All Chapters of Fall in love with my ex's dad : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
102 Chapters
Chapter 61
Her colleagues exchanged curious glances as she left, their puzzled expressions echoing the mystery of Ava's shifting emotions.Stepping out into the evening, Ava couldn't shake off the lingering sense of missing him. The streets outside mirrored the quiet disappointment that had settled within her, the cityscape passing by in a blur as she made her way home.As she entered her apartment, a sigh escaped her lips. The echo of their shared moments lingered in the silence, and Ava couldn't help but wish for the comfort of Bryan's presence. The prospect of reuniting with him became a beacon of hope for the next day, a promise that cast a subtle glow on the shadows of her disappointment.As the evening wore on, Ava found herself checking her phone countless times, each glance carrying a flicker of hope for a message from Bryan. However, the screen remained disappointingly void of any notifications. A deep sigh escaped her, the weight of her unmet expectations settling heavily on her should
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Chapter 62
As the evening unfolded, Ava's phone rang, and Bryan's name flashed on the screen. A glance at Bella revealed a mischievous wink, prompting a blush to rise on Ava's cheeks. She excused herself with a shy smile, retreating to her room before answering the call." Hi, baby, " Bryan's deep voice resonated through the phone, and Ava couldn't help but blush at the endearment." Hi, " she replied softly, her voice carrying the lingering traces of embarrassment and delight.Bryan chuckled on the other end, the sound warm and comforting. " How was your day? " he asked, his genuine interest evident in his tone." It wasn't fine. " She answered coldly." Why? " He asked and Ava could imagine the little frown on his handsome face." Why? Because I didn't see you, of course " She answered with a pout, even though she knew Bryan couldn't see her. Bryan's voice carried an apologetic undertone as he explained the reason for his absence earlier that morning. " I had an urgent business matter to atte
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Chapter 63
In the quiet hours of the night, Ava grappled with the elusive nature of love. She contemplated the vulnerability that accompanied such a profound emotion, the fear of opening her heart to a sentiment that could reshape the very fabric of her existence.As dawn approached, Ava found herself no closer to a definitive answer. Love, she realized, wasn't a destination but a journey—a journey filled with uncertainties, self-discovery, and the willingness to navigate the depths of one's emotions.With a sigh, Ava resigned herself to the realization that the journey of understanding love, both for Bryan and herself, would unfold at its own pace. The echoes of Bella's question lingered, but in the quiet acceptance of the unknown, Ava found a certain peace that allowed her to welcome the dawn with a heart open to the complexities of love yet to be fully explored. *********************The next day, Bryan strolled into Ava's office with a casual confidence that turned heads and rais
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Chapter 64
As they got up to leave the restaurant, a sudden collision occurred. A child bumped into Ava with the unbridled energy that only children possess. Bryan, standing nearby with folded arms, couldn't help but await Ava's reaction, anticipating her unique brand of humor.True to form, instead of scolding the little girl, Ava gracefully picked her up and greeted her with a genuine smile. " Hi Princess, how are you? "The little girl, clearly startled by the unexpected encounter, mumbled a quick apology. But Ava, undeterred, continued to engage her with warmth. " You're a princess. You're definitely allowed to do that much, yeah? " she added, her playful tone eliciting a shy smile from the child.Bryan, witnessing Ava's effortless ability to turn an unexpected situation into a lighthearted exchange, couldn't help but chuckle. The child, now more at ease, seemed to appreciate Ava's friendly response, and her initial apology transformed into a shared moment of amusement.Ava, with the child s
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Chapter 65
Bryan took a deep breath and dialed his son's number, preparing himself for the indifferent response he had grown accustomed to. " Hi Dad, " Jayden greeted from the other end, his tone lacking any warmth.Bryan sighed, acknowledging the familiar distance that lingered between them. No matter how hard he tried, bridging the gap with Jayden remained a persistent challenge. " How have you been? " Bryan asked, attempting to inject a pleasant tone into the conversation." Good, good. Is there something you wanna tell me? I'm afraid I'm quite busy, " Jayden replied, his voice devoid of any emotion. The disinterest in his son's response stung, but Bryan masked it with a practiced neutrality.Bryan contemplated how to navigate the conversation, searching for a way to connect with Jayden beyond the surface level. " No specific reason, just checking in. I thought we could catch up, " Bryan suggested, hoping to break through the emotional barriers that seemed to separate them.Jayden's response
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Chapter 66
There, hanging in his closet, was a T-shirt he hadn't seen in a while. It was the one Ava had gifted him on his birthday.A wave of nostalgia washed over Jayden as he reached for the T-shirt, his fingers tracing the fabric. Memories from their time together resurfaced, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The intricate details of their relationship, the laughter, the shared moments, and the warmth of their connection played like a reel in his mind.Jayden couldn't help but reminisce about the love they once shared. He missed every bit of it – the spontaneity, the comfort, the way they understood each other without needing words. A wistful smile lingered on his face as he stood there, lost in the memories of a time when they were lovers.The T-shirt, a tangible reminder of their past, carried with it the weight of sentimental value. Jayden felt a mix of emotions – a longing for the simplicity and familiarity of that relationship, coupled with the recognition that time ha
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Chapter 67
Frowning at the unusual inconvenience, Jayden checked his phone to ensure everything was in order. Despite his attempts, the calls to Bryan's number continued to go unanswered. This unexpected hiccup added a layer of frustration to an already tense situation.Deciding not to waste any more time, Jayden shrugged off the inconvenience and refocused on his work. He made a mental note to visit his father's company at noon, resolving to address the matter in person. The need to secure the deal overshadowed the technological glitch, and Jayden delved back into his tasks with a renewed determination.As the clock ticked away, the looming noon visit to Bryan's company became a beacon of potential resolution. Jayden's mind buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, recognizing that the approaching meeting held the key not only to the business deal but also to the possibility of mending the strained bond with his father. ********************As Jayden became inc
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Chapter 68
He wondered if Bryan had noticed his earlier call or if the demands of work had kept him occupied. The strained relationship between father and son added an additional layer of uncertainty to Jayden's thoughts.Finishing his meal, Jayden made a mental note to wake up early the next morning. Sleep became a welcome escape, a respite from the complexities of the day. Wanting to be well-rested for the challenges ahead, he decided to call it a night, hoping that the early hours would bring clarity and a renewed sense of purpose.With that in mind, Jayden retired to bed, the solitude of his apartment embracing him as he sought a night of restful sleep, preparing for the decisions and actions that awaited him in the coming day. *********************Ava, waking up early with a sense of purpose, found herself preparing for a busy day at work. The upcoming field trip planned by her department added an extra layer of urgency to her morning routine, with unfinished tasks at the o
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Chapter 69
Standing before the mirror, he scrutinized his reflection, a subtle acknowledgment of the significance of this visit. Jayden felt a mix of emotions, from anticipation to a hint of nervousness. The carefully chosen outfit served as a visual statement, an outward manifestation of the resolve to face his father after a prolonged period of distance and estrangement.With the final touches to his appearance, Jayden felt a renewed sense of confidence. The mirror reflected not just his physical image but also the internal transformation, a readiness to confront the complexities of their relationship.With purpose in his steps, Jayden left his place, the anticipation of the impending meeting with his father driving him forward. The echoes of the past lingered, but in this moment, he carried a quiet confidence that marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. ************************Ava and Bryan arrived at the workplace together, the shared ride adding a layer of conn
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Chapter 70
Jayden, having knocked on Bryan's office without receiving a response, decided to open the door and walk in. However, the scene that greeted him left him momentarily stunned. Rooted to the spot, he stood still for a few minutes, grappling with the shock of what he beheld.The atmosphere inside Bryan's office held an unexpected revelation or sight that held Jayden in place, the elements of shock and a merging into a moment of stillness. As he processed the unexpected scene before him, a myriad of thoughts and emotions swirled within, leaving Jayden suspended in a state of revelation. There his father was, kissing a lady right in his office. Jayden didn't see the lady because her back was turned to him. And he cared less anyway. He was just shocked that his father was making out with a lady in his office. There was something about the lady that screamed familiarity though. It was obvious that they didn't hear him knock because they were too engrossed in eating each other's lips. He co
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