All Chapters of Getting Over Him (A Bonus Novella - Arianna's POV): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Chapter – 11
Silence.So comfortable.A gentle breeze ruffled the material of the tent as I tried to sleep. My heart fluttered and did a somersault thinking about being so close to Orlando again. I fell asleep with him twice before, but this confined space felt too intimate.My body stiffened when I felt him move. I hadn’t changed my position, pretending to sleep. A few excruciating seconds later, I felt his hand snaking around my waist and pulling me closer.“Good night, Arianna,” he whispered.A gasp escaped my lips as my belly dipped. He continued to bury his face in my hair, and his sigh of contentment brushed my skin. I should’ve pretended to be asleep and slept like that, but I couldn’t help the grin that lit my face.I turned around in his arms and pressed my cheek against his warm chest, realizing he had removed his shirt before lying down. “What a loser,” I mumbled and snuggled closer.“Huh?” Orlando said hesitantly.“I said she’s a loser,” I repeated and felt his heart racing. That was a
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Chapter – 12
“Hey, Rose, Jeff is looking for you,” Mike said, his free arm slung over my shoulder as he nursed a fancy drink.“Oh, I’ll be right back.”“So, what’s up, Ari?” Mike asked. “Or should I say, sister…”“Mike…”“I’m so happy for you, Ari.” He kissed my forehead. “I know I warned you before, but I see how much Orlando has changed. Hoping for the best for you two.”“Thanks, Mike.”“Don’t thank me yet. Look, I don’t know what future holds, but I can tell he would never hurt you like Brian did. I know that much.”Before I could respond, the music stopped, and I saw Jeff climbing over a table. My eyes widened. Oh, my God! This is it. My phone. I patted down my hidden pockets, finding my phone in a hurry, not wanting to miss this beautiful moment. I’d been waiting for this for what felt like forever.The crowd parted, clearing the path for Rosie as the lights dimmed. Two spotlights illuminated the couple as Jeff laughed nervously. Someone handed him a mic. “Rosalinda…” Jeff breathed. “I’ve bee
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Chapter – 13
A groan left my lips as I rolled over in bed. Morning hunger was gnawing at my insides, reminding me I had eaten nothing last night.When I couldn’t stand it any longer, I got up and went to the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth. I washed my face and pulled my hair into a ponytail before I went downstairs. I was still in last night’s clothes. My attire was presentable, and I didn’t bother to change. The Cortezes had known me since I was a child, and this wasn’t new.“Good morning,” I called to no one in particular and grabbed a piece of bacon from Mike’s plate before taking a seat beside Orlando. Mike filled my plate while I grabbed another bite from his.“What a tramp!”My sleepy eyes snapped to the woman I hadn’t seen before. Did she just call me a tramp? My eyes narrowed to slits as I swallowed the bacon.“You call this thing your girlfriend? What a shame to the Cortez family,” she continued as if I wasn’t present.“And who might you be?” I asked, oblivious to the tension in the
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Chapter – 14
Nine days had passed, and three days since our conversation. A lot had happened, and I was happier than I’d been in a long time. I never knew just a few days was enough to take my mind off certain things. But in truth, I was never over the crush on Orlando. It felt right in every sense. Sometimes, I thanked my fate for bringing Brian into my life. If it wasn’t for the heartbreak, Orlando wouldn’t have felt the need to get closer.Isabel was removed from the property, and everyone was back to normal after that. The wedding date drew closer. While Brian poked his head in my mind once in a while, all I felt now was shame and anger at myself. I was furious for not seeing through his facade. Shameful for trusting him and for allowing him to jerk me around.I had no way of knowing. Even moving in again with my parents was temporary. I was going to move out as soon as I found a job, which I already had with Orlando’s recommendation.A smile broke past my lips at the thought. This morning, he
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Chapter – 15
I lay breathless, my eyes rolled back into my skull as his lips took possession of my mouth again. His fingers were still buried deep in me. Orlando’s thumb applied pressure on my bundle of nerves, making my body jerk. Climbing down from the high, every inch of my apex was still sensitive to his touch.When his lips finally released mine, I opened my eyes to peer into his lust-filled gray ones. That was my best and first orgasm at the hands of a man. A gasp left my mouth when he pulled his fingers out. I looked between us to see my virgin blood coating them, and I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks.“I’m sorry about that,” I muttered, mild embarrassment lacing my voice.Orlando’s smile was unfazed. “This isn’t something I’d be embarrassed about,” he whispered thickly. “This is an honor. Thanks for giving it to me, Arianna.”His words dumbfounded me, and I felt those weird feelings snaking into my heart, taking possession. What is he doing to me? “You’re welcome, I guess.”Orlando pecke
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Chapter – 16
Brian Schultz“Brian…that’s too much carb. You have to be fit for our wedding.”My jaw clenched as I glared at Alana before pulling the bowl closer. “Stop telling me what to eat,” I hissed under my breath as she looked around the table, smiling sweetly.“Others are listening.”“Then you should just shut your mouth and concentrate on your food.” There was only so much a man could take. For the third time today, she made me question my decision to marry her. Maybe I should’ve waited. But it wasn’t like I had a choice.Alana turned her attention to her friends, chatting while I shoveled my favorite chicken casserole into my mouth. It had been a week since I’d had proper food. She tried to control every aspect of my life, which I didn’t appreciate.“Here is your dessert, sir.” The waiter placed the delicious chocolate mousse in front of me.“I think you brought the wrong order. We ordered fruit salad.”“That’s my order.” I cut her off.Her face changed, not that I gave a damn about it. I
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Chapter – 17
The Cortez estate glowed like it was Christmas again. The exterior expanse of the mansion and garden was decorated with lights. Bouquets made of natural flowers decorated every corridor. Unlike the exterior, the decorations inside were minimal. However, the grand interior design compensated for the lack of other items, and the fragrance of the flowers made the environment pleasant.Boxer stayed by my side as I ambled my way through the staff, buzzing with activities. Orlando asked if I could dog-sit for a night, and I agreed. The men were at the guest house celebrating Enrique’s last night as a bachelor. They whisked Enrique away, claiming he shouldn’t see the bride until tomorrow.“Arianna, did you see my daughter?” Chiara’s mom inquired when we bumped into each other.“She’s with the girls.”“Oh, she’s not answering her phone. I’m heading out with her dad. His brother and family are arriving tonight. Please look after her for me, will you? She’s so nervous.” Her face was full of con
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Chapter – 18
The wedding was perfect in every sense. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks when Enrique kissed Chiara. The setting sun cast a golden shadow on the couple, and the photographers utilized the moment to capture the moments that would be remembered forever.Warm lips graced my bare shoulder, and I turned to meet Orlando’s stormy gaze. We moved aside, and I stayed by his side as he greeted the guests, introducing me to them.The function was a blur, and my cheeks ached with all the smiling I’d been doing that evening. We shared our first dance together, and I couldn’t help but admire how delectable he looked in his white suit.“That was such a wonderful moment.” Mike’s mom burst into tears.“It was.” Orlando smiled down at his aunt.“I’m so happy for you both.” She hugged me. “Ari and Rosa are my darlings. Take good care of her, Orlando. I don’t want to see any more tears in her eyes.”Orlando’s face tightened. Mr. Frisby was right on time for the rescue. He pulled his wife away with a w
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Chapter – 19
When I woke up the next morning, Orlando wasn’t in the bed. The clock showed 10:15 a.m. The delicious aroma of crispy bacon, toast, and scrambled eggs wafted to my nostrils. I turned to look at the hearty meal as a smile graced my lips.An orchid with a note rested on top of a glass of water.Arianna,I’m leaving early for work. I’ll call once I’m done here.Orlando.The note was simple. I appreciated his responsibility as warmth coated my insides. After the heart-warming breakfast and a quick shower, I was just pulling on my dress when it came to my mind that we had to leave today. Crap. I didn’t want to leave yet.Remembering I left my slippers in my room last night, I hurried to pack.“I won!”I was greeted by Rosie’s squeal when I opened the door. The entire girls’ group was here, including Chiara. The girls chuckled under their breath as I made my way toward them. They were packing my clothes.“What are you doing here?” I asked Chiara. “I thought you wouldn’t surface for another
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Chapter – 20
“Arianna, wait!”What did he want now? No matter how much I avoided him, he was determined to get me alone. Last night, he knocked at my door until I threatened to scream and wake everyone in the house. My heart used to ache for him. Now, the only emotion I felt for him was disgust.“What the fuck do you want?”His handsome features cringed. “Please…I want to talk.”“I told you there is nothing left to say.”“There is…please, let me explain.” His expression was pained. Though it shouldn’t bother me, it tugged at my heartstrings. “All I’m asking for is a chance to talk. Please…”My fingers reached to massage my temples as I considered his plea. “Okay, and after that, you should stop bugging me.”“I promise.”“We’ll talk tonight.”“The same spot.”“Fine.” I didn’t wait to see the relief flooding his face. My thoughts were on Orlando. His cell phone had been switched off for the past three days, and it had been driving me crazy. I was restless and restrained myself from calling Enrique.
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