

Serenity's POV 

I felt so heavy. Like a weight was pressing down on my entire body. I felt so uncomfortable and just wanted to get away from it. It was not so much pain, as it was pressure. Suddenly, as if falling asleep, I found myself at the packhouse on the Alpha floor. My surroundings were so familiar, and the smells of my family were all around me. It was so comforting. I felt so peaceful. I walked toward my bedroom, as if dragged... or maybe even possessed to do so. I am not entirely sure why I am going there. Its early morning. I have things to be doing! Pup training and helping in the pack hospital. But I keep going, walking down the familiar hallway. 

I glide my hand across the clean white walls that drive my mother crazy. Me and my father love the simple look of our floor. Everything is white, black and steel. All the furniture on our floor matches this theme. It's simple. Classic. It never goes out of style to have a clean feeling home. As a pack, we spend less on maintaining and decorating our packhouse than any other pack, and that is thanks to this simple look. I glance at the familiar portraits and photos of my family. Me and my father, always smiling brightly, and standing close together. My mother always emotionless, standing on the other side of my father with a noticeable gap between them. I rub my fingers over a painted portrait my father commissioned. He is holding me in his arms as a tiny baby, wrapped in a fluffy pink blanket, as he smiles brightly in the centre of the frame. My mother is to his right, arms crossed and emotionless as always. We used to have this hung in the entryway, until another Alpha suggested my mother looked ready to drown me in a river. It had upset my father and he moved the photo. If only he had known how right the Alpha was. Insensitive... yes. But definitely correct. 

With a faint smile, I continue my way to my room. The plush white carpet beneath my bare feet bringing me comfort and familiarity. As I reach out, I notice, my door handle is warm. Odd. But I don’t hesitate and continue into my room. 

The room is unnaturally warm and bright, but it doesn’t bother me. The woman sat elegantly on my bed is the most shocking thing. As I walk in, she smiles brightly at me. Her long, pin straight white hair flows down her back elegantly. Wearing a white blouse, and high waisted black jeans and converse, I am instantly confused. With her white hair and ocean blue eyes, I thought he was the Moon Goddess, but... with what she is wearing, I guess not!

“Your instincts are right dear, as always.” She says, smiling brightly. 

“Excuse me?” I say politely.

“You were doubting your initial instinct that I am the Moon Goddess, am I right?” She asks, with a tilt of her head.

“Well, yeah...” I say and instantly feel like I have been offensive. Lowering my head, I continue "I just mean, the images that the council release of you are always with you in some... Grecian style white dress, wearing sandals and a flower headband... so I figured...” I ramble. Her angelic giggle fills the room as my eyes snap back to hers. She leans back with the force of her laugh.

“Those council images are always an issue when it comes to moments like these.” She says through her giggles. “My child, don’t worry, you have not offended me. In fact, I find it highly complementary that you don’t associate those images with who I really am. You can call me Selene if you like.” She says standing, to walk towards me. She reaches out and encloses my hand in hers. She is so warm; it's comforting every inch of soul. “But yes, I am who your kind call, The Moon Goddess.” she says. She leads me to sit beside her on my white four-poster bed, with my plush fluffy white bedding. I love this bedding, it's like sleeping on a Polar Bear. 

“Erm... if you are here with me... I guess that means I am dead right?” I ask her. Tears well in my eyes at the thought of being dead, but then, I don’t know if it is grief at leaving my father behind, or the relief of being free of my mother that instigate the emotions.  I sigh and place my face in my hands, unable to understand if I should be sad or just disappointed. 

“Technically, right now, you are not dead. Your poor father has put the fear of me into those doctors in your pack” She laughs out. I look to her, considering what she has said. “You are still alive, and from what I can see, they are all fighting for you sweetheart. But you my girl, have some choices to make, and I have some explaining to do.” She says with a smile. Her smile looks genuine, but I can feel the guilt washing though her. Her eyes betray her. I don’t mention it, just sit but, give her a reassuring smile and take a deep breath.

“Ok. What decision do I need to make?” I ask, ready to do whatever needs to be done. The Alpha in me roaring to life, preparing to take on whatever challenges are set in front of me. Selene smiles at me, the kind of proud smile I have seen on my father's face countless times and have only dreamed of seeing on my mothers. How I wish she would just love me as a mother should love her pup. I never understood what I did wrong. I always tried my best to make her and my father proud of me. I often wondered if it was because I was born female. Most Alpha mates wish for males to provide an heir. My father always told me that it never mattered if I was born male or female, I was his heir, and would run the pack. Even if they had gone on to have a hundred other pups, it would still all be on my shoulders he would tell me. I was so proud to have a father like him. I am not sure he ever knew just how grateful I was to him. Now I am sitting here with the Goddess, potentially unable to ever tell him. The thought makes my heart ache. 

“I know you want to know everything in an instant sweetheart, but one thing at a time ok” she said with a sad smile. “I think, maybe for now, we just focus on me telling you some things which have been omitted from your history.” She sits back, removing her hands from mine and looking down with a loud sigh. 

“Is everything ok? Have I done something to upset you?” I ask, suddenly worried about her withdrawal from me. 

“No, no sweetheart, never. This is a long story, and it's kind of emotional for me. I am sorry. Just promise me, you will not get upset, and will let me explain everything to you, ok?” She asks. I almost laugh. I am in some sort of heaven, or limbo or something. It's not like I can run from her. Shes the Moon Goddess, of course I am going to listen to her. 

“I promise” I say with a smile. 

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