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Chapter 11
SARAH'S POV:"I want a refund.” A customer said with a stern look on his face as he walked up to the desk where I was seated, and placed the package he had bought some hours ago on the surface.“What” I said as I was taken aback by his sudden request, and quickly stood up from my chair to address him. As I looked at him with surprise, I couldn't help but wonder what had gone wrong with his purchase.The customer's voice was laced with anger and frustration as he spoke. "Are you deaf?" he barked at me. "I said I want a refund. I think it went bad," he repeated with a hateful tone. I could sense the tension building up in the air as he grew more agitated by the moment.Trying to remain calm, I picked up the package that he had dropped on the desk and examined it closely to assess its condition. “Well, it's not expired,” I informed him after a thorough inspection, but the man cut me off abruptly, his tone accusatory as if he was blaming me for the unpleasant taste. "If it hasn't expir
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Chapter 12
SARAH'S POV:"Oh, wait a minute." The sober man exclaimed as he continued talking, I was startled by his sudden outburst, but he rushed off to retrieve another item. When he returned, he placed it gently on the desk and I resumed packing. "We'll be out of here soon," he reassured me with a smile. "How much is it?” the man inquired as I was handing the package to him.“Sir your friend had paid.” I informed him as I quickly check my records. “And did you want a receipt?” I asked him in order to ensure accuracy. "No, thank you.” The man politely declined the offer. I acknowledged his response and handed him the package"Yeah, have a nice day." However, before he could finish his sentence, his drunk companion interrupted him by saying, "Hey, get two more bottles." I could see the sober man's expression change as he tried to control his friend's unruly behaviour.As the drunk man stumbled towards the store, cigarette in hand, I quickly intervened and told him; “Gosh, Sir you can't sm
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13JOE’S POV:After monitoring Sarah's movements for some time, I managed to figure out the location of her workplace and the approximate time she usually finishes her work. With this information, I felt it was important to visit her and ensure that everything was going well with her.As I have been interested in her for a while now. I made sure to time my visit so that I could arrive shortly before she closed for the day. It was important for me to ensure that she was doing well and also to express my interest in spending more time with her.Upon arriving at Sarah's workplace, I quickly realized that entering might make her uncomfortable. So, I decided to wait outside until she finished and come outside. I didn't want her to think that I was imposing on her time or making her feel uneasy. After the workplace closed and she came outside and was about to go, I still didn't want to approach her directly, so I followed her discreetly from a distance. My intention was to ensure t
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Chapter 14
SARAH’S POV:As I opened my eyes, my head throbbed with pain. Blinking rapidly, as I tried to make sense of my surroundings, I looked around and realized I was in the moving backseat of a car. Panic set in as I wondered how I got there and who was driving. My heart raced as I looked around for any clues or signs of danger. Suddenly, I noticed that my hands weren't tied up, which gave me a glimmer of hope. But before I could relax, I caught a glimpse of the person driving the car and I instinctively reached out and grabbed the driver's neck."Stop this car! Who are you?" I yelled, my grip on his neck getting tighter. I was determined to get answers and figure out what was going on, even if it meant using force.As the car sped down the winding road, I was lost in thought. Suddenly, a loud voice shattered the silence, "Sarah, it's me, Joe!" I jumped in my seat, startled by the sudden outburst. I looked at him, and as soon as I heard the name, I froze. Something about his tone seemed o
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Chapter 15
MARK'S POV:“Man, I am sorry I heard what happened to your wife, that she had a miscarriage." James, one of my friends, said as he approached me with a sympathetic expression on his face, holding a glass of wine in his hand. We were gathered at a child dedication ceremony organized by one of our mutual friends. As he patted me on my back, he felt a mix of emotions - sadness for the loss of my unborn child."I'm not sure what you're referring to," I replied, trying to feign ignorance of the subject of the conversation because I wasn't quite ready to answer, and I hoped that my evasive response would deflect his attention. "What do you mean?" James pressed, sensing my reluctance to engage. He cut in before I could offer a more detailed explanation."I'm talking about your wife, Sarah," he continued. "The one who had a miscarriage."I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. I knew where this was heading, and I didn't want to go there. "The only wife I have is Jennie," I said, ho
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Chapter 16
SARAH'S POV:"Where is my daughter, Mabel?" I screamed as I turned to the group of maids standing before me, my voice shaking with fear and desperation.My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited for their response, but to my dismay, all of them seemed taken aback by my outburst, their eyes widening in surprise. I couldn't understand why they weren't reacting urgently - all I knew was that I needed to find my little girl as soon as possible."I can't believe what's happening here. I entrusted my daughter to your care and now she's missing. And to make matters worse, the chief maid is unconscious. I'm absolutely furious," I exclaimed, my voice shaking with anger. I gestured towards each person in the room, my eyes blazing with frustration and disbelief. How could they let this happen? I needed answers, and I needed them fast."I can't stand the way you're all looking at me with those pitiful faces," I yelled out in frustration. The room had fallen silent and it seemed like everyone
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Chapter 17
SARAH'S POV:In the wee hours of the morning, both Brenda and I were already awake and outside, scouring the area in an attempt to locate either Mark or his alleged mistress, Jennie. Despite our best efforts, we were unable to find any trace of them. We searched high and low, but to no avail. It was as if they had vanished into thin air.As we were tracking them, we noticed a car approaching us from a distance. As the car came to a halt, I could see Mark in the driver's seat, and Jennie was the first one to step out of the passenger seat. I was filled with anger and frustration as soon as I saw her. Without a second thought, I stood up from where I was sitting and rushed towards her, my fists clenched tightly. I started beating her, and my anger and frustration were evident in every blow. It was a moment of rage that I couldn't control.In a fit of anger and confusion, I let out a piercing scream. My eyes were fixed on the sight before me - Jennie, coming here often as if she had e
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Chapter 18
MARK'S POV:"All your evil plans will come out soon." Brenda warned.Just as she finished speaking, the sound of a siren pierced through the air, indicating the imminent arrival of the police.Brenda averted her gaze from me and strode purposefully towards Sarah, her footsteps echoing against the floor.Paul, who happened to be my cousin and also a member of the police force, was one of the officers who responded at my house. As soon as he arrived, he made a beeline towards me and pulled me aside. It was clear that he wanted to have a private conversation with me, away from the commotion. "Hey Mark, have you heard about what's been going on with your wife, Sarah, lately?" Paul asked me.I let out a sigh and shook my head. "All I know is that I can't find my daughter anywhere," I replied, frustration evident in my voice. I clenched my fists and pointed angrily in Sarah's direction. "That witch is probably behind it all," I added, my anger towards her simmering just below the surface.
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Chapter 19
MARK'S POV:We have just finished our bath. Jennie is getting ready to head to the office, but I have other concerns on my mind. I am worried about my daughter Mabel, who has gone missing. Therefore, I have decided not to join Jennie in the office, as I want to make sure that everything possible is being done to find my daughter. It is my top priority to ensure that Mabel is located and safely returned home.While Jennie was busy getting herself ready, I decided to use the opportunity to approach her and inquire whether she had any information that could potentially help us understand the circumstances surrounding Mabel's sudden disappearance. I was hoping that Jennie might have some insights that could shed light on the situation and possibly provide some clues that could aid our search efforts.As soon as I saw Jennie walk into the room, I couldn't help but feel a rush of affection towards her. With a smile and a warm embrace, I wrapped my arms around her and drew her close. "Hey b
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Chapter 20
SARAH’S POV:"Friend, are you going to continue being like this?" she asked with a gentle tone. Brenda's eyes were filled with concern as she looked at me. Her voice was soft and her facial expression was pitiful, as she sympathized with me. Her words conveyed a sense of worry and care, and I could tell that she was genuinely interested in understanding my situation and offering her support.“If my daughter is found safe and sound, I am going to sign the divorce papers and leave my husband Mark for good. I can't continue to live with a person who has been abusive towards me and our child. It's time to move on and start a new life with my daughter.” I said as I confided in my friend Brenda about my situation. Brenda tried to comfort me by saying, "Please don't beat yourself up. I know how much Mabel means to you, but let's stay positive. I'm confident that Mabel will be found safe and sound. We'll do everything we can to make sure she's healthy and happy when she's returned to you.”
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