
Once Rejected, Thrice desired

“Cursed!!! Cursed!!! Cursed!!!”

The loud monstrous voice echoed the word over and over again which made Gabriella jerked awake; bead of sweat on forming rapidly on her forehead and trickling down to drop from the sides of her face.

She almost jumped out of her skin when she looked up and saw three figures standing right above her as if they have been watching her sleep the entire time she was passed out. The figures were the Lycan brothers.

“Sit up.” Cyrus said to her in a very cold tone and although she heard him the first time, she was too stunned and scared to move until he barked the order to her the second time; harshly and with a tone of finality, “I said Sit Up!”

The trembling young woman sat up with the bedspread covering the lower half of her body. She was still in the gown but she noticed that the zipper has been loosened a little bit; probably to allow her have enough air when she collapsed at the altar.

Her heart was skipping beats as she didn’t know what awaited her at that moment. She was at the mercy of the ruthless Lycan brothers and no one and nothing could save her from whatever they had in store for her.

Koel bent to her eye level, placed a hand on her chin and pulled her head to face him. When their eyes met, she could see the expression on his face. She took a glance at the faces of Cyrus and Luther too and was terrified by the look in their eyes.

Just like a hunting wolf with its eyes set on a prey, determined taste the blood of the animal before him by any means; so was the look in the eyes of the brothers; a burning desperate desire.

For a brief moment that seemed like an eternity to Gabriella, none of the Lycan brothers made any move or sound, and that made her tremble the more.

“This is not looking good for us.” Inker, her inner wolf said in a muffling tone.

What happened next was not what she would have thought of happening and her eyes went as wide as they could. The brothers were proceeding to take off their clothes and she was blinking consecutively to be sure of what she was seeing.

“What…wh…what is going..on?” She managed to force the words out of her throat to no one out of the trio in particular.

“You should just know that this is what we have to do. We do not want to hurt you; do not make this hard than it is already.” Cyrus explained briefly to her but even the answer he gave to her question was not doing the tiniest bit of job to calm her down and she was looking from one brother to the other as they continued taking their clothes off, not giving a hoot about the concerned look on her face or the tears that are now trickling softly down her cheeks.

“They are going to have their way with me? The three of them? This is the worst day of my life!! This is the worst thing that could ever happen to me in my miserable life. Why can’t I just die and get some rest?” Her mind became a housing for thoughts of woes and sorrows.

That was the only power she has; fight back with her thoughts. She was not strong enough to stand up and defend her honor, even if she tried, she would never be able to successfully fend off three Lycans; no werewolf could ever do that.

“I guess the curse has finally caught up with me as it should.” Just as she resigned to fate and was about to give up any ray of hope, a voice came from the room’s entrance.

“What are you boys doing?” The voice enquired.

Everyone’s attention was drawn towards where and whom the voice came from. It was their butler.

“Andrew.” Luther said, “We found the RENA.” He relayed the message with obvious trail of joy in his voice.

The old man walked closer to where the brothers were standing, right beside the bed and they made way for him to pass through and get closer to Gabriella.

He took a close look at the poor girl and nodded his head slightly, taking a deep breath.

“So I see, indeed you have found her. And what is this you all are trying to do?” He asked again.

This time Koel replied, “Lifting the curse as we should. That is what we are supposed to do once we find her, is it not?”

Andrew paused and looked at their faces in awe, looked back to Gabriella who was now all utterly confused by whatever was going on. Even as she appeared to be the main character in whatever was being discussed, she didn’t have the tiniest idea about what was being discussed amongst the four men.

“Did you not read the guidance book on how the process should be?” Andrew posed the question to them all but his eyes were focused on Cyrus, the eldest.

Cyrus, after a pause answered him, “Of course we did and did it not say we have to get involved with her?”

Andrew shakes his head sideways, “Getting involved with her does not mean this that you are about to do. You have misunderstood the whole process.”

The brothers exchanged glances.

Luther then turned to Andrew, “Then how are we supposed to lift the curse?” The trail of joy in his voice was now replaced with a similar tone to anger.

“The curse will be lifted, but not this way; it should be done according to the process in the guidance book.”

Obvious disappointment looks engulfed the brothers’ faces; they thought their problem has been solved but it seems they were wrong and have to exercise restraint to get the perfect way to lift the curse.

With one final look at Gabriella, Andrew shook his head in pity like he was seeing through her soul that she has been through a lot, after that, he left the room.

The brothers picked up their clothes and also left the room; Luther was the last to leave the room and he took a threatening look at Gabriella before slamming the door behind him.

Letting out a huge sigh of relief; Gabriella laid back heavily on the bed with her eyes firmly closed. She was really grateful that the old man had come in at the time he did before the unthinkable happened to her.

“Thank goodness we are out of that.” Inker, her inner wolf said, “But I don’t think they are going to let you off that easy.”

Immediately she heard that in her head, her eyes went open and she realized that she was only saved by the skin of her teeth; no idea what was going to happen to her next…

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