
Serenity Rising
Serenity Rising
Penulis: Amy603


Serenity POV

I had lived here my entire life and had rarely been outside of our territory. The few times that I could leave, was with my father, as he went to visit other Alpha’s for democratic visits. It was not that I was unhappy here, the land was beautiful, the seasons changed rapidly, and we had a harmonious lifestyle. Our pack was beautiful, one side, covered in dense forest with deep rivers, the other was a huge cliff. When I was a pup, that was a huge concern for my father, so he placed a small fence there to prevent any stray little monkeys falling as they play during pack events. Other than the overwhelming pressure I had on my shoulders from the time I could understand my position. My father was an Alpha. I was an only child, and female. I had to work harder, fight tougher and be colder than any man to ascend into my role as his heir. It was not that my pack doubted me, they knew who I was, what I was capable of, and how hard I worked. It was my mother.

I love the bones of that woman, but anyone would think she was born without the maternal instinct. She was a fantastic Luna, ironically since they are the mothers of the pack. However, she was not a good mother to me. Little did my father know that my back, and thighs we covered in scars from the beatings she gave me. I have never told him, as I know he will be furious. I am his baby girl. He adores me. He would most likely reject her, and I did not want that for him. He was an amazing man, Alpha, and father. He loves my mother greatly, and I would not be a reason for him to lose his Goddess given mate. As I stroll outside, breathing in the fresh mountain air, in the crisp morning, I close my eyes. I am seventeen today. One more year of training, working, and bettering myself before my mother and father can retire, and I can become Alpha. I know my father is inside, manically planning whatever special birthday breakfast he has planned this year. I smile a little at the thought. I love him so much no mate could ever measure up to the mountain of a man I have built him up to be. I have never been fond of the idea of finding my mate. Will he accept being a Luna? Will he accept what I am without question? Will he end up being a cruel and evil man who hurts our pups behind my back? Oh, who cares. I do not want a mate anyway. I just want peace. 

Suddenly there is a white-hot pain searing across the base of my back. I feel my blood dripping down my back and to my legs. “Ahhh” I wheeze. 

“You fucking weak ass girl. What kind of Alpha-wanna be are you if you did not even hear me coming you freak.” my mother seethes in my ear as I bend at the waist away from the pain. It does not help, but the reflex is there. She places a strong arm across my shoulder, securing me in place in front of her. She glides the knife across my hip bone. Knowing who it is now, I muffle my cry and refuse to make a sound to this woman. “You are a fucking disappointment. I wasted my own blood bring a weak little bitch like you into this world. On this day, you will repay it.” She says with menace in her voice. She slices repeatedly, across my back, shoulders, and hips. Never anywhere noticeable by my father, but always horrifically painful. I realise, suddenly, she has cut me sixteen times. This is the most she has done in one go before. “Happy Birthday Serenity” she says, as she goes to slice me once again. I refuse to let the tears fall. This woman birthed me, how could she do this to me? 

“Ren! Happy B...” My father yells from behind us, making me move to see his face. Blood his covering my back and legs at this point. With my mother behind me, he won't see clearly... or at least... I hope he won't. As I twist to see my father, my mother moves the knife to conceal her actions, as always. Instead, suddenly, I feel all the air leave my lungs at once. I feel pressure in my chest and my eyes widen. I begin to lose feeling all over my body. My legs go out from under me, as I hit the grass in the garden of the packhouse. My home. “Wha.... REN!” Dad yells, but it feels as though his voice is far away. I know I am dying, and that’s OK. The Beta has a son who can be Alpha. I can find my peace. My father will join me one day and I will explain. Explain why I never told him. Explain how much I love him. I feel numb, suddenly all over, and then... I am consumed by darkness.

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