
Chapter 15


“Man, I am sorry I heard what happened to your wife, that she had a miscarriage." James, one of my friends, said as he approached me with a sympathetic expression on his face, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

We were gathered at a child dedication ceremony organized by one of our mutual friends.

As he patted me on my back, he felt a mix of emotions - sadness for the loss of my unborn child.

"I'm not sure what you're referring to," I replied, trying to feign ignorance of the subject of the conversation because I wasn't quite ready to answer, and I hoped that my evasive response would deflect his attention.

"What do you mean?" James pressed, sensing my reluctance to engage. He cut in before I could offer a more detailed explanation.

"I'm talking about your wife, Sarah," he continued. "The one who had a miscarriage."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. I knew where this was heading, and I didn't want to go there.

"The only wife I have is Jennie," I said, ho
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