


Kara swore that she was going to kill her friends once she found a way out. She twisted and turned her small wrists in the hopes that her hands would somehow manoeuvre out of the cuffs.

She tried stepping a foot on the pole around which her hands were cuffed, and pulled with all her might. The scene was all on it's own hilarious and undoubtedly a failure seeing as how the high heeled shoes she was currently sporting, were putting her at a major disadvantage. She winced and finally realised that her wrists were paying the price for her so-called attempts at freeing herself.

She sighed, a sigh that was laced with frustration and defeat. Looking around, she saw how isolated the building truly was. Everything was eerily still and the pin drop silence was not exactly comforting, so to speak. She disliked silence. To her, it was like that one moment before a storm.

This is what happens when your friends seem to find humour where there is no room for any, she thought begrudgingly.

She could not believe that moments ago, she had been in her room studying for the next Literature test. She had been safe in the comfort of her purple duvet, with soft and soothing music playing on the radio. She missed her bed, she mused.

A few hours later, here she was. The victim of a stupid game. Or myth as she had always believed. She could not believe that she had fallen right into the trap that had been so beautifully laid out before her path.

It had all started with a little persuasion from her roommate, to go to a party. As always Kara had turned Sarah down. Using the books that were sprawled on her bed as an excuse. One thing had led to another and for the first time since she'd come to Yourne University, she'd given in to Sarah's demands to go out.

She should have known that something was up when Fiona offered to do her hair and makeup. They all knew that Kara was not one to bother with such things and now that she thinks about it, they had been strangely persuasive. They had made her wear an off the shoulder black dress that fit and moulded her curves like second skin.

When she had almost bailed out on them, seeing as how she couldn't recognise herself, they'd dragged her out of the room neither of them taking heed of her complaints.

Little had she known that she was just being used. A victim to their stupid game.

For what it was worth, Kara was glad that the two had cleared the ground. They were not going to be friends for long. Just you wait.

She took in the marble that covered the entire room and wondered how her friends, well make that ex-friends had found this place. The location of the building was something she was also trying to figure out, considering the fact that her captors had put the perfect icing on the cake; blindfolding her.

One thing she did know was that she was far away from campus and this building was in a remote and secluded area, if the gravelly and rocky road on which the car had sped was anything to go by.

She felt like screaming but she would not give them the satisfaction of thinking that they had gotten to her. She would be strong and prove to them all how stupid their game was. After that, she was ending their friendship.

She gulped painfully at the thought. They were the only friends she had, she knew that. Although, how that had come about was a mystery all on its own. Sarah and Fiona were two beautiful, gorgeous girls that made Kara and a whole lot of other girls, question their femininity.

Both with an extensive background of wealth that ran deeper than Kara could ever imagine, they were quite the duo. Sarah had auburn hair whilst Fiona had blonde, almost white hair which they both equally managed to maintain in flawless wavy tresses. And it went beyond that. Their looks were even more ravishing.

Two people who were stark opposites of her, in every aspect of the matter. Kara had frizzy hair that always looked like a bird's nest. Where Sarah and Fiona looked like models, she had curves that she would always try and hide in baggy clothes. Kara was laidback and would rather stay in and read a book whereas the other two were party crackers.

People yearned to be in their social circle. They were quite the golden girls and that sort of made Kara visible to people as well. All along, she had been that kind of person who'd always fit into the background and quite frankly, she was fine with that.

Then came along her friends and she was spared enough spotlight than she appreciated. People started talking to her. The curviest of them all. For someone whose sole wish was to stay off the radar, her friends and curves really were not in sync with her. She hated how her curves were anything but hidden. Her round figure was very much open to the eye, especially right now in that dress that fit her like a second skin.

"Guys, come on!" She cried. "Your game is stupid and I want no part in it. You might as well come out now."

She looked around frantically, hoping to see any of the people who had brought her here against her will. She looked at the only door which secondarily stood between her and her freedom. She stared hard at it, expecting the door to be swung open any minute now.

However, nothing happened. She heard no footsteps coming. She heard nothing at all.

"Fiona?" She called out almost on the edge of panicking. She hated how her voice was coming out croakily.

"Sarah?" She tried. She had not realised that the waterworks had started until she felt the treacherous teardrops on her feet. She angrily wiped away the tears using her shoulder, since her hands were in no position to perform that duty.

She thought back to the conversation she and her 'friends' had had during a past lecture in the Yourne museum and art gallery. The lecturer, whose receding hairline was proof enough that the man had aged a great deal, had been talking about the great history of Yourne University.

From the year it was founded and how it was very prestigious. He had went on to a subject which to Kara, had been downright unbelievable. Apparently, the founder of Yourne had been 'a handsome man whose charm could undo ladies of every calibre'. His words.

He had gone on to talk about how the so-called man was responsible for the heartbreaks of many. She had almost rolled her eyes at that. It was absurd to think that someone could be that enticing and she could not, for the life of her, figure out what that had to do with the lesson.

However, the one thing that was the very reason why she was stuck in that building was something that she deemed to be the mother of all surreality. The man was believed to have been awaiting his bride and so on every friday the 13th of the eleventh month, a girl was tied up in his private home.

If she was found on the next day, it served to prove that she was not the bride. If however...she shook her head. Of course nothing would happen to her. Besides, this man would be centuries old and as far as she was concerned no one could live that long.

She was being silly for even thinking about it. Only vampires in the romance books she read, could live that long. This was reality and things like that were just made up. Theories that somehow got pinned down from generation to generation, until they were held at some level of respect.

She would not succumb to any myths brought about by mere beliefs. She knew better. Now, she just had to figure out a way to get herself out of the cuffs and find those two girls and whoever else helped them to complete their stupid mission.

She breathed in and out, an attempt at calming her brewing nerves. She needed to maintain a clear state of mind if she was going to get out of there with her wits about her.

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