
Chapter 5: Leaving

Kaitlyn wakes up and looks at the alarm clock on the nightstand.  It is flashing 4:09.  She has managed to have sex four times in one night with a man who is great in bed and good company.  She could get used to this.  Her body was telling her about it though.  She had to pee, but her legs didn't want to work so well. 

Dragging herself out of bed, she had to will herself to move.  After all, her legs were sore from top to bottom and well, she felt like she had just ridden a horse for a week.  Not to mention, her pussy ached deeply.  She didn't know if it ached because he wasn't in her or that he had been in her so many times.   Kaitlyn would definitely have to tell one of her friends about this night for sure.

After she made it back to bed she curled up on her side and he turned over and snuggled up next to her.  The smile on her face just couldn't get any bigger unless he got down on one knee right now and asked her to marry him.  She knew that would never happen, so she was very content with what this was. 

Going back to sleep, she dreams of sex and many other things before finally waking up at 10 a.m.  The problem with this, is that Jon was no where to be seen.  His pillow had an indentation where he had been laying, but when she sits up all his things are gone. 

Standing up, she glances around the room and stretches.  Shrugging her shoulders, she says, “What the fuck.” And then moves to the kitchen bare naked. 

After searching the rest of the house, she realizes that he must have left for work and writes it off.  “Oh well, at least I had a great night.”  She mutters to herself and then grabs some cereal for breakfast.

As she sits down at the counter and eats, she wonders what to do today.  “Hm.  I must find someone to travel with.  If I had more friends, I could take one of my girlfriends, but I don’t.  So, decisions, decisions.”  After coming up with not a single one.  She finally decides to just go herself.

“Perhaps, I will find a handsome man abroad to continue my travels with.  Who knows?  Maybe he will be the one?”  She says before she laughs.

Grabbing a shower and then getting dressed, she sets up the trip with a travel agent and then packs her bags.  “This is it!”  She states before closing the door behind her and heading to the airport.  When she steps to the curb to grab a taxi, she almost gets hit before a young gentleman hails a taxi for her. 

He turns to her and smiles before saying, “You’re welcome.” And then he walks off. 

“Now that is exactly the kind of man that I want.  Someone who is courteous and knows how to treat a woman, but with a hint of mysteriousness.”  She whispers.  After she rides to the airport, the driver grabs her bags and puts them on the curb before leaving. 

Finding the right terminal, she checks in and leaves her bags there.  Wandering around, she scans the room because she has about a half an hour before her plane leaves.  Sitting across from the check in, is a woman in her fifties.  She has all white hair, cut short and she is wearing bright pink lipstick.  Her eyes stare at Kaitlyn as she walks by her and then she sighs a little when Kaitlyn stops. 

Looking down at her, she asks, “Do I know you?”

She replies, “Yes, I was a good friend of your mothers years back before she died.  It’s a shame what happened.  It really is.  I take it that you are taking a trip?”

“Yes, my estranged father has died, and I came into some money.  I am going to use some of it so I can see the world before I get too old.”  Kaitlyn says while she stands there glancing back and forth between her and the clock.

Keeping an eye on the time, Kaitlyn says, “Please excuse me, I must run to the ladies’ room before they start seating.  It was nice talking with you.” 

She nods and then Kaitlyn walks to the bathrooms.  Once inside, she finds one of the unoccupied stalls and sit down inside.  Shaking her head, she did not need the memories that came flooding back in when she mentioned her mother. 

“That day will be the worst day of my life, for as long as I live.  The day my mother died.  I remember when the cops knocked on the door and told me that it was a drunk driver who slammed into her and crushed her vehicle.  She was pinned for hours with no one to help in the middle of the woods.”  She thinks to herself and then continues.

“Her car had been pushed off the road and down into a ravine, so no one saw her till a tow truck went by and noticed the tracks veering off the road.  I was 16 at the time and it made my life a living hell because then I had to move from foster home to foster home till, I turned 18 and made a life for myself.  If I would have known that I had a dad and he wasn’t dead, I would have found him.”

Sitting there for a few minutes longer, she glances down at her watch, and she realizes that it is time to board.  Hurrying, she rushes out of the bathroom and to the gate to be seated.  When she arrives, she notices a crowd and waits in line.  Getting to her seat, she sits down after putting her carry on bag above her in the cabinet and then gets situated before buckling in. 

In front of her, a big T.V. starts playing the warnings and cautions before the stewardess tells everyone to be quiet and sit down.  When everyone is settled, the video starts over again, and she watches it as they take off.   

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