a second thought.

"What's up, coz?" My cousin's voice rang out loudly. "You're too early to call; do you need something again?" He knew the drill; my calls were synonymous with urgency.

Ignoring his grumbling, I cut straight to the chase. "I have a favor for you. Find Jia and bring her to me; she's got a role to play in our company, and I won't take no for an answer this time." The intensity in my voice left no room for argument. The game was on.


"What happened, Sis? Why are you so sluggish?" My friend's abrupt question caught me off guard. They must have noticed my lethargy, and perhaps it was time to confide in them; surely, they wouldn't judge me. After all, they're my friends, and we've been through a lot together.

I poured out everything, recounting the unusual encounter with the guy who visited me yesterday.


"This is your chance to settle your debt, Jia," the man, who looked surprisingly close to my age, declared. "Where are you going to get 10 million?" he pressed.

He had a point. Where would I find such a substantial sum? My monthly salary from the factory barely covers my basic needs.

(End of flashback)

"Ohh, that's it—wait, what? You owe money to a famous CEO, Sis? And wait, how did you escape him? You haven't spilled everything yet," my gay friend said with raised eyebrows.

"Exactly, Jia. Luke is well-known in our country. How did you get him to agree? I still can't believe that he just trusted you with 10 million," Claire chimed in, her eyes widening.

"Hmmm, right, I can't believe it either." Surprisingly, my gay friend seemed to be on board with my plan. I, too, was in disbelief, but laying bare every detail of my interaction with Luke was something I couldn't bring myself to do.

Confusion enveloped me as I pondered the mystery surrounding Luke. Why did everyone seem to know him? I yearned to unravel the enigma of the man they all admired. However, on the night of the auction, it was evident that he was not easy to approach. His demeanor was stern, and despite the allure attributed to him, he appeared difficult to engage with. It wasn't just an outward impression; his demeanor genuinely matched his reputation.

As my gay friend and I continued our discussion, curiosity gnawed at me. What secrets hid behind the facade of Luke's public persona? The incongruity between the Luke they admired and the seemingly unapproachable figure I encountered intrigued me. Yet, the intricacies of this mystery remained locked within me, leaving me torn between the desire to uncover the truth and the necessity to keep certain aspects concealed.

ONE evening, as I shift drew to a close, the manager called me into his office. "I'm afraid we'll have to let you go, Jia. Business has slowed and we can't afford all the staff."

My heart sank. Without this job, I didn't know how I'd continue paying off our debts, much less support myself and my father. "Please, is there anything I can do?"

The manager shook his head regretfully. I left feeling numb. How can I tell my father when he just recovered?

One sunny afternoon, the bustling mall hummed with activity as I strolled, trying to drown out the lingering sense of being scrutinized. Unbeknownst to me, a group of bullies had taken notice, their snide remarks cutting through the background noise like a relentless onslaught.

"Look at her, probably can't even afford anything here."

I did my best to ignore their comments, focusing determinedly on my shopping list. The bullies, however, refused to relent, encircling me with their taunts.

Then, like a sudden storm, a confident voice shattered the mockery. "Hey, isn't it amazing how people with too much time on their hands decide to bother others?"

Turning around, my eyes widened as I witnessed a stranger stepping forward, boldly confronting the bullies.

"Mind your own business, blondie," one bully retorted, unimpressed.

With an almost magnetic charm, the girl flashed a disarmingly friendly smile. "Oh, I usually do, but when I see someone being mistreated, I can't help but intervene. Now, why don't you find a more productive way to spend your time?"

The bullies hesitated, momentarily taken aback by her boldness. While grateful for her intervention, I couldn't shake the twinge of insecurity. She, with her confident demeanor and polished appearance, seemed like she belonged to an entirely different world.

Sensing my discomfort, she shifted her attention to me. "Hey there, I'm Amy. Those guys are just a bunch of insecure jerks. You okay?"

Still processing the unexpected rescue, I managed a nod. "Thank you. I didn't expect anyone to step in."

"No problem at all. Bullying is never okay," she reassured.

Her kindness took me by surprise, and I expressed my gratitude. "Thank you, Amy! I appreciate your kindness. I've had a tough day, and your support means a lot."

"Listen, how about we grab a coffee? My treat. I could use some company, and it seems like you could too. I believe everyone deserves a chance to share their story."

Hesitant, my initial insecurity started to fade. A genuine smile from her eased my apprehension. "Sure, I'd like that."

As we found a nearby cafe, Amethyst listened intently to my struggles. She was not just a woman of elegance but also of deep compassion. Sharing my story felt therapeutic, and her encouraging words infused me with newfound strength. The encounter turned into an unexpected friendship, proving that sometimes, the most supportive allies can emerge in the most unlikely places.

ALONE IN THE CAFE, abandoned by Amethyst due to an unexpected shoot, I found myself seeking solace in the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As if the universe had sensed my silent plea, fate took a twist, leading me to a chance encounter that would alter the course of my life. Turning a corner, I collided with a solid form, and as the words "I'm so sorry" escaped my lips, time seemed to freeze.

To my astonishment, it was Luke. "Hi, is everything alright?" His perceptive eyes took in my distress, and I hesitated before pouring out the details of my current predicament. As I finished, a moment of silence hung in the air, broken only by Luke's unexpected proposition. "Come work for me," he said.

I stared, convinced I had misunderstood. "W-work for you?"

A sudden flashback brought me to our initial encounter, and Luke nodded, his gaze unwavering. "At my company, we could use someone with your compassion and work ethic. The pay would be good—enough for you both to be comfortable, and then some. You have no choice but to consider it."

I stood there, utterly speechless. This opportunity, unfolding before me, surpassed the wildest dreams I had dared to entertain—a stable, well-paying job that held the promise of long-term security for both myself and my ailing father. "I... thank you, Luke. Truly, I am forever in your debt."

And with those words, a new chapter began to unfurl. I embraced my responsibilities at Luke's company, flourishing as I contributed wherever needed. Concurrently, the clouds surrounding my father's health began to disperse, a beacon of hope emerging from the shadows.

As I delved into my role, a profound sense of gratitude enveloped me for Luke's generosity. Yet, amid the professional growth and newfound stability, a subtle confusion lingered in the air. Whenever in his presence, my heart would flutter inexplicably, defying any logical explanation.

The first time we met, he exuded grumpiness, but now he seemed to be a different person. His displayed personality was amazing. If I hadn't first encountered him at the auction, I might have developed a strange fondness for him by now.

And as the threads of my life interwove with Luke's, an unspoken question hung in the air—what would this new chapter of my life bring?

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