All Chapters of HER REVENGED: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
35 Chapters
CASSANDRA "Cassandra, what did I tell you? Clean my room." Christina, my older sister, screamed. I still have class in an hour, but Christina wants me to leave when I clean her room. I want to complain, but no one will listen to me. It's better to do it, or I'll be sporting bruises later. I don't have a voice in this house. The only thing I need to do is to obey every command my family asks me. I went to Christina's room while she was in the bathroom and cleaned it. I wouldn't say I like it when she is present while I clean her room because she sometimes hits me if she's not satisfied with how I clean her room. After cleaning her room for thirty minutes, I hurried to my room in the servants' quarter and ready myself for school. My family gave me a room to stay in the servants' quarter. I'm not allowed to stay with them because they saw me as their servant and nothing else. I have already accepted this. I'm only thankful that at least they gave me a roof over my head and let me go
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CASSANDRA Cassy, Cassy dear." I sat up, and Mama Amara's worried face greeted me. I noticed I was inside my room. How did I get home? I remember someone grabbed me while I was walking on the street and covered my mouth with a fabric, and I lost consciousness. " Ma, how did I get home? Someone grabbed me earlier and covered my lips with a fabric, and I lost consciousness." "A man sent you home. He said he saw what a man high with drugs did to you. He took you from that man, got your address from your school Identification card, and brought you home. " You got me worried. You were so pale when he brought you home. " "I'm sorry, Ma. Do you know the name of the man? I want to thank him for saving me." "He's in a hurry. I wasn't able to get his name. But he looks scary and wealthy man. Like your father's car, he is riding in the latest BMW model." "Whoever he was, I hope to meet him again." "What happened? I thought you had class. Why did the man say he saw you near the abandoned bui
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CASSANDRA I looked at the people in front of me, dumbfounded. Is this mansion and everything inside and outside mine? How did it happen? Do I have other wealthy relatives whom I didn't know? But I had already met all of them, and they were the same as my family. They all looked down at me. "What are you talking about? How did this mansion belong to me?" Are you joking, right? " "We are not joking, Miss Cassandra. Our boss witnessed your suffering, and he wanted to help you. He wants you to experience a better life. And if you want revenge, he will support you." "Why would he do that? " "I don't know Miss Cassandra. Please feel free to ask once you meet him one of these days. But for now, Harold will help you and your Mother to settle down." "Ma, do you believe them? They might be trapping us to gain our trust. We don't know what they are planning for doing this is." I whispered. "We have no other choice, dear. We can't escape from them even if we want to. All we can do is foll
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CASSANDRA "Don't overthink about how I've known you. For now, I do not want you to worry about anything. The people in the mansion will serve you like a Princess, and no one will ever hurt you again, even your family. "That guy Jaxon will regret hurting you as well as Kris. Focused all your attention on your studies and enjoy your life, and I'll do the rest. I will protect you, Cassy, and everyone who wants to hurt you. " My tears rolled down my face, hearing his comforting voice. It was the first time someone assured me they would protect me, and it struck my heart. Even Jaxon, whom I've been dating for more than five months, never promised to protect me from my brother and sister's hurtful words while we were at school. Yes, he said sweet words, like how much he loves me, but now that I think about it, I realize it doesn't sound sincere compared to Alexander's assuring words. Perhaps I was so in love with Jaxon that I didn't see and feel that everything he showed and told
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CASSANDRA When I woke up the following morning, I found my things from Revira's residence already in my room. I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep in this room for my first night here, but I was wrong. I had a good sleep. It was my best sleep since I was seven years old. I stood up, fixed my bed, and went into the bathroom. I took a bath and fixed my clothes inside my closet. My clothes look like rags compared to the branded clothes that Alexnder bought for me, but I'm uncomfortable wearing those kinds of clothes. I dressed in my old clothes and carried my school bag downstairs. "Good morning, Miss Cassandra. Your breakfast is ready. " "Good morning, Harold. Where's my mother? " "She insisted on helping with the household chores. " "Just let her be. She isn't used to not doing anything. By the way, thank you for bringing my things here. " "You are welcome, Miss Cassandra. Billy and Jack got it from Revira's residence last night. Come and eat your breakfast. Billy an
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CASSANDRA I went to my room, took a quick bath, and returned downstairs. "Come here, Dear. " "Ma, I'm okay. This bruise is nothing compared to the previous bruises I got." I sat beside her on the couch, and she held my hand. "Did Harold and the others treat you well while I'm away? They didn't bully you? " "They are good to me. They are kind people, dear. " "That's good. Don't worry. One day, I'll ensure my family will regret abandoning me." "Okay, let me see your knees. It might be infected if you ignore it, even if it is only a minor wound. " I smiled and showed her my knees. She cleaned it with alcohol while blowing to my cut to lessen the sting. I promised you, Ma, I would give you a better life after I graduated. I thought and touched her head. She looked at me smiling, and I smiled in return. "Miss Cassandra, do you want to meet everyone working in the mansion?" Harold asked after Mom tended my wounded knees. "Okay. " " I'll call them. " Harold left us and return
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CASSANDRA My eyes are brimmed with tears again. Even though how hard I try to hold it back, it's still streamed down my face. I feel so overwhelmed by everything they did to me, especially Alex. I don't know him, but it seems like he knows me very well. "I'm here more than twenty hours only, but what he did, it seems like I've been here for a long time. All of you make me feel like I'm important too, that I am wanted, the opposite of what my family makes me feel." "This room?" " Sir Alexander prepared this for you. Your studio so that you can paint without disturbance." "Thank you so much, Harold, and I'm so thankful and happy for Sir Alexander's birthday gift. I don't know how to express how happy and grateful I am for everything he did for me, but one day, if he asked for something for me in return, I would gladly give it to him. " Harold smiled widely. "Don't worry, he will when the right time comes." "Okay!" I agreed, without a doubt, after what he did to me. All the doubt
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CASSANDRA "Maybe when I can't take what they are doing to me, I'll fight back. " "You should defend yourself. Don't wait until you become disabled before you defend yourself." Jack joined in our conversation. "I never fought with someone before. I don't want trouble." "Then try to start today. Don't let anyone hurt you. If you can't handle them, call us. See this muscle?" He flexes his bicep in front of me, earning Jack a playful smack. I giggled when Billy smacked him in return. These scary men are cotton candy inside. "Someone coming out," Jack said, and I saw one of the maids step out of the gate with a hose. "Wait for me here," I told Billy and Jack and went to Jenny. "Jenny!! "Cassandra!!!. Oh my god. What happened? Sir Carlos said you and Aunt Amara run away." "What? I didn't. He used us as a payment for his debt." "What? But that's what he told everyone. Mrs. Revira is furious, as well as the twin." "He lied. Jenny, can you help me get my sketchbook in my room? I do
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CASSANDRA "Ma!!! "Why are you screaming? Did something happen? Did they hurt you?" "No!! I saw James Larson." I shrieked and wrapped my arms around her. "Mama, I saw James Larson. He stood very close to me. He's very handsome and tall blah! Blah! Blah, my mouth is like a gun, firing everything I noticed at James Larson without noticing that everyone in the house is now crowding around me, chuckling. I couldn't help it. It was the first time I saw my childhood crush in person. "Cassy! Cassy Cassy! !!! Mama screamed, stopping my blabbering. That's when I noticed everyone, including Attorney Adrian. I blushed and wanted to melt because of embarrassment. "Are you calm now?" "I'm embarrassed now, Ma?" I murmured and buried my face in her chest. She chuckled and softly patted my head. "So, what did you do when you saw him? Don't tell me you ran to him and hugged him or asked him to take a picture with you?" "No!" I murmured. "Why? It's your chance." Mama gasped. "I'm embarrassed
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ALEXANDER I saw a woman step out of the gate. I knew her. She's Amara, one of the helpers who care for Cassandra. Bryan converses with her for a few moments before he returns to the car. "Sir, that woman is one of the helpers." "I knew her. You carry Cassandra and tell Amara what happened. Don't tell her I'm the one who saved Cassandra but you. "Okay, Sir." I watched him carry Cassandra inside, and he returned after a few minutes. "Did you see Carlos inside? " "No, Sir, and sir, do you know that Miss Cassandra is staying in servant quarters? Amara led me there. She said that's where Miss Cassandra stayed. " I balled my fist and nodded in response. How could Cassandra's parents treat her this way? They abandoned her, opposite to my parents, who gave up their lives to save me. I sometimes thought that Cassandra wasn't Carlos's daughter. "Let's go back to the office." "Okay, sir. " I took a deep breath and dialed my lawyer's number. "Boss. " "Adrian, the papers
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