All Chapters of The Alpha's Babysitter: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
73 Chapters
A Comforting Night with Mama Hazel
Theo stood outside Mama Hazel's bedroom door, his small hand raised to knock gently. The soft glow of the nightlight illuminated the hallway, casting a warm and comforting light around him. His heart fluttered with a mix of emotions as he longed to be close to Mama Hazel, the one who brought him comfort and love.Knock, knock."Mama Hazel?" Theo's voice was soft and tentative, filled with a longing for the warmth of her presence.The door creaked open, revealing Mama Hazel's gentle smile as she welcomed Theo into her room. "Come in, Theo. What's the matter, my dear?"With a shy smile, Theo padded into the room, his eyes searching Mama Hazel's face for reassurance. "I want to sleep next to you, Mama Hazel. I feel safe and happy when I'm near you."Mama Hazel's heart swelled with love for the precious child who sought comfort in her embrace. She lifted the covers, making room for Theo beside her. "Of course, Theo. You're always welcome to sleep next to me. I'll keep you safe and warm."
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About Theo
In a quaint park filled with the laughter of children playing, Hazel sat on a bench beside her best friend Adeline, a watchful eye on the energetic toddler, Theo, who was gleefully running around the playground.Adeline watched Theo with a fond smile before turning to Hazel, noticing the thoughtful expression on her face. "Hazel, you seem deep in thought. What's on your mind?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.Hazel's gaze remained fixed on Theo, her young charge, as she spoke softly. "It's about Theo. He's growing up so fast, and I can't help but wonder about his future."Adeline nodded, understanding the weight of Hazel's words. "Being a nanny to Theo must be such a rewarding experience. You've watched him take his first steps, say his first words... It's natural to think about what lies ahead for him."Hazel nodded, a mix of pride and concern in her eyes. "I want the best for him, Addie. I want him to have every opportunity to flourish and grow into the amazing person I k
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A new day
As the night grew deeper and the room enveloped in a serene calm, Adeline rose from her seat beside Hazel, her presence a comforting anchor in the quietude."Hazel, I must bid you goodbye for now," Adeline said softly, her gaze filled with warmth and understanding. "Thank you for allowing me to share in this special moment with you and Theo. Your love and dedication are truly inspiring."Hazel stood up, a mixture of gratitude and wistfulness in her eyes as she embraced Adeline, the bond of their friendship strong and unwavering. "Thank you, Addie, for always being there for me, for Theo. Your support means the world to me."Adeline returned the embrace, holding Hazel close for a moment before stepping back, a gentle smile on her lips. "Remember, Hazel, you are never alone in this journey. I'll always be just a phone call away, ready to listen, to support, to share in both the joys and challenges that come your way."With a final nod of understanding and a shared look of mutual respect
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Breakfast with Axel
The soft light of dawn filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the kitchen as Mama Hazel and Theo made their way downstairs to join Axel, Theo's dad, for breakfast. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere in the family home.As they entered the kitchen, Axel turned from the stove, a smile lighting up his face as he saw Mama Hazel and Theo. "Good morning, you two! Breakfast is almost ready," he greeted them, his voice filled with warmth and affection.Mama Hazel settled Theo into his high chair, a playful smile dancing on the young boy's face as he eagerly awaited his morning meal. Axel moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, setting plates of pancakes and fruit on the table, the clatter of dishes mingling with the sounds of morning chatter.As they gathered around the table, Mama Hazel and Axel exchanged smiles, their shared love for Theo evident in the easy camaraderie that flowed between them
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A Father's Inquiry
Axel sat down with Hazel, the dedicated nanny who had been caring for his son, Theo, since he was a baby. With a gentle smile, Axel asked, "Hazel, how is Theo doing? Have you noticed any new improvements or developments in him lately?"Hazel's eyes lit up as she began to share all the little milestones Theo had reached in the past few weeks. From new words to curious questions, she painted a picture of a bright and inquisitive child growing up before their eyes.As Axel listened intently, a sense of pride and joy filled his heart. Seeing Theo thrive under Hazel's care was a gift he cherished every day. Their conversation was not just about Theo's progress; it was a celebration of love, growth, and the bond that connected them all.And in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their shared stories, Axel knew that Theo was not just his son but a beacon of hope and happiness in their lives.Hazel's words painted a vivid picture of Theo's daily adventures and discoveries. Axel couldn't
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Theo is Sick
In the quiet dawn of a new day, the sun's gentle rays filter through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room where 3-year-old Theo sleeps peacefully. Nanny Hazel stirs from her slumber, her senses attuned to the subtle shifts in the morning air. As she approaches Theo's bedside, a wave of concern washes over her as she notices the warmth radiating from his small body.With a tender touch, Hazel places her hand on Theo's forehead, her heart sinking as she confirms the presence of a fever. In that moment, her instincts as a caregiver kick in, propelling her into action to address Theo's sudden illness with care and urgency.As she reaches out to Axel, Theo's father, to apprise him of the situation, Hazel's voice carries a sense of calm professionalism, masking the worry that lingers beneath the surface. "Good morning, Axel. I regret to inform you that Theo is running a fever this morning. I believe it's best to seek medical attention promptly," she informs him, her words laced w
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The rumbling thunder once again hit the sky, giving a strike of light to the darkness of the night along with the loud rain pouring down. The cracking sound roaring angrily in the sky didn’t scare him as he dragged himself into that small alley.His hopeless body fell down on his knees while he’s gritting his teeth so hard. The blood pouring from his wounds were non stop and the insanity he’s been holding back was about to snap. Another thunder once again struck the sky and it reflected those sharp red eyes of his. A pair of hungry crimson eyes full of anger and regrets. He grunted after feeling the throbbing pain from his leg that was shot by a gun earlier.He looked around to make sure that no one was following him anymore. The coldness of the rain slowly crawled all over his bare skin and he hugged himself as he curled. He already forgot how it felt to be in this despair after what he witnessed earlier. The emotions rolling through him wasn’t anger but guilt. A guilt of being a f
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‘BREAKING NEWS: A police officer was found dead in his apartment at street 6A. The police officer was connected to a detective named Neal Oliver. It is said that the detective immediately flew instead of calling for he—’The noisy television got turned off by the man who was sitting on the long couch with his morning coffee. He threw the remote and his expressionless face didn’t change even after hearing the morning news. “A wanted huh,” A smirk escaped his lips. “Interesting,”Footsteps outside of the living room slowly resonated in his ears and when he looked up, Matthew was already in front of his eyes. “So?” The newly arrived man slumped on the sofa across from him. “What’s your plan? You should surrender him to the police. He’s a wanted criminal,” he snorted. Knox chuckled at this, exposing that deep dimple on his right cheek as he caressed his jawline. “What are you saying?” He lifted his gaze towards his assistant. “I picked him up like a puppy. I will decide what to do with
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Neal felt the chills when he felt that voice tickle his ears down to his neck. His breath tightened and he felt nervous. Threatening this man won’t work. He didn’t even flinch when he pointed the loaded gun he secretly took from the drawers earlier. He was planning on jumping down the balcony but he saw these men in black suits roaming around this house. The coldness from the morning suddenly trached his exposed legs, remembering that he is only wearing a boxer and this white polo that isn't even his.He gritted his teeth and tried to yank his hands while stomping his feet. He was cornered and being in this position for too long wasn’t good for him. He can feel that this man was just preparing to eat him alive. Just by looking at his hungry gazes down to his chest was enough to give him chills. Neal let himself bounce on the bed and used his knee to kick the man on his balls. Knox groaned and he rolled to the edge of the bed while Neal successfully escaped his retrains. His eyes qu
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A good day together
In the quaint town of Meadowbrook, where the sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Theo, a bright-eyed 3-year-old, tugged at his father Axel's hand with an infectious enthusiasm. "Papa, Papa, can we go to the supermarket with Mama Hazel?" Theo's voice bubbled with excitement, his tiny hand clutching onto Axel's fingers as if the world held endless wonders waiting to be discovered. Axel, a towering figure with a gentle smile, looked down at his son with a twinkle in his eye. The warmth of Theo's request melted any resistance Axel might have had, and he couldn't help but be swept away by the sheer innocence and joy radiating from his son. Mama Hazel, a graceful presence with a heart as big as the sky, watched the exchange with a soft smile playing on her lips. She knew that a trip to the supermarket with Theo would be nothing short of an adventure, filled with laughter, curiosity, and maybe a few detours down the candy aisle. As they made their way to the supermarket, Th
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