All Chapters of The Four Sides of Desire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Answers
Eleonore’s POVMy phone was buzzing in my pocket, I had a killer headache, my eyes were crusty, and I decided that I would not be having another brownie for the duration of my college life, no matter what was in them.The ceiling was unfamiliar, the throw blanket on top of me was wooly, foreign. I’d admit that for a moment, with how crappy I was feeling, I thought I was in a hospital wait room and had just woken up after passing out.But no, it could never be that simple. After the fog of sleep left me and I was more awake I realized I was in one of the campus apartments, splayed out on a couch and all alone. All my clothes were in place, my phone hadn’t been stolen, and I was… okay.It took me a moment to remember what happened and afterwards, I couldn’t help but blush. Mr. Werewolf’s brother had saved me apparently, and on top of that, he apologized.I was so relieved that whatever was between us was over and that I no longer had to worry about it in the back of my head.
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Chapter 12 : Waiting… Waiting…
Gael’s POVEllie was avoiding me. Not that I blamed her after what happened, but it still hurt. To make matters worse, Charlie, who didn’t have the full story, was blaming me for Ellie’s new mood since I was with her last and was supposed to keep her safe and happy.Only one of those things got accomplished and, unfortunately, I doubted she felt very safe around us, let alone me.When we woke up that morning and came out of the room it was as if everything made sense, as if some barrier or door had loosened or opened and she was just there in high definition, crystal clarity, whatever poetic crap Missael would probably recount it as.It wasn’t that moment of meeting gazes or brushing hands accompanied by fireworks and whatnot, but the end result was the same. It was small moments building up, wanting and hoping as each little thing you saw was so charming, so honey-sweet and then it just hit you out of nowhere.Oh. They’re not just lovely and wonderful and so many other th
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Chapter 13 : Eyes… Red Eyes
Eleonore’s POVSomething was missing as I attended classes and worked on projects, going through the motions of university, just devoid of company, and I didn’t realize how big a gap it would cause in my life until the company was gone.Until they were gone. For different reasons, yet it all boiled down to one thing. Broken trust.Charlie was supposed to stay by my side that night but got sucked into a conversation after talking to the host of the party.A flurry of apologetic texts explained that she’d been cornered by one of the guys on the football team on the second floor, someone who was in her baby bio class but was failing said class and desperately needed help. However, he wouldn’t let Charlie leave for anything as he worked out a deal with her. A deal that overtook her attention when the dude could get her tickets to her favorite underground indie band.It spiraled from there and then by the time Gael came to get her or at least tell her he was taking me home;
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Chapter 14 : For Just a Taste
Valerian’s POVMy future partner was hilarious. That’s all I could think of at the sight of her.I meant that in the best way though. Humans were so young sometimes, they just didn’t understand how they appeared, thinking they were mature and wizened compared to other humans.They didn’t know that there was something else to compare to and in turn, oftentimes it felt like they were wearing too big shoes and wouldn’t be able to compare.Eleonore Everwood seemed to have the opposite of that problem. Rather than ill-fitting, the shoes were the right size, she knew exactly what she was, how she appeared to the rest of the world, and the conformity I usually saw in the race was lost on her.Not from a lack of care or even her father’s influence to keep her malleable and under his thumb, she was just well aware of how powerless she was and didn’t try to act like she wasn’t and was just living to the best of her abilities.Humans were funny like that, and for her, who had no ID
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Chapter 15 : Tell Me The Truth
Missael's POVVampires.Fucking vampires. I wasn’t usually one for swearing but, taking a page from Gael’s book felt right in this instance.Could our mate not catch a fucking break? With us it was one thing, we weren’t threats to her, even if she couldn’t believe that, but almost becoming vampire prey? It was absolutely unfair and I was starting to worry that Eleonore might’ve been cursed when she was a child to have such poor luck.I could bring those worries up to Gabriel later though, right now I needed to get her back to campus where there was some relative safety in being among so many people.The book club was understanding when I explained that I was going to slip out to take Eleonore back to her dorm before coming back to help drive everyone back. The simple truth of someone having approached her and leaving her upset was enough to have them practically shooing us out for safer, more comforting halls.Then I was driving back, Eleonore in the passenger seat lo
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Chapter 16 : No Promises
Gabriel’s POVMy brothers were trying to kill me with stress. Before our cousin could assassinate me in a jealous rage. Before a rival pack could take me out, or even before I died of an ulcer, my brothers would do it, making me worry to death.Assholes.First Gael wouldn’t answer his phone during the party, now Missael was pulling the exact same crap. He at least sent me an automated text telling me that he was driving and would talk later, so there was that. But really, it shouldn’t take this long to drive the book club anywhere.They couldn’t be fine with the campus coffee house, no, they needed to go all the way to that little diner, which was admittedly good. Gael had dragged us there from time to time for after-party food but still.“You’re pacing again,” Gael called, sprawled out on the couch and on his phone. He was still up and hadn’t attended any parties that I knew were going on, meaning he was worried too.After he had texted us about Eleonore joining the boo
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Chapter 17 : I’ll Be There
Eleonore’s POVMy father had forced me into rather tense and awkward situations before. Dinners, dances, charity functions and high-class parties to schmooze with the other powerful and rich, and having your children attend was usually a good look if they were behaved, which Thomas and I had to be.They weren’t fun, but we dealt with it.This situation was a bit different from a fancy dinner, but it felt just as awkward. I had texted Gael who handed off his brothers’ phone numbers while apologizing once more. It was his older brother, Gabriel who asked to meet with me first.I thought it’d be Gael who wanted to see me first, but Missael told me Gael was in trouble because he was supposed to give me space and… yes. That was fair, honestly. I hadn’t exactly been happy to be bombarded with so many texts after that, but it still felt a bit mean.Since Gabriel asked to meet me, and after everything that happened, I hesitantly agreed as long as it was a public space, which he co
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Chapter 18 : Are We Good?
Eleonore’s POV“El’s, I’m sorry but that sounds like the opposite of a problem,” Charlie told me, and I groaned into my coffee, deciding that I did indeed deserve the morning ice cream cone I had gotten for myself.Screw it being breakfast, I knew explaining to Charlie what had been going on in my life would be an emotional roller coaster.“No no, you’re missing the point.”“I don’t see how three hot dudes wanting to date you could be a problem.”“Because I’ve never dated before and now three people want to? Because they’re all brothers, which’ll cause drama at some point? Because if my father hears about this, I’ll probably be better off dead? The point is I am woefully unprepared to be dealing with this, but ignoring it’s not the answer.”Ignoring the situation left me with anxiety and inevitably I ended up with more questions after I pulled my head out of the sand.Now I was trying to navigate the complicated process of being the fated mate to THREE werewolves while
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Chapter 19 : Negotiations
Missael’s POVWe needed to address the elephant in the room because it was starting to turn into a ticking time bomb and ignoring it was doing nothing for us but adding more fuel and waiting for it to go up.I was waiting for the right time to bring it up with my brothers because, Goddess forbid, if we had to talk about feelings, but this was starting to get to be a bit much.I knew Eleonore wanted to sit down and talk with all of us about this and that the longer we were sort of kind of together, the more it needed to be addressed. But that was a bit hard to do when not everyone was ready for that.Not from lack of trying on my part though, just the two idiots I called brothers were stalling. Eleonore was an incredible woman even if she wasn’t our fated mate, and it was hard to control ourselves. I knew Gael barely did with how touchy he was with her. Hand holding, hugs, and I knew it was killing him that he couldn’t outright kiss her.We were scared to press boundaries,
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Chapter 20 : Growing Closer
Eleonore's POVHaha. I was in trouble.I just hadn’t known how much trouble I was going to be in till now.I took the risk but God—Goddess, I still hadn’t expected… this! Everything!Our first semester was coming to a close. Finals week was on its way as everyone started to study more and feel the pressure.Professor Cross had called me in after my classes because he found something on the topic of multiple mates, and I was excited to learn what he found but I was also… scared to hear it?After the vampire scare with that man Valerian, I’d just been getting to know the Sined brothers and forgot when they met me for the first time. It felt like I was the one losing control!They were… wonderful, and that was starting to hurt.Gabriel was usually silent when we went out, feeling no need to start a conversation, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t caring or loving. It was all in his gestures, the way he walked on the side that was closer to the street like he was protecting you
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