
A Love Rekindled
A Love Rekindled
Penulis: Yne Deey


In the hushed corridors of a forgotten love, where echoes of a once vibrant connection linger, Jia's lost memories cast a haunting spell. Amidst the ebb and flow of time, where love once bloomed, a poignant tale unfolds. As the tendrils of destiny weave through the fabric of their lives, the silent yearnings of two hearts echo in the distance.

In this prologue, explore the delicate dance of forgotten emotions and the mysterious allure that binds Luke and Jia. Unveil the layers of a love story entwined with sacrifice, as the echoes of their shared past whisper the promise of a second chance at happiness. Little do they realize, the symphony of their love is poised for a poignant encore, and the unraveling of their tale has only just begun.

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