All Chapters of SNOW WHITE And The Supernaturals Of SHADOWVALE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Chapter 11 ~Casper~
AT HIS DECLARATION, Chloe's face turned a brilliant shade of red, and Winter's gaze bounced between the two of them like a ping-pong ball, her brows raised in curiosity. “Your gorgeous Chloe, you say?”With a triumphant smirk, Vivaldi proclaimed, “That's right. Chloe is my girlfriend.”The room went dead silent, all eyes bugging out in shock at his audacious claim. The first to recover was Scarlett, her laughter breaking through the tense atmosphere. “Oh, come on!” she exclaimed, disbelief clear in her voice. “That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!”Vivaldi merely quirked an eyebrow, looking thoroughly entertained by their scepticism. “You don't believe me, huh?” he challenged, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth as he crossed his legs casually, leaning back like he didn't have a care in the world.As Scarlett's laughter slowly died down, she took a good, long look at Vivaldi's dead serious expression. “Y-yeah,” she stammered, her voice betraying a hint of doubt, “y
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Chapter 12 ~Casper~
“OH MY GAWD!” Scarlett screams, stumbling back and staring at me like she's just seen a ghost. “Your face!” she exclaims, her voice shaking.Right at that moment, Winter and Chloe show up, looking all confused. “What is it, Scarlett? We heard you scream,” Winter asks, totally clueless about what's going on.“His face!” Scarlett blurts out again, her trembling finger pointing straight at me. Winter and Chloe step closer, examining my face with curious eyes.“There's nothing wrong with his face,” Winter says, shrugging her shoulders. I let out a huge sigh of relief, realizing that my face has gone back to its normal, human appearance.“But it was skeletally pale, his eyes were red, and… and…” Scarlett stammers, trying to find the right words.“You're just freaked out from Chloe's story,” Winter suggests, waving her hand dismissively.At this point, I'm super curious, so I chime in, “What did Chloe say, anyway?”Winter explains, “Chloe says she was viciously attacked on the neck by a rabi
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Chapter 13 ~Casper~
As we make our way to the cafeteria, I can't ignore the whispers of our classmates. With my super hearing, I catch snippets of their conversations.“Oh, are they dating?”“So Scarlett's the lucky girl, huh?”“They look cute together.”“They don't match… I'd be a better fit.”Despite the mixed reactions, I can't deny that there's something comforting about having Scarlett by my side. Scarlett and I grab a table in the bustling cafeteria, and she plops her giant, red lunch box onto the round plastic surface. The thing looks like a cross between a plastic backpack and a mini-fridge, with a zillion pockets and zippers.She unzips the main compartment and starts pulling out all kinds of stuff: disposable spoons, cups, plates, a water bottle, a thermos, a couple of Fanta cans, and containers filled with chicken strips, cooked corn, and a mountain of French fries. I stare in amazement at the feast she's somehow crammed into that lunch box.“What the…!” I exclaim, not even trying to hide my
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Chapter 14 ~Casper~
SO, I'M STANDING IN FRONT OF MY DOOR with this goofy grin plastered on my face, thinking about the awesome time I had with Scarlett and Winter today. I get this weird tingly feeling when I remember the way Scarlett's eyes sparkled, and how soft her hands felt on my cheeks when she called me her hero. I'm just relieved that my little vampire incident at Chloe's place didn't totally screw up our friendship—if anything, it brought us closer together.But then, outta nowhere, I start thinking about Kylian, and his beef with Scarlett. Did she really dump his brother? I wanna know, but I don't wanna pry into her personal life, you know? It's none of my business. That's when I realize I'm still standing there like an idiot, clutching the doorknob and grinning to myself. I shake my head, take a deep breath, and finally open the door.And that's when I hear it—this beautiful, amazing melody that just fills the room. It's the Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem in D minor, and it's like pure bliss
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Chapter 15 ~Vivaldi~
ALRIGHT SNOW WHITE, I’ve got a wickedly wild tale to spin for ya! You ever heard about a vampire and a werewolf becoming best friends? Nah, I’m not pulling your leg! This actually happened between two legendary creatures named Cassius and Dante, living in a world filled with supernatural beings that’d make your head spin!So, let me paint you a picture of these two dudes, okay? First, there's Cassius, a First Blood vampire—the crème de la crème among his kind, the strongest and baddest bloodsucker you could ever stumble upon. Just picture this: piercing eyes and smooth, pale skin that glowed like moonlight, and this palpable aura of power that radiated from him like heat from a fire. Then there's Dante, the Alpha of the Silver Moon Werewolf pack, my pack, with fiery red eyes blazing like hot coals in a dark night. Man, he was a force to be reckoned with! You could practically feel the energy crackling around him, and his commanding presence demanded respect and obedience from everyo
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Chapter 16 ~Vivaldi~
I'M FROZEN, rooted to the spot like a statue, completely unsure of what to do. Part of me is screaming, “Run, you fool! Whatever did this to them might be right behind and might find you next!” So, I start to turn away, ready to hightail it outta there, but something makes me stop. I can't just be a coward, can I? I mean, this is the whole reason I've been training in the first place: to be brave, like my old man.I know I'm not the fearless beta that he is, but how am I ever gonna get there if I don't even try? So, with my heart hammering against my ribs like a wild animal trying to break free, I swallow my fear and take a few tentative steps towards the fallen figure. As I inch closer, my eyes go wide as saucers, and a gasp escapes my lips.It's the alpha—the strong, indestructible alpha—and he's in a real bad way. Blood oozes from multiple dagger wounds all over his body. His usually powerful frame is just crumpled on the ground, like a broken rag doll. The metallic scent of blood f
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Chapter 17 ~Vivaldi~
SO, I TOOK OFF, MAN. Became a wandering kid with no place to call home, putting as much distance between me and my former werewolf pack as I could. But just when I thought I'd escaped one nightmare, another one kicked in. A week after I'd hightailed it outta there—at the ripe old age of 13—the werewolf curse decided to rear its ugly head, way earlier than it was supposed to.My body was like, “Nope, we're doing this werewolf thing now,” and I just about lost my mind with the pain. I'm talking bones snapping, popping, skin stretching, and fur sprouting. The sounds were straight out of a horror film, you know? Like, imagine the worst bone-cracking, flesh-tearing sounds you can think of, and then multiply it by a thousand.In my rabid state I caught a whiff of something totally awesome – the smell of a nearby village. I mean, I was starving, so of course, I followed my nose. Lurking in the shadows like some kind of creepy monster, I watched the villagers going about their daily lives, co
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Chapter 18 ~Vivaldi~
I STUMBLED TOWARD THE NEAREST VILLAGE, and the smell of food hit me like a ton of bricks—bread baking, meat cooking, the works. As I got closer, I saw these kids playing and having a blast. They were laughing and shouting, and it was like a totally different world from the pain and loneliness I'd been dealing with. For a second, I just wanted to be a part of that, you know? Like, to be a normal kid again.So, I got my hands on some bread, and it was all warm and crusty—just what I needed. But then, out of nowhere, this crazy thing happened. One of the kids threw a rock and hit another kid, and the poor thing started crying.The smell of blood just kinda exploded in the air. I mean, it should've grossed me out, but it was actually kinda... sweet? Like, it was this weird, enticing smell that just pulled me in. My heart started pounding, and all I could think about was that blood.I tried to act normal, you know? I went over to the hurt kid, trying to make them feel better. But even as I
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Chapter 19 ~Casper~
THE AIR THICKENED WITH TENSION as Vivaldi's words dropped like a boulder in a still pond, sending ripples through the cave. I took a deep breath, my mind whirling with the kind of frenzy you'd find at a bustling bazaar. My heartbeat stuttered when I heard a name that echoed in the chambers of my heart — Cassius. His name wrapped itself around me, like a warm embrace or a suffocating noose, I couldn't quite tell. The taste of nostalgia filled my mouth, bittersweet and tangy, as I let out a sigh. There's a tale buried deep within me, a tale I never told, not to another living soul. Cassius, he wasn't just my master, oh no. He was my maker, the one who turned me into a creature of blood and moonlight, a vampire of the highest order. But, see, he did it out of love, or maybe fear. He wanted to protect me from others of our kind, from hungry beasts like Vivaldi who craved to bind me with the chains of a blood pact. Cassius, he was desperate, like a cornered wolf. He went to extremes, loc
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Chapter 20
THERE'S THIS GENTLE KNOCKING that cuts through the quiet evening, kind of like a woodpecker tapping away. Chloe's curiosity gets the better of her, and she gets up from her seat, walking towards the door all graceful-like. She wraps her hand around the cool doorknob, and as she opens the door, her eyes go wide with surprise, like she's staring at something out of a storybook.“Oh my gosh, Angel! Is that really you?” she exclaims, her voice all excited with a hint of disbelief. He smiles back at her, all warm and friendly.“Come on in,” she says, her voice bubbling with joy that practically hangs in the air. Angel hesitates, eyes locked on the doorway, looking a little unsure. It's like he's expecting something to stop him from going in. But he takes a deep breath, musters his courage, and steps forward. When nothing happens, a wave of relief washes over him, as refreshing as a cool breeze on a sweltering summer day.They hug, and as they touch, Angel's mouth waters, an instinctive rea
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