All Chapters of The Secrets of the Bad Boy: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
42 Chapters
Bienvenidos a Westside Institute, una de las escuelas más caras del mundo y famosa por haber formado a monarcas, empresarios y grandes personalidades, donde las cosas son lo que piensas y todo resulta ser lo que parece.El campus de nuestro Instituto se extiende sobre un terreno de 30 hectáreas donde los árboles rodean las casas de huéspedes y los campos deportivos. Las suites son individuales o dobles según su edad y los estudiantes pueden decorarlas a su gusto para trabajar y relajarse mejor.Contamos con biblioteca, amplias aulas, laboratorios científicos, sala de informática, piscina y mucho más. Ah, y también bóvedas donde pasan cosas que… no veo la necesidad de decírtelo.Además, el centro cuenta con un campus de invierno donde los estudiantes viajan entre enero y marzo. La escuela tiene sus propios chalés, lo que permite a estudiantes y profesores vivir y trabajar allí.También disponemos de actividades extraescolares como las deportivas, cuenta con instalaciones para la prácti
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Chapter 1
ROSE SHARMAN"It is so beautiful." I sighed fascinated at Edrien.Edrien Peck, the magician of mysteries, the bad boy from Institute. And the most handsome and strange boy in the institute who bullied."It's so horrendous." Gus, my best friend, mutters reluctantly."If you were gay, you wouldn't find it horrible." I narrowed my eyes, glaring at him."Why do you like a weirdo like that?" I snort."That's exactly why I like it, its rarity. He is unique."Her black hair, fair complexion, grayish green eyes, bushy eyebrows, thin and luscious lips, a slender and worked body fitted in black clothing, a turned-up nose, a not exaggeratedly marked jaw.Really, it was."You have nothing in your favor, he has caught you countless times spying on him, and no, it is not a seduction tactic, when he sees your laptop wallpaper he will sue you for harassment." funny laugh."No, he won't run away from me," I growled, "and shut up, your laugh is horrendous." I crossed my arms."Sure, stalker.""I at lea
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Chapter 2
What do hit men do with a problem, they annihilate it.What am I going to do to get out of this alive? No fucking idea.Will it be too late to pray?"Stop saying nonsense and go check it out." I bellow annoyed."I'd better hire Scooby-doo," Edrien joked, "relax, the noise could have come from anywhere. But for you to be calm, I will check the place.""You better, see you." His shadow moved away and I saw my opportunity to see who it was, and I also had to get out of here. I took a book and ran fast asking my sandals for discipline so as not to have a second slip.Leaving the drama section I sit at the table closest to me, open the book and pretend to read, after a few slow seconds; a boy comes out of the gothic narrative section, I wouldn't look, it would be very suspicious to do so, but when he passed by I knew who he was.Eliecer, his brother.What trouble has he gotten himself into?Not in a problem… He had committed a crime.And Edrien knows it…he was helping him.Who was the vict
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Chapter 3
He takes me the one he brought me.“What talk?” Better to act like you don't know anything.“Don’t pretend, you heard it all.”“Why do you think it was me?”“Easy, you were breathing hard after the marathon you ran from the back of the library to the table. And you also read the book backwards.”Well, Eliécer might have the nerve, but he wasn't stupid.“So what if I heard her.”You already screwed up.Did I ask your opinion, conscience? Not right?“Well, the same thing as Aly could happen to you.”I held my breath, scared, “You would not be able to."““No, if you do me a favor.”I huffed with my arms tied, I had no other option, “What do you want?"“Look for the witness.”““What? Why me?”Another question would be: Why doesn't Eliécer hire an Investigator and prevent me from sticking my nose into his affairs? He couldn't do it why; you don't know it, but; Eliécer was the Governor's son, paying an Investigator who could betray him or divulge the information to the press would cause his
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Chapter 4
Peter was too nosy, but I have a knack for crafting believable lies on my behalf.“Personal reasons” he didn't blink, “very personal, Peter.”“You tell me or I won’t be able to access your account.” she blackmailed her.“You are not involved.”Don't bother anymore.“I'm going to violate your privacy, believe me, I'm already deep into this.”I snorted, “I mistakenly sent a very embarrassing message. I need to delete it before I read it.”“A nude?” he asked, smiling amusedly and raising his eyebrows.I denied until my neck hurt.“No, love letter to the wrong email.”"Gross."“Peter, about yours, okay? Look, if he reads…” I cover my face, “I don't even want to imagine.”"Okay."I knew he was smart.He entered the email, typed countless times, opened and closed operating systems, and after about fifteen minutes we had accessed his account.“You are such a genius!”“Let's go to your Gmail.”Oh no, not that.“I do it,” I snatched the laptop from him, earning his doubtful look, “it's a very
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Chapter 5
My full name is: Rose Bethany. But you can tell me: Rose. The busybody.Since I can remember I have liked to collect secrets, and unfortunately not my own, but those of others. Sooner or later I find out people's secrets; that you know or not. Because? I don't know, they made my life more interesting.“I can't believe that the most amazing girl I could have ever had... is down there, three meters underground,” he said slowly, “What hurts me the most is that I can't say it's over... because there wasn't even anything. Nothing, that's what we were, right?”Were we? If you didn't even know her... or maybe you did?“We could have been everything and you decided to be nothing. Why did you make me believe that you were mine? Why did you rip out my heart when I wasn't even going to give you yours? Was I not enough? Isn't my love enough for you? he rebuked him angrily and tearfully, falling to his knees, devastated by all the damage done.Love? Just the two of them...He screamed, he screamed
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Capítulo 6
“Good morning, guys.” I greeted arriving at the Institute, taking a breath after having exercised my legs by pedaling and my lungs breathing heavily. “Hey, Rose, what's new.” Abby replied, smiling widely. “The usual,” I shrugged, “Hello to you too, Gus.” Gus looked up at me, his attention on his phone, “I love you.” I smiled at his tender and sudden stroke of affection, “That's why I'm taking you to the bakery.” “Only if there will be tomato cookies.” "Count on that." “And let the tiger eat me.” Abby complained. "You can come if you want." “I wish I could, I have three jobs due tomorrow.” “Harsh reality of students.” Gus commented jokingly. “Don't make fun, it'll be better than eating those weird cookies.” She crossed her arms honorably. Unlike Gus, Abby didn't fancy my culinary creation. "You do not know what you're missing." “Well, speaking of lost, I'm leaving, my class started three minutes ago, see you at lunch.” “Wow, Abby.” “Be patient with the Lord. “Stuart.” hi
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Chapter 7
Why haven't I bought a spy suit? She asked me looking at Abby's costume, very cool, all black, only revealing her light blue eyes. Abby's eyes are very pretty.“I'm going to buy one just like it.” she murmured determinedly.“They're on sale at Belle, oh and they have some dresses that…”“Sssh”I hissed, “Let's climb over the wall.”"Good."The dark streets and the cold breeze made me regret having put on shorts, I put my hands in my big sweatshirt looking for warmth. We take slow and careful steps until we are in front of one of the walls on the sides of the Institute. He looked at Abby who was already ready to climb.The brick walls had vertices that horizontally separated the joints of said bricks, perfect for supporting our feet and making it easier for us to climb."It was not that difficult." I whispered and Abby nodded in agreement.After three minutes we were already around the Institute, just on the left side, we visualized as much as the moonlight allows us, the vision was not
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Chapter 8
Of all the things Abby could say to survive them, she chose to say the least appropriate:“She's to blame.” She was scared, she pointed at me, blaming me for being very stupid.I glared at her, angry at her action, “Thank you, you are very supportive.”"Get out of here." The boy murmured from the door frame, he couldn't see his face well. Who was he?“Won't they hurt us or kidnap us?”I lowered my eyelids at the nonsense coming out of Watson's mouth.“Get out of here as soon as possible and save us, please.” one of them begged pleadingly and I opened her eyes looking at him perplexed.“Save them from them?”“Run as fast as you can.” he advised us, sweating with fear.“Did they kill Aly?” Abby asked, approaching him, her pupils flickering with curiosity.The boy nodded, looking down."One of them is. But it is not known who himself.”I nodded, feeling the moisture on my palms.“Let's go, Abby, before they catch us.”Abby looked at me out of the corner of her eye and nodded, heading tow
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Chapter 9
Everything happened very quickly, I saw blood, I heard screams, they even shook me to make me react. But my world came to a standstill when I saw an injured Edrien lying on the ground, complaining to what was holding his injured arm.Richard's plans were not to hurt Edrien, but it was not planned for him to stand between the bullet and his brother to save a life. A heroic act full of bravery on his part, but I don't think he thinks that while writhing on the floor looking at the bleeding on his shoulder.I acted quickly by calling 911, and in response an ambulance soon appeared in front of the Institute, taking out a pale and disoriented Edrien on a stretcher whose wheels marked a red path from the large crimson puddle on the floor. There was too much blood, I raised my eyes to the sky and stopped sniffing, I would vomit if I continued looking at it."I will go to the hospital." I spat at my friends and hurried to the ambulance."You are crazy?" I heard Gus following me, he sounded in
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