Lahat ng Kabanata ng Gabriella And Her Dark Mates: Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
60 Kabanata
In the eerie moonlit forest, a woman in a tattered wedding dress raced desperately, the chilling darkness nipping at her skin. Her heart pounded in terror as the gnarled trees loomed over her, their branches coming at her in all directions. Despite her stumbling and tripping over roots and rocks, she pushed herself to keep running, the fear of the unknown shadows propelling her forward toward an uncertain safety. This woman is Gabriella. Unfortunately, a beastly sound reverberated from behind her and she tripped over vines.Her lips trembled as the damp cold seeped into her bones, causing her to shiver uncontrollably. And then the black shadows appeared, looming over her and chanting “For you are a cursed one, the dark ones will come for you!”The chants continued till Gabriella woke up with a terrifying scream.Her chest hyperventilated as beads of sweat trickled down the sides of her face.She bit her lips in anger, squeezing the bedspread as if to rip it into pieces.Then a voice
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Olive saw Gabriella first and she grinned as she continued riding on her sister’s boyfriend and mate.“Don’t be mean Olive, hold on” Kyle said between his moan and pushed Olive to the side.“What have I done to you, Olive?” Her lips trembled with salty tears flowing freely “You’re getting married soon so why?”“What nonsense,” Olive said dismissively.“But you claim to love me, Gabriella? Yet you didn’t tell me about your curse. If you’re not as evil as they say you are, why do you want my death like you’ve done to innocent guys who loved you” Kyle confronted aggressively.“No I promise you are different, you’re the only one that can…”“Oh shut up Gabe! Loving you caused those people’s death and I’m not ready to die. I would rather be with your sweet stepsister than accept you as my mate” he lashed out firmly.Gabriella’s legs failed her at the moment and she fell to the ground in pain, clutching her fragile heart.“We need to get out of here before he rejects us! The pain is horrible
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Wedding Proposal
Gabriella arrived home in the morning looking so exhausted and chaotic. Her lips were dry and chapped, her skin pale from the heavy rain, and her swollen eyes weren’t an exception to her dead look.She pressed down the doorknob with all of her might and entered the house.She was welcomed by a full house staring back at her with contempt.Gabriella sniffles her tears at the sight of Olive.“Father, you won’t believe what happened last—-“ “What a wretched little sl*t you are!” She was cut short by her stepmother.“What? How could you say that to me?” SLAP—-A resounding slap landed on her face and she fell to the cold floor.Olive’s mocking laugh can be heard in the room.Gabriella was beyond shocked when she saw her father standing proud above her with hate in his eyes. He had just slapped her.“When they said you didn’t come home last night, I didn’t believe it but now you come back this morning with excuses?” Her father yelled at her.“Olive ….” She tried again but Olive was quick
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Fatal Encounter
As the sun ray peeked through the window blind and on Gabriella’s face, her face squinted to adjust to the sudden intrusion into her eyes. She finally rises to her feet after bawling her eyes out for hours and falling asleep in the process. She thought to herself that the best way to make her father trust her again and allow her to meet her mother was by agreeing to the marriage. She has made up her mind to die with the rumored wicked old man on the pretext of her curse.Gabriella pulled the door open and stepped outside to meet her family still seated in that position having lunch as if nothing happened.“Hopefully her curse kills her husband and then we can have his wealth” She heard her stepmother say with a smile at the corner of her mouth.Gabriella’s hands clenched into a fist as tears flickered in her big round eyes, threatening to fall.She only moved from that spot when her father’s eyes met with hers.“I will marry Mr.Luther, father” she announced.Grace and her daughter sm
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The Dark Ones
THE EDWARD’s HOUSEHOLDOn getting home, Gabriella was surprised to see expensive cars parked outside her house. She was immediately pulled inside by her stepmother.“Mr.Luther’s men are here, you’re getting married early tomorrow morning,” her father said.“What? That’s fast…” she challenged with her heart pounding heavily against her rib cage.“Drop your bag and prepare to leave in 5 minutes. He has made arrangements for our stay and everything”Gabriella subconsciously nodded her head and turned around to head towards her room and change her dress when she bumped into her stepsister.Olive is carrying a big suitcase and seems to be rushing.“Mind your business and stop staring!” Olive yelled at her.“Oh my dear, hurry so you won’t be late for your flight. Make sure to leave the city tonight to avoid issues” Grace informed her daughter.Only then did it become clear to Gabriella what their plan was. They save their daughter in case Mr.Luther finds out that the bride has been replaced.
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Wedding Impossible
All eyes turned towards these intruders; obvious confusion on their faces; even the mighty Luther was taken aback a little but quickly comported himself.As the men came closer; Luther signaled to his entourage and they immediately stood in between the two parties at a reasonable distance but they couldn’t hold them off for a minute before the men ran through them like water and continued advancing towards the altar.“I am not getting paid enough for this, I’m out.” The priest said in fright as the men got closer now and he could see their faces; he seemed to have recognized them and so, he made a run for it.With all these happening; the Edwards were on their feet, exchanging glances at intervals while realizing that the event unfolding before them was not what they bargained for.Gabriella on the other hand was tired of her life. Every day, trouble seems to find her and when she was starting to believe she was going to meet her end and all will be over, another trouble started. Her
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Once Rejected, Thrice desired
“Cursed!!! Cursed!!! Cursed!!!” The loud monstrous voice echoed the word over and over again which made Gabriella jerked awake; bead of sweat on forming rapidly on her forehead and trickling down to drop from the sides of her face.She almost jumped out of her skin when she looked up and saw three figures standing right above her as if they have been watching her sleep the entire time she was passed out. The figures were the Lycan brothers.“Sit up.” Cyrus said to her in a very cold tone and although she heard him the first time, she was too stunned and scared to move until he barked the order to her the second time; harshly and with a tone of finality, “I said Sit Up!”The trembling young woman sat up with the bedspread covering the lower half of her body. She was still in the gown but she noticed that the zipper has been loosened a little bit; probably to allow her have enough air when she collapsed at the altar.Her heart was skipping beats as she didn’t know what awaited her at t
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Marriage Contract
“So we are back at square one huh?" Luther spat out as he closed the door to the study where his brothers had taken refuge, trying to find yet another solution to their dilemma."It seems so, ugh I was so ready to get rid of this curse but what do we do now? How else do we get involved if not for the actual physical involvement?!" Cyrus spoke from where he was as Koel snickered under his breath."Something funny?!" Cyrus glared at his younger brother who shook his head although amusement was written all over his face,"I'm sure we can all say the word S e x without being a prude. After all, that was what we were going to do with her..... without her permission, I might add.I swear Andrew is doing this on purpose. Does he expect us to fucking woo the girl? I'm not attracted to that thing."He continued."You can't woo her. She is my bride." Luther spoke interrupting them as both Koel and Cyrus turned to look at him."You don't own her, Luther. You should have contacted us before marry
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It wasn't the sun rays that woke Gabriella up the next day but the noise she heard in the room which startled her a bit as she sat upright trying to see if her tormentors had returned but to her surprise, it was the man who she saw the day before, who helped her from being raped."Pardon me, I didn't mean to wake you up. I wanted to drop your breakfast here so you can eat it peacefully. I'm certain you didn't want to run into the brothers, am I right?" Andrew said setting the tray on the table as Gabriella sat upright properly and made sure her dress was presentable before replying,"Yes.....where are the brothers at the moment?" She asked timidly wondering if they were right outside the door as she kept glancing at the open door she locked.It seemed that Andrew had a key to all the rooms in this mansion. And it unnerved her."Koel is on his morning run, Luther is out for business while Cyrus is still in his room. Although they had expressed their wish to see you today at a more conv
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Andrew made his way to the room carrying the newspaper and a tray containing Luther's favorite drink. Luther was seated in his usual position by the window watching the view as Andrew arranged the drink on the table and served him a cup."I will be needing your expertise on something. I'm hoping that you will keep this away from my older brothers?" He said as Andrew glanced at him briefly before he turned his attention to the drink he was pouring."I'm to serve the three of you, sir. I will do my best to not give a straightforward answer to them if confronted. What do you need my help with?" He said. This was as close as he could get to Andrew's promise to keep things silent for now."I need you to dig up things about Gabriella. Things that mattered to her, her likes, dislikes, any competition?!. I need to know what she did from the day she was born till yesterday if that's possible." He said as Andrew paused."I don't think that's what I meant by trying to break the curse, knowing tho
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