
Just a casual chat

Serenity’s POV

“So, this is a long story, and may take some time, so, let's go sit over there and get comfortable.” Selene said, pointing to my two chairs and coffee table. It was set up for me to have friends over, with a matching sofa in my suit. Unfortunately, due to how my home life is, I never have anyone over. I can barely hold a friendship down. I mean, I am nice to everyone, and wish for true friendships, and everyone in the pack is amazing to me, but when you must hide half your life from everyone, it isn't easy to keep a friendship going. I smile sadly at the little area my father set up when I started high school. We move over, and I get comfortable in the white chair, upholstered with teddy material. They are extremely comfortable, and I often sit here alone to read... or hide. Selene smiles sadly at me, almost as if she knows what I am thinking. 

“I know your life has been so hard my child. I didn’t want that for you, and I wish I could have done something... anything to help you.” she says and lowers her head. I can feel the shame pouring out of her and I furrow my brows in confusion. I reach over to hold her hand, hoping to provide her comfort. 

“I don’t blame my life on you. I had an amazing pack, and an amazing father. I am grateful to you for that.” I smile at her. Yes, my life was hard. Being sliced and beaten by the one woman who should love you unconditionally was a constant heartache, but that was no one's fault. I certainly didn’t hold any resentment or hatred for the Moon Goddess for any of it. If I didn’t have the mother I do, I wouldn’t have the pack and father I do. Sometimes, you must weigh the good with the bad, and I always found, my good always outweighed. 

“You may not feel like you do now after I have finished. But please, remember, let me finish, ok?” Selene asks with a plea in her eyes. 

“I promise. I could never blame you for my life though. If I didn’t have the mother I do, then I would not have been blessed with my father. I will forever be grateful to you for that.” I say and squeeze her hand reassuringly. 

“Ok, well... this all starts before you were born. So, let's get some snacks and drinks shall we.” She says, and there is a knock on the door. “Come in” Selene says with a smile. The door opens, and all the air leaves my lungs in one long whoosh. With two of the wolves that used to prepare meals in the pack house before they died of old age training behind her, my grandmother walks in. She looks younger somehow. Not like... teenage young, but if I hadn't seen photos of her in her thirties, I wouldn’t have recognised the woman standing there. She smiles gracefully at me and opens her arms, as I barrel across the room to her. 

“Grams...” I sob into her shoulder. She strokes my hair and holds be so tightly to her. I instantly feel warm and at home in her arms.  

“I missed you sweetheart. Thank you for taking care of your father for me.” she says as I sob. 

“I missed you everyday grams! I love you so much” I say, trying to regain control of my emotions. “How are you here?” I say, pulling back to look at her face. She wipes my tears away with a smile on her face. 

“It's only for a short time my girl, but I asked if I could have a moment with you before you must decide. I want you to know, your grandfather and I are so very proud of the young woman you are becoming. We are always with you and will always be by your side.” she says, as she rubs her hands over my arms, comforting me. 

“Is Papi here? Did he come with you?” I ask, anxiously awaiting my grandfather's arrival. 

“No darling, Its just me, but he’s always with you. I had to beg the Goddess to let me join you for this moment.” She says smiling. I raise my eyebrow, knowing there wouldn’t be any semblance of ‘begging’ if my grams were involved.

“I wouldn’t call, threatening me with constant destruction in our realm, you ‘begging’ Caroline. But I would have allowed you regardless.” Selene says with an eye roll. I laugh out, as that was exactly my grandmother's style. 

“Yeah well, I had to be sure now didn’t I. I can't just pass this opportunity up! Shes my grandbaby!” She says, exasperated. 

“Yes, I know... I know...” Selene says, clearly in the afterlife, my grandmother was still a handful. 

“How does Papi put up with you grams!” I say laughing. 

“Oh, hush he is blessed with me child. Trust me” she says smiling. 

“I'm aware grams. I miss you so much” I say, throwing myself back into her arms.

“I know baby. I know. We miss you too. More than you can ever understand. I am sorry we had to leave like we did. But know, that our love for you and your father will never die.” She says holding me. I allow myself to just stay in her embrace and feel the comfort of my family. It's been seven long years since my grandmother passed away.  I was ten years old, and they went out of the pack to see another Alpha. I was only ten at the time, and it broke me and my father. I remember him sobbing as he told me that his parents had returned to the Goddess. They had been ambushed on their way home by a team of rogues. No one had expected it, and although my father hunted the rogues down, there was never any motive. The beasts were just looking for any target to rob them. My grandfather and grandmother were not easy targets and went down fighting. I was distraught when they died, but as I have grown older, the pain remained, but with it came pride. I was so proud that my grandparents went all out to try to save one another. In fact, the only reason my grandmother died, was because they killed my grandfather. The pain of her mate dying was too great, and she couldn’t fight back any longer. They were found with more than a dozen rouge bodied scattered around them, lying together next to their car. As their granddaughter, I am proud of their bravery and spirit.

“Serenity, we really should have a talk. We don’t have much time child” Selene says behind me. I pull away from the warmth of my grandmothers embrace and stare at her face, trying to memorise this moment. It is a gift that I will cherish for the rest of my existence. I can't say life, as I am not sure I have one anymore, but I will hold this moment dear for however long I have left. 

“I love you grams.” I say. 

“I love you too my darling girl. No matter what you do, me and your grandfather will always be by your side. We support you, always” she says with a smile. 

“Tell Papi that I love him and miss him very much” I say with a smile.  

“Of course, sweetheart” she says, and turns to leave. I look back at Selene, who has remained in her seat through the entire encounter. She smiles at me as she leans back in the chair with her legs crossed.

“Come, we don’t have much time left.” She says and pats the seat cushion of my chair. I walk over with no hesitation. It's time to listen to what I need to know, so that I can make whatever decisions need to be made. I sit down and grab one of the bottles of water the ladies brought it. They had clearly laid everything out as I was having a moment with grams. There was water, tea, cheeses, crackers, an assortment of fruits, meats and nuts. My mouth salivated at the sight, but I need to focus right now. I lean back in my chair and say “I'm ready” to Selene, with a smile. 

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